Chapter 433 He Regrets It! (2)
"What, what the hell?" Tang Shishi looked at Bai Mo, deliberately showing her dark white teeth, and asked.

Bai Mo's face turned paler again.But she soon recovered.

When the enemy meets, he is naturally jealous.

"Tang Shishi, how does it feel to be wheeled? Did you enjoy it? I didn't expect you to have the face to come back!" Bai Mo looked at Tang Shishi and sneered viciously.

Chen Li once told her that she would find some people to take good care of Tang Shishi, that's why Bai Mo asked this question. She knew that Chen Li didn't like Tang Shishi either.

"Gang-raped?" Tang Shishi sneered, it turned out that she was almost insulted when she was semi-conscious, and it was Bai Mo's instruction!She stood in front of Bai Mo, her eyes were cold, she stared at Bai Mo like an ice arrow, and said forcefully: "I'm afraid Miss Bai will tell me this after experiencing it! But my trip is not in vain. Go, I experienced the feeling of killing people, and I just took it to share with Miss Bai! The bullets come from here—" Tang Shishi said while making a pistol shape with her fingers, aiming at Bai Mo's forehead, "Bang With a loud sound, a hole was pierced! Then blood gushed out all of a sudden, all over the face!"

"Ah! You vicious slut!" Bai Mo was taken aback by Tang Shishi's evil spirit. Although Tang Shishi made a gesture with her fingers just now, she already felt the murderous aura on Tang Shishi's body, which made her Feeling some dizziness from being pointed at between the eyebrows rushed into her brain, she was so frightened that she screamed and fled for the door!
Tang Shishi looked at Bai Mo's back and snorted coldly. Not only did Bai Mo participate in the incident of kidnapping her, but she also wanted someone to gang-rape her, forcing her to die. Sooner or later, she will pay for this debt with interest. Get it back!
Tang Shishi walked out of the bathroom slowly, and found that Bai Mo hurriedly left Yiran Teahouse with her bag, and a middle-aged woman was following behind her. Since she was reciting Tang Shishi, Tang Shishi didn't see her appearance clearly, but she looked She stepped forward to pull Bai Mo, she didn't know what she was talking about, Bai Mo was very impatient, she shook off the woman's hand, got in the car and left.

The woman stood at the door of Yiran Teahouse, staring blankly at Bai Mo leaving for a long time before turning around. Tang Shishi suddenly discovered that the woman turned out to be Bai Xiaolan, a gynecologist from the municipal hospital.

At this moment, Bai Xiaolan looked disappointed. She walked into Yiran Tea House, picked up her bag on the table, and left with a very downcast expression.

Tang Shishi thought about it, Bai Mo and Bai Xiaolan both have the surname Bai, so is there any relationship between these two people?She suddenly recalled that when she was going to the hospital for an examination, Bai Mo once said that she had acquaintances in the hospital who could help.Could it be that the person Bai Mo said she knew was Bai Xiaolan?

But looking at the appearance of the two of them just now, it's clear that they don't have a good relationship!
Just as Tang Shishi was thinking, someone grabbed her arm suddenly. She reflexively fought back, but was avoided. Only then did she realize that the person who pulled her just now was Tang Yuan.

"What are you thinking? I didn't hear you twice!" Tang Yuan complained, fortunately he dodged fast, otherwise Tang Shishi's kick would have kicked his not yet sharp leg.

"It's okay, I was a little distracted, why did you come out? Where's Grandpa Ling?" Tang Shishi looked at Tang Yuan and asked.

"You still have the nerve to say it! I went to the bathroom for a long time. Grandpa Ling was worried that you were kidnapped, so let me take a look!" Tang Yuan didn't know about Tang Shishi's kidnapping, so he took the word "kidnapping" as a joke Speaking the same way, I felt that Mrs. Ling's reaction just now was a bit extreme, but I was very happy to see that he was really worried about Tang Shishi.

"I ran into someone I knew and chatted for a while, let's go back." Tang Shishi said.

Tang Yuan's work was indeed very busy, but after lunch, he answered several calls. Tang Shishi and Mrs. Ling were afraid of delaying his work, so they had a conversation and left.

On the way back, Mrs. Ling was very excited all the time. He told Tang Shishi what Tang Yuan had said to him several times. He was as excited as a child, and Tang Shishi was listening with a smile on his face.

After returning to the compound of the military area, everyone dispersed. Tang Guoduan and his wife bid farewell and left. Ling Yue, Jun Zeyu, Bai Mo and Jun Shaoyang all went out. Jun Nuanxin and Mo Youyou went to the Moonlight Bar. Mr. Jun was left alone at home.As soon as Tang Shishi came back, he was ordered by Mr. Jun to go upstairs to rest.

Tang Shishi returned to the bedroom and found that her mobile phone was put on the bed and sealed with the bag from the Go competition, but the battery of the mobile phone had long since died.Tang Shishi found the charger to charge the phone, and then turned it on.

The notification tone of the text message ding dong ding dong rang many times, and Tang Shishi went through it one by one.The one who sent me the most text messages these days was actually the little friend who mistaken himself for the one who robbed his father, almost every day, and the content was nothing less than that, let yourself, a vixen, stay away from his father, and don't destroy their family .

Tang Shishi Yu died, holding the mobile phone, hesitating whether to call that little friend, and explain this matter well, so that the other party does not misunderstand the person.

Wang Yueshan's call came in at this time, Tang Shishi looked at the caller ID, gratefully accepted it, and threw the matter just out of the blue.

"Tang Shishi, what the hell have you been up to lately? You can't get through the phone!" As soon as the call was connected, Wang Yueshan's classic loud voice roared.

"A little busy." Tang Shishi said vaguely.She didn't want to tell Wang Yueshan that she was kidnapped, so as not to worry Wang Yueshan, anyway, she has returned safely now.

"I thought you were kidnapped by aliens and sent to Mars!" Wang Yueshan complained.

Tang Shishi's mouth showed a smile, Wang Yueshan is really good at talking, but what she said is really reliable!

"The Martians are very enthusiastic, I almost don't want to come back!" Tang Shishi also started talking nonsense with Wang Yueshan.

"Is there any handsome guy? Is the one of them big?" Wang Yueshan asked grimly.

"You really—" Tang Shishi was choked, so she had to change the subject and asked, "How are you doing? Let's go to the Moonlight Bar!" Tang Shishi thought of Jun Nuanxin and Mo Youyou going, and she also I haven't seen Liang Yue and Wang Yueshan for a long time, so I suggested.

"I'm still in City G!" Wang Yueshan said with a little resentment in her tone.

"When did you go? Why did you go again?" Tang Shishi didn't expect Wang Yueshan to go to G City again, her heart sank, thinking that the matter between her and Du Haoze was really going to be irreversible this time.

"I left the day after we met last time. I haven't checked out the hotel here yet. Waste is not my style." Wang Yueshan said with a smile over there.Originally, the last time I went back to City B was to attend Lu Tao's wedding, met Du Haoze, and settled the matter between them by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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