Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 436 Wife, hurry up and prodigal!

Chapter 436 Wife, hurry up and prodigal! (1)
"Okay! Let's stop her together!" Ling Rui was taken aback by Tang Shishi's aggressive reaction, and quickly echoed Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi's rejection of Ling Rui became a little bit less, and she urged Ling Rui: "Why not, let the plane fly faster! It's as slow as an ostrich!"

Ling Rui wanted to say that the ostrich was actually not slow at all, but looking at Tang Shishi's worried little face and swallowing the jokes back into his stomach, it just made people speed up.In fact, he knew that they were fast enough.

Wang Yueshan took the checklist by herself, paid the money, and went to queue for the checkup. After waiting for an hour, she got the test result and went back to the doctor. The doctor looked at the test result, asked some personal information, asked Is Wang Yueshan going to have an operation right away?

Wang Yueshan nodded and said, "Yes!"

The doctor gave Wang Yueshan an order, and Wang Yueshan took it to pay the money, and waited in line for the operation.

There were also a lot of people queuing up for abortion. Wang Yueshan sat on the rest chair, looked at the people in front of her, couldn't help but rubbed her stomach again, lowered her head, and muttered in her heart: Baby, look, I'm actually not The most cruel mother, right!Next time you go to vote for a good family, don't come to me again, mother is not capable of protecting you.

The child in the stomach moved again, this time was very powerful, as if it was in the last dying struggle.

Wang Yueshan recalled what the doctor said just now when she read the examination report, "The baby is fifteen weeks old, has fetal movement, and is very healthy. Are you sure you need surgery?" Count, one more is not too much.

"If you regret it, it's still too late!" Du Haoyang who had been silent for a long time suddenly said.

Wang Yueshan suddenly looked up at the man standing in front of her, smiled coldly, and asked mockingly: "Why, I just signed the operation sheet and felt ashamed in my heart? It's just a villain who shouldn't come into this world. You think too much!"

"Wang—Yue—Shan!" Du Haoyang suddenly burst into emotion and roared loudly, causing everyone around to look at them!

"This is a hospital! Please keep quiet. If you want to go crazy, there are plenty of places outside, and not far from here is the famous psychiatric hospital in G City, which is more suitable for you!" Wang Yueshan was not afraid of Du Haoyang at all, and went up to him fearlessly. His gaze, said.

"You woman, you are cruel enough!" Du Haoyang said through gritted teeth.

He accompanied Wang Yueshan all the way, seeing all her expressions. He never thought that this woman could accept all this so calmly. She nodded and agreed to the operation without hesitation. What is this woman's heart made of?How can it be so cold!

Du Haoyang now feels sad for Du Haoze, this is the woman Du Haoze has loved for several years!Perhaps he has never warmed this woman's heart!Otherwise, how could she be so calm at this time!It was as if the child in her womb was a shame she was eager to get rid of.

Perhaps, their brothers, in the eyes of this ordinary, useless woman, are those filthy shames!

Thinking of this, Du Haoyang's face turned green, and his eyes looked at Wang Yueshan with faint green light, damn it!This woman wants to have no face, no breasts, no matter what she wants, why is she so arrogant? !God damn it, he wanted to strangle her!
Wang Yueshan turned her eyes to other places and stopped looking at Du Haoyang.

Time passed by in such silence. Hearing the doctors calling their numbers one by one, and getting closer to Wang Yueshan's number, Wang Yueshan's face became calmer, while Du Haoyang became more and more irritable!

"Wang Yueshan!" The doctor called out.

"Here!" Wang Yueshan calmly stood up from the rest chair and walked towards the door of the operating room.

"You really don't regret it?" Du Haoyang grabbed Wang Yueshan's arm and asked seriously.

Wang Yueshan shook off Du Haoyang's arm, chuckled lightly, and asked back: "Du Haoyang, did you regret it when you signed the contract? Don't tell me you regret it for being a villain!" After finishing speaking, Wang Yueshan left without looking back. go in.

Du Haoyang stood blankly in the corridor of the hospital, Wang Yueshan's words echoed over and over again in his head: "Do you regret it? Do you regret it? Do you regret it?!..."

He regrets it!

The door of the operating room closed slowly. Du Haoyang seemed to see something gushing out of the corner of Wang Yueshan's eyes. His heart seemed to be chiseled hard by the ice. He suddenly kicked open the door of the operating room and rushed After entering, amidst the exclamation, she accurately searched for Wang Yueshan who was dragging her clothes, went up and grabbed her, and dragged her out.

"Du Haoyang, why are you crazy! Let me go! Let me go! You bastard! Let me go! Get your dirty hands off! Don't touch me!" Wang Yueshan yelled out of control, stimulated by Du Haoyang's sudden action Call.

"Wang Yueshan! You cruel woman, you have won! You have won! The child is born! I will raise it! I will raise it! I will marry you!" Du Haoyang hugged Wang Yueshan tightly in his arms, preventing She hurt herself and walked towards the door of the operating room.

"We won't do it! Whoever loves to do it should do it!" Before leaving, Du Haoyang uttered such a sentence to the stunned doctor!

"Du Haoyang, you're out of your mind! Let me go!" Wang Yueshan tightly grabbed Du Haoyang's neck, wishing to strangle him to death!

Du Haoyang pulled Wang Yueshan's arm away angrily, pushed her against the wall in the hospital corridor, and yelled: "Damn it, I told you I'd marry you, you're deaf!" Then he kissed her hard!
"Let her go!" Just as Du Haoyang was about to kiss Wang Yueshan's lips, a fist first kissed Du Haoyang's face.

Du Haoze received a call from Du Haoyang early this morning, "Du Haoze, Yueshan is going to the People's Hospital in City G tomorrow morning to get rid of the evil seeds in her stomach, you are welcome to watch the ceremony!"

At that time, he was just falling asleep in Wang Yueshan's small house. When he heard the phone call, he was in a daze. He didn't realize that it was not a dream but a beeping sound when he checked the call records. It's a real nightmare!

Driving to City G overnight, he made countless calls to Wang Yueshan but couldn't get through. It has been like this these days. He knew that Wang Yueshan must have blacklisted her number.He drove the car all night in fear, and from time to time, Wang Yueshan's bloody appearance would pop up in his mind, and he really wished he could grow a pair of wings and fly to Wang Yueshan's side.

From the moment he received Du Haoyang's phone call, Du Haoze's mood was so complicated that no one could understand. His ashes-like heart miraculously revived when he heard that Wang Yueshan was pregnant with his child. Excited as if reborn.

(End of this chapter)

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