Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 438 Wife, hurry up and prodigal!

Chapter 438 Wife, hurry up and prodigal! (3)
"You listen to me? Even if I tell you to sever the mother-child relationship with your mother, you still listen to me?" Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoze who was kneeling at her feet, and asked in a faint voice.

"Yueshan, my mother has cancer, and it's already at an advanced stage." Du Haoze bowed his head guiltily and apologetically. The reason why he agreed to his mother's engagement with the young lady of the Zhao family was to appease his mother and fulfill her dying wish. .

In fact, he and Zhao Jie have already discussed it. They will pretend to be engaged first to appease the parents of both parties, and then they will not interfere with each other and do whatever they like.

"Does that mean you can't listen to me anymore?" Wang Yueshan insisted.

"Yueshan, give me some time." Du Haoze looked at Wang Yueshan with difficulty and said.

"I'll give you some time, then I'll give you some freedom, and finally I'll give you the right to hurt me step by step." Wang Yueshan said sarcastically, "Du Haoze, do you know why I've been lukewarm to you? It's because of you." There is a mother who is comparable to Lu Tao's mother, no! Your mother is even worse than Lu Tao's mother, because the status of the Du family is much higher than that of the Lu family!"

Du Haoze suddenly felt as if something was stuck in his throat, he looked up at Wang Yueshan blankly, with mixed emotions in his heart.

It would be great if he could remove the bones and return the flesh like Nezha.He didn't know that in Wang Yueshan's eyes, his mother was such a terrible person. During the three-year marriage between Tang Shishi and Lu Tao, both he and Wang Yueshan watched the two go from being in love to strangers. The reason is that Lu Tao's mother, Wang Fengzhen, was strangled to death before his love blossomed.

Now, even his children will be strangled!

"Yueshan, let's leave here and go abroad, okay? Never come back again!" Du Haoze stubbornly knelt on the ground and couldn't get up, his eyes filled with hope.

There are already many people pointing around.

"Get up, why lie to yourself! No matter where you go, you will still come back if she calls, Du Haoze, you can't escape her control. As a person, I just want to live simply, even if I do nothing. I don't want to get involved in your boring and horrible paranoid family battles. You know that a woman like me has no foundation and no one to support me. In the end, I can only do The life of cannon fodder! I've always advocated that it's better to live than to die, and I really cherish my life." Wang Yueshan didn't care about those people's pointing fingers, but when she thought of Tang Shishi and Ling Rui beside her, she urged Du Haoze to say .

Du Haoze looked up at Wang Yueshan, his face was as white as lime, and asked: "So, you have made up your mind to abort the child, right?" After asking this sentence, Du Haoze heard the words in his heart The sound of dripping blood.

"Is there any other way not to lose it?" Wang Yueshan asked back.

"Yes! Yes!" Tang Shishi interrupted anxiously.

Only then did Du Haoze see Tang Shishi next to Wang Yueshan, as if he had seen a savior, he begged Tang Shishi: "Shishi, help me persuade her, I really want to marry her! I love her so much For many years, you know."

"Hao Ze, it's easy to fall in love, but difficult to get married! Your mother will never allow Yueshan to come in, and you can't completely let go of your mother. Do you want the tragedy that happened to me to happen again on Yueshan? "Tang Shishi also disapproved of Du Haoze marrying Wang Yueshan, even though she never doubted Du Haoze's sincerity towards Wang Yueshan, but if he couldn't get along with Cao Xinru, it would be unsafe for Wang Yueshan to be with him, not to mention, Wang Yueshan was in a special situation right now. .

"So, there's no way to get the best of both worlds, right?" Du Haoze's eyes darkened, he stood up, his body looked a little precarious, and his voice was a little erratic.

Tang Shishi knew that it was really difficult for Du Haoze to abandon his sick mother to be with Wang Yueshan now. If Du Haoze really did this, she would doubt Du Haoze. There was no guarantee that he would not abandon Wang Yueshan one day in the future. Even his biological mother can give up.

Tang Shishi also knew why Wang Yueshan insisted on persecuting Du Haoze so much. Having been sisters for so many years, Tang Shishi knew that Wang Yueshan was not that kind of heartless person. In fact, besides being cruel to herself, she was easy to soften her heart towards others. The reason why she was so anxious to think To get rid of Du Haoze face to face, in fact, he is trying to fight for a chance to survive for the child in his stomach.

"If you want your child to survive, maybe I can help you persuade her." Seeing Du Haoze's miserable state, Tang Shishi said a little bit unbearably.

"I think! Help me!" Du Haoze's lifeless eyes regained some light.

"If you want the child to survive, then you should stop looking for Yueshan, and you'd better get something like a document to declare that the child belongs to Yueshan alone and has nothing to do with your Du family. No one has the right to rob Yueshan of this child." Tang Shishi said.

"You're not allowed to look for her? You can't watch the child either?" Du Haoze muttered to himself, without saying a word, his heart ached, as if he had been stabbed by a knife.

"This way, it's better than seeing her and the child in danger, right? You know, if something happens to her now, it's very likely that she will die twice!" Tang Shishi walked into Du Haoze, and said again in a low voice. One sentence: "You let go now, it doesn't mean there will be no chance in the future!"

Du Haoze fell silent after hearing Tang Shishi's words.

After a long time, Du Haoze said as if he had made up his mind: "Okay, I agree!" At least, doing so would allow Wang Yueshan to keep the child. Shishi was right, he couldn't push Wang Yueshan into a hurry at this time , otherwise the child will definitely not be able to keep it.

Tang Shishi was finally relieved, and she looked at Du Haoyang who was watching a show and said, "You must also make a promise!"

"Me? What does it matter to me? What's in her belly is not my seed!" Du Haoyang was suddenly named, and immediately refuted.

"No! You must promise that you will not harm the child in Yueshan's stomach, and will not use various methods to bring the child back to your Du family. If someone wants to snatch the child from Yueshan, you must stop it!" Tang Shishi ignored Du Haoyang Objection, crackling said.

"Sister-in-law three, you're a little too strong." Du Haoyang said angrily.

"Am I being difficult, husband?" Tang Shishi ignored Du Haoyang, looked up at Ling Rui, and asked coquettishly.

"No, everything you said is reasonable and very good!" Ling Rui said with a smile, pulling Tang Shishi's nose.

Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a blank look. In front of so many people, this old hooligan can't save her some face!Also, on a hot day, they still wear such thick clothes and hug each other, covering the prickly heat!

(End of this chapter)

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