Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 443 Good and Evil Will Be Rewarded in the End!

Chapter 443 Good and Evil Will Be Rewarded in the End! (3)
The situation in City B suddenly changed, and all these changes took only a few days before the dust settled. The speed was comparable to a thunderbolt, and people were caught off guard.

When Tang Shishi knew the news, it was already a week later.

On the second day after returning from G City, she took the initiative to ask to go to the gold powder. She said that she would familiarize herself with all the guns in the secret room within half a month, but in the middle there was an accident of kidnapping and she was delayed. She doesn't like to give up halfway, especially when she is interested in things, she goes all out, so she politely declined the suggestion of Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling to strongly ask her to rest at home for two more days. One week.

"Shishi, you did a good job!" Yunmo and Chris praised Shishi in unison after finishing the assessment.

Tang Shishi smiled a little shyly, these days in Jinfen's secret room, she heard a lot about the second aunt Yunmo, her own ability is really nothing to praise.

"Second Aunt, what do I need to do next?" Tang Shishi asked.

"Familiar with the performance of these guns, of course you need to learn how to use them. Let's learn to shoot while learning the design with Chris. In a month, I want to see you design two gadgets. It's so exquisite, but at least it must be usable, even if it's modified, is there any problem?" Yunmo looked at Tang Shishi and asked.

"No!" Tang Shishi replied affirmatively. In fact, when dismantling these guns, Tang Shishi had some ideas in her mind, and she just used them to discuss and ask Chris for advice.

"Okay! Look at you!" Yunmo looked at Tang Shishi and said approvingly.The reason why she cultivated Tang poetry in this direction is for a purpose.

The first step is to make Tang Shishi familiar with these guns. Only after being familiar with these guns can he have a good hand feel, become a partner with these guns, and have a good control ability in the next shooting practice.

The second step is to let Tang Shishi practice shooting.Tang Shishi is such a good seedling, how can she not shoot with a gun, especially if she is with Ling Rui, she may encounter some sudden danger, just like the kidnapping last time, no matter how fast a fist is, it can't be as fast as a bullet. So you must have the ability to protect yourself.

In the third step, Yunmo plans to teach Tang Shishi some life-saving skills.

Seeing that Tang Shishi did not reject her arrangement and studied so seriously, Yunmo felt very relieved.

Tang Shishi actually felt that she was too weak compared to Ling Rui and Jun Mubei after she was kidnapped last time. She practiced martial arts since she was a child, participated in many martial arts competitions, and won several martial arts championships. Not weak, but that time when she saw Ling Rui and Jun Mubei make a move, she could tell the difference at a glance. She turned out to be the one who was lagging behind, which hit her self-esteem quite a bit.

After shooting Chen San with the scarred face, although Tang Shishi was afraid, she experienced the speed of the bullet, so her enthusiasm for learning was very high. She also had a deep affection for the guns in the secret room, and she looked forward to shooting training even more.Although she doesn't advocate violence, she also feels that in her current position, it is always right to learn more life-saving skills.

"Let's start tomorrow. Today is a day off. Go home and visit your grandpa. I've been talked about by them a lot these days." Yunmo said with a bitter face.

"Okay! I miss Grandpa and them too." In the past few days, Tang Shishi has been completely closed, except for Chris, Yunmo, Jun Mubei, and Jinfen's hidden guards, and at night Outside of Ling Rui who had to stay with Jinfen to accompany her, no one else had seen her before, and she seldom made phone calls, but the others were fine. Senior Shen He, who lived in the hospital, called almost every day to complain for a while, complaining about Tang Shi Shi does not go to the hospital to see him.

So when she heard that Yun Mo had given her a day off, Tang Shishi asked Xiao Li to stop by the city hospital when she came to pick her up, planning to go in and see Senior Shen He.

"Tang Shishi!" Before Tang Shishi entered the hospital, she heard someone calling her from behind. She turned around in surprise and saw Ling Susu with a haggard face.

This is the first time Tang Shishi saw Ling Susu after Lu Tao's wedding. She couldn't help but look at the woman in front of her. Ling Susu obviously didn't dress up deliberately when she went out today. She was dressed very casually and her hair was a little messed up by the wind. , with dry and yellow hair, no makeup on the face, pale and dry skin, obvious dark bags under the eyes, the chin that was rounded because of pregnancy is now sharp and steep, giving people an unimaginable sense of meanness, The whole person looks ten years older than his actual age.

When Tang Shishi was looking at Ling Susu, Ling Susu was also looking at Tang Shishi. Hearing that this woman had been kidnapped, she was very happy for a while. Bright and beautiful, wearing a casual series suit designed by master JANE, with a low-key and luxurious temperament, which completely conceals her humble background, and her rosy face looks youthful without makeup. It is compelling, in stark contrast with her current appearance, which makes Ling Susu feel ashamed, and regrets that she came out in a hurry today and did not take care of herself, although the purpose of coming here today is to plead for mercy, this picture The appearance is easier to make people feel pity and soft-hearted, but she didn't expect to meet Tang Shishi unexpectedly. Ling Susu began to blame herself why she couldn't control her emotions for a while and called Tang Shishi to stop.

But when Ling Susu's eyes fell on the Patek Philippe on Tang Shishi's wrist, the jealousy in her eyes almost couldn't be contained, and rushed out. And with a gesture of repentance.

Even though she sees Tang Shishi now, she can't wait to peel her to pieces!

Tang Shishi noticed Ling Susu's gaze on her wrist, and took a look. The Patek Philippe in her hand and the one in Ling Rui's hand are couple models. Ling Rui gave it to her last night, saying yes I wish her to pass the test of the second aunt and Chris today.The inside of this watch has undergone precise modification, not only the positioning, but also the anesthesia needle and so on.

"I didn't expect it was really you! Long time no see." Ling Susu lowered her posture, looked at Tang Shishi and said.

Tang Shishi was a little dazed, and she looked at Ling Susu suspiciously again, wondering if the person in front of her was the genuine Ling Susu?Why is there such a big difference in attitude?

"We don't know each other well." Tang Shishi said in a distant voice, and when she heard Ling Susu's familiar tone as if greeting an old friend she hadn't seen for a long time, she unconsciously got goosebumps all over her body.

"Tang Shishi, if you don't know each other, we both liked the same man." Ling Susu looked up at Tang Shishi, there was no emotion in her eyes, but the corners of her mouth curled up a little self-deprecatingly.

(End of this chapter)

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