Chapter 435 He Regrets It! (4)
So be it!This is her!
The lotus root pink dress was partially wet with water, so she couldn't wear it anymore. Wang Yueshan took another dress she usually wore and put it on, then picked up her mobile phone and bag, and went out.

"So you are as impatient as I am!" As soon as she went out, Wang Yueshan saw Du Haoyang outside the door. She hooked the corners of her mouth and said with a sneer.

Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan quietly, his eyes paused for a moment on her slightly red eyes, he quietly clenched his hands in his pockets, and said in a calm voice, "Let's go have breakfast together."

"The last breakfast?" Wang Yueshan continued to sneer, but she didn't refuse: "Let's give you, this uncle who has never masked his face, a chance to show off. You'd better send us to the hospital after breakfast, so it won't cost me money." Going out to take a taxi."

This flamboyant man only came to G city a few times, and he even got a special car, so it's not for nothing.

"Okay." Du Haoyang responded, and took the lead to walk to the restaurant on the first floor.

"Eat whatever you want." After asking for a private room, Du Haoyang pushed the menu to Wang Yueshan and said.

Wang Yueshan was not too polite, took the menu and ordered a bunch of food, almost every breakfast that caught her eye came, this portion is enough for ten people, and the waiter in charge of ordering will eat Surprised.

"Okay, that's all, let's not say enough." Wang Yueshan closed the menu calmly and said.

Not long after, the table was covered with a lot of things, Wang Yueshan only ate a small part, in fact, she ate too much last night, she was not hungry at all in the morning, while Du Haoyang quietly watched her eat , sitting there motionless, did not eat anything.

"Let's go." Wang Yueshan finished eating on her own, picked up her bag and stood up and said.

"Have you really decided?" Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan, hesitated for a moment, and asked.

"Hehe." Wang Yueshan couldn't help laughing, then put her hands on the table, leaned over, looked at Du Haoyang, narrowed her eyes slightly, and said, "Du Haoyang, this is not like you. , have sympathy?"

"How do you look like me?" Du Haoyang looked into Wang Yueshan's eyes and asked.

He really wanted to know what kind of person he was in Wang Yueshan's eyes.

"Ruthless, ruthless, twisted in your heart, you want to get everything about Du Haoze, and after you get it, you will destroy it in front of him! So, don't show such a hesitant and hypocritical expression, you will let me watch, It's disgusting!" Wang Yueshan said mercilessly.

"You——as expected, you are the person who understands me best!" Du Hao stood up with a sullen face, and walked out first.

Wang Yueshan snorted coldly and followed closely. I hope that after today, she will never see anyone in the Du family again!Continue to live your own quiet life!

The car soon arrived at the People's Hospital. Wang Yueshan went to queue for registration. When she turned around, Du Haoyang was nowhere to be seen. She didn't care.For some reason, Wang Yueshan's mood is surprisingly calm now. Looking at the long line in front of her, she feels that her heart is very empty. A little bit of reluctance, after all, I will be alone again soon.

In sharp contrast to Wang Yueshan's calm at this time was Tang Shishi who was far away in City B. She had just sent Ling Rui away when she received a call from Du Haoyang. The content of the call was very simple, but it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. dizzy.

Wang Yueshan had an abortion at the People's Hospital of G City today!

Tang Shishi was in a trance for a moment, and screamed, so frightened that Mr. Jun, who was playing with flowers and plants, accidentally broke a flowerpot.

"Girl Shishi! What's the matter?" Old Master Ling also asked hurriedly.

"Grandpa, I'm going to G City. My friend is going to have an abortion over there. How can she! How can she just kill a life like this!" Tang Shishi hurriedly circled around. Before the two old people could speak, she hurriedly dialed I got Ling Rui's call, and cried as soon as I got through: "Husband, I'm going to G City, you send me there as quickly as possible!"

Ling Rui's car had just left the compound of the military region. When it received a call, it slammed on the brakes and turned back. As soon as it entered the door, there were three people standing in the yard. Tang Shishi was crying, and the two grandfathers didn't know. At a loss, he held Tang Shishi tightly in his arms and asked, "What happened?" He was fine when he sent himself out just now, why did he cry like a cat in the blink of an eye?

"Yueshan is going to have an abortion in City G. I have to rush over and stop her! How could she do this! How could she kill her own child!" Tang Shishi excitedly grabbed Ling Rui's arm and said, "I must Stop her!"

"Okay, don't get excited, don't get excited! Let's go to City G!" Ling Rui looked sad when Tang Shishi mentioned the child, and she looked a little out of control, and then made a phone call to get the helicopter ready , and then left with Tang Shishi.

Grandpa Ling and Grandpa Jun watched Tang Shishi leave for Ling Rui, looked at each other silently, and then both sighed heavily.

"I don't know what will happen when girl Shishi knows that she didn't have a child?" Tang Shishi's performance just now reminded the two elders of the golden grandson who had no chance to meet, and they felt even more uncomfortable.

"You can hide this matter for as long as you can. It's best to wait until girl Shishi has her own child before letting her know, otherwise I'm worried that this girl will collapse." Mr. Jun said.

Old Master Ling nodded in agreement. He was shocked when he saw Tang Shishi so excited just now.

Other people's children reacted so violently, what if her own?Neither of them dared to think deeply.

Ling Rui moved quickly, and soon took Tang Shishi into the helicopter and rushed to G City.

Tang Shishi was on the verge of collapse until she boarded the helicopter. Her hand was tightly clutching Ling Rui's arm, and she never let go. She was short of breath, and the string in her heart was tense. As if it would break if touched, Ling Rui beside him was also nervous.

"Honey, don't worry. We'll be there soon!" Ling Rui tried to comfort Tang Shishi and said with his arms around her.

"How can you not worry! How can you say it so easily, that's a child!" Tang Shishi threw off Ling Rui's arm and said, looking at him in resistance.

"Do you know how much I have always hoped that I could get pregnant and have a child? Do you know how much miscarriage hurts a woman? It will be difficult to get pregnant again if it is not done well. Even after pregnancy, it is easy to miscarry again How can I let Yueshan do such a thing! She must be stopped! She must be stopped!" Tang Shishi roared out of control.

(End of this chapter)

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