Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 439 Wife, hurry up and prodigal!

Chapter 439 Wife, hurry up and prodigal! (4)
"Third brother! You don't spoil your wife in such a way! I've been your brother for so many years!" Du Haoyang's nose almost crooked when he heard Ling Rui's words!
"Do you have an opinion?" Ling Rui glanced at Du Haoyang lightly, frowning slightly.

Du Haoyang was a little scared, but he still nodded. He has an opinion!

"Hold on if you have one!" Ling Rui sentenced Du Haoyang to death with one sentence, and even deprived him of the chance to appeal.

Du Hao must have fainted.Wang Yueshan was surprised.

Unexpectedly, Du Haoyang, who has always been showing off his power in front of him, is an obedient little sheep in front of Ling Rui!The image of Ling Rui instantly became mighty and domineering in Wang Yueshan's mind, becoming extremely tall.

Tang Shishi is a man of action. Since the two brothers of the Du family had no objections, she hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, found a law firm, drafted two statements, and under the witness of her and Ling Rui, the matter was settled.

After signing, Du Haoze was sent back by Tang Shishi. Although Du Haoze was unwilling in every possible way, he still reluctantly left when he thought of Tang Shishi's words. Before leaving, he hugged Wang Yueshan tightly for a long time. Yes, whispered a lot of words in Wang Yueshan's ear, then gave Du Haoyang a warning look, turned around in a hurry, got in the car and left.

Du Haoyang sneered in his heart after watching Du Haoze leave. Only an incompetent man would compromise every step of the way. He would definitely regret the decision he made today!
Tang Shishi saw that the clothes on Wang Yueshan's shoulders were wet a lot, she felt a little uncomfortable, thinking if she was hitting mandarin ducks with a stick, was she being too cruel to Du Haoze?But when she thought of Wang Yueshan and the child in her womb, Tang Shishi was no longer entangled, but a little melancholy.

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's little face with deep melancholy, walked over and held her hand and said, "You did the right thing, it's for their benefit."

"Hmm." Tang Shishi took a deep breath, and then let it out again, with a smile on her face, she said excitedly, "Tell me, is Yueshan's belly a boy or a girl?" Before Ling Rui could answer , Tang Shishi said again: "It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl, I'm going to be a godmother! I have to prepare gifts quickly!"

Ling Rui looked at the excited expression on Tang Shishi's face, and there was a soft place in his heart that was dripping with blood. He pulled Tang Shishi into his arms, hugged Tang Shishi tightly, and when he saw Tang Shishi's somewhat astonished expression, he lowered his head Low asked: "Are you happy?"

"Very happy! How about you?" Tang Shishi raised her smiling face, trying to look into Ling Rui's eyes.

Ling Rui pressed Tang Shishi's little head into his arms, and after a while, he said, "I'll be happy if you're happy."

For a good friend's child, the little wild cat can be so nervous and react unusually fiercely, so what about his own?Ling Rui didn't dare to think about it.My heart hurts just thinking about it!Looks like he didn't do enough!
A question flashed through Tang Shishi's mind, why did she feel that Ling Rui seemed to be hiding something from her?

However, Tang Shishi's little disharmonious emotions were quickly dispersed by other things, and his attention was completely attracted by Du Haoyang's words.

"Wang Yueshan, what I said in the hospital today is true, you should think about it carefully." Du Haoyang looked at Tang Shishi and Ling Rui who were still pancakes on a hot day, and suddenly turned his head to look at Wang Yueshan, and said seriously .

"Du Haoyang, do you want to force Yueshan to have an abortion again?" Tang Shishi immediately ran in front of Du Haoyang like an old hen, blocked Wang Yueshan, and looked at Du Haoyang defensively.

"If I hadn't gone to the operating room to bring this woman out, the piece of flesh in her belly would have turned into blood when you saw her!" Du Haoyang looked at Tang Shishi angrily and said.

Tang Shishi looked into Du Haoyang's eyes carefully, and found that he didn't dodge at all, he didn't seem to be lying, she hesitated in her heart, could it be that she wronged him?If he really wanted Wang Yueshan to abort the child in her stomach, he probably wouldn't call himself to prevent Wang Yueshan from having a miscarriage.

"Du Haoyang, it won't be him, and it won't be you either!" Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoyang's expression and said very seriously.

"So, in your eyes, I'm not as good as him?" Du Haoyang narrowed his eyes and asked dangerously.

"Du Haoyang, what are you doing!" Tang Shishi glared at Du Haoyang angrily, and yelled, he didn't expect Du Haoyang to have such thoughts about Wang Yueshan, but when he thought of Du Haoyang's flirtatious nature, Tang Shishi yelled and said: "Yueshan and Du Haoze still have at least six or seven years of relationship foundation, how do you compare with Du Haoze in this regard?"

"In other words, my third brother and Lu Tao are incomparable in your heart?" Du Haoyang couldn't bear it and asked back, angrily said: "Tang Shishi, can you stop meddling so much?"

Tang Shishi was so dumbfounded by Du Haoyang's question that she couldn't speak, her face flushed red, and she stammered after a while, "This, how can this be the same?"

"What's the difference? I think it's the same!" Du Haoyang sneered, at least he didn't feel any difference.

"How can you compare with Ling Rui?" Tang Shishi took a peek at Ling Rui, who had an inexplicable expression, and said angrily, "Ling Rui is more handsome than you, and loves his wife. There are not as many bad things in your family." What's on your mind, your parents are open-minded, you two are not on the same level at all, okay?"

"Tang Shishi, do you know that you are really annoying!" Du Haoyang, who was poked in the sore spot, glared at Tang Shishi angrily, and shouted.

"You are more annoying than me!" Bi Xiao said loudly, who is afraid of whom?

"Third brother, take your woman away quickly!" Du Haoyang yelled at Ling Rui angrily.

"Why? Everything my wife said makes sense!" It would be even better if he could count his good points.Ling Rui said while thinking.

"You guys—it's unreasonable!" Du Haoyang didn't expect that Ling Rui would become a wife slave without exception as soon as he got married. He couldn't help complaining in his heart, and he didn't know what feng shui was in Jun's family. All men wanted women to be favored God!

"You are unreasonable! Your whole family is unreasonable!" Tang Shishi took the initiative to get into Ling Rui's arms, straightened her back, and yelled at Du Haoyang.Seeing Du Haoyang deflated, she felt extremely happy!

Du Haoyang looked at Tang Shishi as if he was looking at an enemy, but because of Ling Rui, he couldn't do anything to Tang Shishi, so he left angrily.

Wang Yueshan looked at the back of Du Haoyang going away, and looked at Tang Shishi with a smug face. She put one hand on her stomach, feeling mixed feelings in her heart. She never thought that such an accident would happen, and the child was saved. She was very happy Are you happy to have a blood relative soon, baby?Mom is very happy!
(End of this chapter)

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