Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 442 Good and Evil Will Be Rewarded in the End!

Chapter 442 Good and Evil Will Be Rewarded in the End! (2)
"You bitch! How dare you call me an old woman! See if I don't tear your mouth apart and break your little hooves!" Huang Xiaojuan herself is very jealous of being called old by others, not to mention that she looks older when compared with Liu Qingqing , Liu Qingqing's words are tantamount to adding fuel to the fire!
"Stop it all of you!" Ling Hao suppressed his anger, controlled the volume, and roared, this is the gate of the community, there are many people coming and going at night, if someone sees him, he will be in big trouble!
"Hao! I don't care! You swore in front of your son that you would spoil me for the rest of your life! If you can't talk, it's nothing!" Liu Qingqing looked like she was about to cry, and her swollen face looked pitiful.

"Son?!" Huang Xiaojuan caught the key words sensitively, and her whole body seemed to be fixed in place, as if she had been immobilized, her brain couldn't turn around for a while.

Before Ling Hao could speak, Liu Qingqing said triumphantly, "Of course! My son and Hao's are already two years old! Why do you useless old woman fight with me!"

"Ling Hao! What's the matter with the son? You actually have a son with this woman? You heartless man, I'll kill you heartless man! I'll kill you couple!" Huang Xiaojuan exploded completely!
Not being able to give birth to a son is the most fatal weakness of her life. Now that Liu Qingqing said that she gave birth to a son for Ling Hao, Huang Xiaojuan just feels that the world is falling apart at this moment, and the only sliver of reason in her heart has disappeared. The fear of Ling Hao just now also turned into hatred.

"Huang Xiaojuan! You crazy woman! Stop! Let's talk about it when we go home!" Ling Hao said in a deep voice while avoiding Huang Xiaojuan's claws.

"What are you talking about! What else is there to say! I won't let you guys off!" Huang Xiaojuan couldn't listen to Ling Hao's words at all. All she could think about now was that this woman gave birth to Ling Hao's son. The position of Mrs. Chang is about to disappear!She can't forgive the couple in front of her!
"You're crazy!" Huang Xiaojuan scratched Ling Hao's face with a paw, the long nails left a groove on it, the skin and flesh were scraped off, blood flowed out, he sucked in the pain, Angrily, he pushed Huang Xiaojuan to the ground.

After all, Huang Xiaojuan is used to being pampered, she just relied on a brute force, how could she withstand Ling Hao's push, she took a few steps back, fell down in the green belt of the community, her forehead touched the green belt There was blood on the stone bricks at the edge.

Huang Xiaojuan only felt a heat on her forehead, and reached out to touch it. When she saw the blood, she was angry and startled, and she simply cried loudly on the ground.

"Ling Hao, you goddamn Chen Shimei! You are the mayor of a city, and you even raised your lover outside, and even asked your lover to give birth to you! Your conscience has been eaten into the dog's belly! Woohoo... I How can you be so pitiful!"

"Huang Xiaojuan, shut up! Do you want to be on the headlines tomorrow?" When Ling Hao heard Huang Xiaojuan crying, he saw that everyone around him was looking at him curiously, and he quickly stepped forward in fright, wanting to reach out Cover Huang Xiaojuan's mouth.

"Kill it! Kill it! The mayor has a young lover, and he's going to kill his first wife! Kill him!" Huang Xiaojuan has long since ignored it, and her status is about to be lost. How can she care about such a front page headline? many.

As soon as Huang Xiaojuan yelled, people surrounded her immediately, and some even took out their mobile phones and took pictures of them.

When Ling Hao saw someone approaching, he raised his leg and wanted to avoid him. He couldn't be photographed, otherwise things would be serious!

Liu Qingqing on the side was also anxious, came over and pulled Ling Hao and said: "Someone is here, let's leave soon!"

When Huang Xiaojuan heard that Ling Hao and Liu Qingqing were going to leave, she suddenly hugged Ling Hao's thigh and cried, "Don't go! Ling Hao, if you don't make it clear today, don't think about leaving like this!"

"Huang Xiaojuan, you are really crazy! Let go!" Ling Hao impatiently kicked Huang Xiaojuan in the heart.

Huang Xiaojuan felt tight in her chest and almost couldn't catch her breath. She grabbed Ling Hao's trouser legs tightly and cried, "Everyone, come and see! The mayor has a lover, and he was exposed to kill his original wife! Ling Hao! You Wolf-hearted bastard, our Huang family has done so many things for you, yet you treat me like this, you ungrateful villain! You kick me to death! Kick! Kick!"

Ling Hao really wanted to cut Huang Xiaojuan into pieces, but because of the people watching the excitement around him, he was restrained. He winked at Liu Qingqing. Liu Qingqing was also smart, so she immediately understood and said with a smile : "Mrs. Ling, you misunderstood. How could Mayor Ling be that kind of person? I am his secretary. Today, there are some matters at home. Mayor Ling kindly sent me back. Hitting someone, and still misunderstood us like this, your joke is too outrageous!"

"Stop being so eloquent here, do you think I'm a fool? Just now you boasted that you gave Ling Hao a two-year-old son, and now you're talking nonsense here with your eyes open. Do you think I'm so easy to deceive?" Huang Xiaojuan Ling Hao has already been seen through, the kick just now has kicked off the few couples between them, and she doesn't need to take care of anyone's face, anyway, now, she is standing rationally. Literally!

"Stop making trouble, let's go home!" Ling Hao came over to pull Huang Xiaojuan gently, and took the opportunity to whisper in Huang Xiaojuan's ear: "You want the Huang family to fall as well and continue to make trouble here!"

Huang Xiaojuan shook her body and followed Ling Hao to get up.

"Mayor Ling, I didn't expect Mrs. Ling to be so misunderstood. I will come to make amends in person some other day!" Liu Qingqing said pretentiously.

Ling Hao nodded, pulled Huang Xiaojuan, and left quickly.

As a result, the next day, a video titled "The mayor loves his concubine and kills his wife, the foster lover is exposed and beats his original spouse!" was wildly spread and reposted on the Internet.

On the second day after the online video appeared, Ling Hao was suspended for investigation. On the third day, the inspection received an anonymous document, which recorded in detail that Ling Hao took advantage of his position to seek personal gain during his tenure, and had a relationship with Huang's real estate, Sun's building materials and Liu's enterprises colluded with each other, and the time and amount of bribes received from them.

In less than a week, the procuratorate verified that the information was true, and Ling Hao was sentenced to shuanggui and imprisoned.

The Huang family pushed all the responsibilities to Huang Liang. At this time, Huang Liang had already lost all behavioral capabilities, so he only punished the Huang family in terms of funds.

As for Sun Yunhua and Liu Minghui, they were arrested for offering bribes. During the investigation and interrogation, the police found out that Sun Yunhua and Liu Minghui had raped, raped and gang-raped several women many times, so they were punished for several crimes. Sun Yunhua was sentenced to 20 years. He was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment. Liu Minghui was sentenced to 15 years in prison because he had a good attitude of admitting his mistakes, and his family made financial compensation to the victim woman in a timely manner and obtained the forgiveness of most people.

(End of this chapter)

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