Chapter 434 He Regrets It! (3)
"Yueshan, you and Du Haoze..." Tang Shishi asked tentatively.

"You don't think there is a possibility between me and him, do you? Don't be stupid! Not to mention how muddy the water in Du's house is, even if Du Haoze has such a mother, based on this alone, it is impossible for me to have another relationship with him. What. So, don't mention this matter in front of me again, unless you want me to experience the grievance you suffered from Wang Fengzhen back then." Wang Yueshan put her hand on her stomach, and Touched without a moment, said.

"Then I won't mention it." Tang Shishi immediately stopped when she heard Wang Yueshan say this.

The two chatted for a while and hung up the phone.

"You don't have to look far away."

As soon as Wang Yueshan hung up the phone, someone behind her said.Wang Yueshan turned her head to look at the person who came, and frowned: "Du Haoyang, who allowed you to come in, get out!" Ever since she came to G City, Du Haoyang has also come, wandering around in front of her from time to time, saying some unflattering words, It makes her sick to see this face.

"My one is big, do you want to try it?" Du Haoyang ignored Wang Yueshan's bad temper, and sat on the sofa spontaneously with his legs wide open, looking up at Wang Yueshan who was lazily nestled on the other sofa , and continued: "I heard that after a woman is pregnant, the need for that will be obvious. I don't mind if you let me comfort you."

"I mind! Du Haoyang, are you bored? Are you interested in staring at me all the time?" Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoyang angrily and asked.

"It's been really boring lately, why don't we try?" Du Haoyang didn't care about Wang Yueshan's bad attitude, leaned forward, and asked Wang Yueshan.

"Get lost!" Wang Yueshan became irritable.

"You're in a very bad mood today. It seems that you know the news that Du Haoze is going to get engaged next month, but it's unnecessary for me." Du Haoyang said calmly, but his eyes never left Wang Yueshan's face for a moment.

Wang Yueshan smiled, and there was a bit of enchanting smile on her originally pretty face, which made Du Haoyang's heart flutter.

"Du Haoyang, you brothers really take yourself too seriously. It's really funny. Could it be that this is a common problem of those noble people in your upper class? When did Du Haoze get engaged and who did he get engaged to? Does it have anything to do with me? I Why should I pay attention to such a boring thing? What qualifications does he have to deserve my attention?" Wang Yueshan mocked.

A gloomy look quickly flashed across Du Haoyang's face.

"You go, if you think I will use this piece of meat in my stomach to make a comeback, then see you at the People's Hospital in City G at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and let you see it with your own eyes, so that you don't give up, no matter how haunted you are. Loosely pestering me. Originally, I thought about going through the two-month vacation, but these few days are not too far away. I really feel disgusted when I see you people from the Du family, and I don’t want to abuse myself anymore! After Wang Yueshan finished speaking, she walked to the door barefoot, opened the door, and said to Du Haoyang, "Now can you get out?"

Du Haoyang stared blankly at Wang Yueshan for a while, then walked out with a dark face. Just as Du Haoyang walked out, the door behind him was closed with a bang.

Wang Yueshan leaned against the door, feeling a little weak in her body, she put her hand on her stomach and stroked it slowly, her eyes were gloomy.

In the evening, Wang Yueshan went to the busiest night market in G City, and ate while shopping. She walked the long night market all the way to the end, and her mouth never stopped. When she took a taxi back, her stomach was so full It was uncomfortable, but the child in her stomach was very quiet, not as noisy as before, even if she ate a large box of stinky tofu, she didn't feel nauseous at all.

At night, Wang Yueshan lay alone on the bed, touching her stomach, and shed two lines of tears.Originally, she could completely raise this child independently, but her strength is too small to compete with the Du family. How can a small ant like her shake the elephant?She didn't want this child to follow Du Haoze's old path in the future.

Wang Yueshan didn't know when she fell asleep, nor did she know that after she fell asleep, a man stood by the bed, stared at her sleeping face for a long time, and finally wiped away the remaining tears on her face, And left quietly.

After Tang Shishi tried her best to cope with Ling Rui's suohuan once, she was very tired, but Ling Rui couldn't be dismissed so easily. When he overwhelmed Tang Shishi again, Tang Shishi suddenly remembered the harassment About the text message, I asked out of the blue: "Old rascal, do you have anything to hide from me? For example, about the child?"

When Tang Shishi asked Ling Rui, his body froze suddenly. He glanced at Tang Shishi, and then quickly began to indulge in those monotonous comings and goings.

Tang Shishi suddenly felt very uncomfortable in her heart. She sensitively felt that there was something she couldn't understand flashed in Ling Rui's expression at that moment just now, so she hooked Ling Rui's neck vigorously and asked again: "Mr. Rogue! Say, do you have some kind of illegitimate child outside?"

Ling Rui's face turned dark, and he pushed himself up hard, and said hoarsely: "Concentrate, don't think about it!" It turned out that the little wild cat knew about the miscarriage, Ling Rui felt relieved, and rushed more vigorously.

With this body of Little Wild Cat, when will he be able to conceive another child for him?
Tang Shishi was very dissatisfied with Ling Rui's answer, but when she thought about Ling Rui's usual treatment of her, she felt that it was a bit unreasonable and unreasonable for her to ask any more questions. It seemed as if she had a grudge against her, and she had to wrap her arms and legs tightly around his body, otherwise she would really be knocked out.

Wang Yueshan woke up early in the morning. She usually wears casual makeup without makeup, but today she put on light makeup for an unprecedented time, and wore a slim lotus root pink dress, which gave her a charming and charming temperament.

Looking at herself tidied up in the mirror, Wang Yueshan put her hands on her stomach, raised a smiling face, and said, "Baby, look, in fact, mom is a beauty when she dresses up, so I won't embarrass you, right? "

The baby in the stomach seemed to have heard Wang Yueshan's words, and even moved a bit. Wang Yueshan's body was stiff and unable to move. The eyes of the person in the mirror were wide open, and countless surprises flashed in the eyes, like stars twinkling in the night sky. , but soon, the light of joy dimmed, and countless guilt surged, and finally the guilt was replaced by a dead silence, something fell on the washstand, "Clap! Clap!", the sound became louder and louder. It came more and more urgently, hitting people's hearts with a bang.

The alarm of the mobile phone rang, and Wang Yueshan touched her face indiscriminately as if awakened from a dream. When she raised her eyes again, she found that the originally delicately made-up face in the mirror was a mess. With a sarcastic arc, he turned on the faucet, cleaned his face little by little, and restored his true colors.

(End of this chapter)

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