Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 441 Good and Evil Will Be Rewarded in the End!

Chapter 441 Good and Evil Will Be Rewarded in the End! (1)
"Okay, you just got off the plane, so you should go upstairs to rest for a while. I'll wake you up again at dinner time. You have to take care of your body, so we can hug the little golden grandson soon!" Mr. Jun touched He touched Tang Shishi's head and said lovingly.

"Grandpa!" Tang Shishi blushed and called coquettishly.

"Listen to your Grandpa Jun, go!" Old Master Ling also chimed in.

Tang Shishi nodded obediently and went back to the room.

The two old men watched Tang Shishi's room door close, and looked at each other tacitly, with joy and heavy eyes.

Tang Shishi returned to the room, unable to fall asleep due to excitement, she took the music box given by the old lady Ling on the bedside, carefully opened the music box, and fingered the small face of the Q version of Ling Rui in a suit In the back and forth descriptions, Grandpa Ling said that this is what Ling Rui looked like when he was a child. I don't know who their future children will look like?If it was a boy, would he be as cute and handsome as Ling Rui?
Tang Shishi thought sweetly, hugged the music box, and fell asleep.

Ling Rui returned to the army, arranged some things, and after explaining all the tasks, he went home. What happened during the day prevented him from concentrating on his work. Tang Shishi touched Wang Yueshan's stomach, and the pious and joyful look was in his eyes. The constant playback in his mind made him unable to work with peace of mind. After he left the army, he bought a bouquet of daisies and drove to the cemetery. Looking at the small tombstone in the cemetery, he felt sore.

Smile, Dad loves you very much!Your mother also loves you very much, although she doesn't know you exist yet, but father can guarantee that she loves you more than anyone else!
Ling Rui caressed the cold tombstone carefully, with his slender and strong fingers on the three words "Ling Xiaoxiao", carefully drawing back and forth, unconsciously sketching her appearance in his mind, her daughter, should be with the little wild cat The same, so cute, so agile, and in the future, like the little wild cat, it will grow beautifully and movingly.

With some heat in his eyes, Ling Rui looked up at the somewhat gloomy sky.

This is going to change!

When Ling Rui left the cemetery, he couldn't help but look back at the small tombstone. The bouquet of daisies swayed gently in the wind, as if saying goodbye to him with a smile.He didn't hesitate anymore, and strode away.

When I got home, dinner was just ready, Mr. Jun pointed to the upstairs, and asked Ling Rui to call Tang Shishi to come down for dinner.

Ling Rui entered the bedroom and saw Tang Shishi holding the music box, sleeping sweetly, with a soft smile on his face, with some radiance of mother's love shining, his thoughts moved, and he couldn't help but leaned over and kissed Tang Shishi's forehead .

"Old rascal, you're back?" Tang Shishi slept very lightly, and woke up suddenly when Ling Rui kissed him, and she was obviously relieved to see that it was Ling Rui.

Seeing Tang Shishi's natural reaction, Ling Rui felt even more pity for her. Knowing that this was the sequelae left after she was kidnapped, her spirit was always tense and on guard, and she couldn't relax even at home.

"En." Ling Rui replied in a low voice, and kissed Tang Shishi's forehead again, his eyes full of tenderness.

"I thought you were coming back very late!" Tang Shishi looked at the wall clock in the room, it was just a quarter past six, and Ling Rui came back a little earlier than usual.

"I miss you, I can't do things with peace of mind, so I came back early!" Ling Rui straightened Tang Shishi's slightly messy hair and said softly.

Tang Shishi didn't expect Ling Rui to be as short and clingy to her as she was in T City, sweetness slipped through her heart, and she said solemnly, "How can you support your family if you don't work hard!"

"Even if I've been idle for a few lifetimes, it's enough to support my family! Wife, hurry up and prodigal, so as to give me some motivation to work hard!" Ling Rui chuckled, and tugged Tang Shishi's nose!
Tang Shishi glared at Ling Rui angrily, this girl is a typical local tyrant!
Just when Tang Shishi and Ling Rui were dating, outside a high-end residential area in City B, there was a farce that could cause changes in the City Council of B.

"Ling Hao! You modern Chen Shimei who abandoned his wife and children! Today, if you don't explain this matter clearly to me, I will never end with you!"

Huang Xiaojuan heard it from a mahjong player, saying that Ling Hao raised a child outside, and that Mrs. Zhang also slipped her mouth by accident, and Huang Xiaojuan fell in love with it when she heard it.

Coincidentally, the Mrs. Wu's house where she came out to play cards today happened to be opposite the Xinya Garden that Mrs. Zhang mentioned. She didn't have the heart to play cards, so she walked to the opposite community involuntarily after leaving Mrs. Wu's house, and gave Ling Hao I made a phone call and asked him when he would be home for dinner at night. Ling Hao said that there was a meeting tonight and he let her eat by herself, so she didn't have to wait for him.

As soon as he hung up the phone, he saw Ling Hao getting off from a black Volkswagen, followed by a young woman getting out of the car, holding Ling Hao's arm, and walking towards a unit building.

Huang Xiaojuan's heart ignited raging anger, no wonder at this stage she felt that Ling Hao was always talking on the phone behind her back mysteriously, and occasionally came back late from a party, and smelled of women's perfume, she asked several times, Ling Hao said It was a female colleague from the unit who had a meal together and accidentally got it on.Huang Xiaojuan believed it, thinking that Ling Hao is also the mayor of a city, and he is usually very concerned about his image, and he works every day no matter how late, he always goes home to sleep, and almost never stays outside, so he should not have such a style Besides, it is inevitable for men to play tricks when they are outside, so I can't control them too strictly!
But I didn't expect, oh, I didn't expect, this man actually carried her behind his back and raised a baby outside!

Huang Xiaojuan stopped Ling Hao and the little goblin, pointed at their noses and cursed: "Ling Hao! Tell me clearly! Who is this vixen? Who is it?" Huang Xiaojuan scolded and looked at Liu Qingqing. How big is it?Probably smaller than their family Susu, right?The skin is so tender that water can be squeezed out with just a pinch, it is really a natural vixen!
"Huang Xiaojuan, why are you crazy? You followed me?!" Ling Hao looked at Huang Xiaojuan, who was shouting like a shrew, and his face darkened. This woman is always so unclear about the occasion!
Huang Xiaojuan flinched when she saw the anger on Ling Hao's face, but when she saw Liu Qingqing looking at her with disdain and provocative eyes, her anger flared up again!She is the real mayor's wife, how can she let a vixen ride on her head!

Don't dare to confront Ling Hao, can't you still deal with Xiaosan? !
Thinking about it, Huang Xiaojuan raised her hand and slapped Liu Qingqing resoundingly!

"I'll kill you shameless vixen! I'll kill you little slut who seduces other people's husbands!" After the slap, Huang Xiaojuan started punching and kicking again.

"You old woman! How can you beat someone! Is there any law left! Hao! Save me! Beat this old woman to death!" Liu Qingqing asked Ling Hao for help while circling around Ling Hao's body to avoid Huang Xiaojuan .

(End of this chapter)

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