Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 444 Good and Evil Will Be Rewarded in the End!

Chapter 444 Good and Evil Will Be Rewarded in the End! (4)
"So——" Tang Shishi drew a long tone, signaling Ling Susu to finish what she hadn't said, but she was mocking in her heart. Could this woman want to discuss her experience with herself?Or to show off to herself that she has finally become Lu Tao's real wife?It's ridiculous!

"So, Tang Shishi, in fact, after I married Lu Tao, I suddenly understood why you divorced him so resolutely. Before, I always thought that you were playing hard to get, relying on Lu Tao's love for you, and you would make a comeback at any time. " Ling Susu opened up the conversation. Since her marriage these days, she and Wang Fengzhen have been fighting non-stop, both Dafa and Xiaofa. She didn't pass a day of peace. She suddenly realized this truth, so these words are from the heart .

"This has nothing to do with me anymore, I am Mrs. Ling now! If you want to find someone to talk to, I'm sorry you found the wrong person, I'm very busy!" Tang Shishi didn't have time to listen to Ling Susu, she wanted to go Hurry up and finish reading Senior Shen He, and then go home.

What's more, Ling Susu's life is not good, it's in her expectation, she and Wang Fengzhen are both equal, neither of them is a fuel-efficient lamp.

Ling Susu didn't pester Tang Shishi any more, but followed Tang Shishi into the municipal hospital.

Tang Shishi got into the elevator, Ling Susu also got into the elevator, Xiao Li followed Tang Shishi every step of the way, looking at Ling Susu defensively.

Tang Shishi was also a little wary at the beginning, but she suddenly remembered that Wang Fengzhen's ward was next to Senior Shen He's, and thought that Ling Susu had come to visit Wang Fengzhen, so she didn't pay much attention.

After getting out of the elevator, Tang Shishi went straight to Shen He's ward. In order to avoid breaking the adultery like last time, Tang Shishi knocked on the door vigorously.

"Please come in!" A female voice came from the ward.

Tang Shishi frowned, why did this voice sound so familiar, then shook her head and couldn't help laughing, how is it possible!

But when Tang Shishi opened the door and went in, she was taken aback!
No wonder she was so familiar with the voice just now, it turned out that it was really her mother-in-law Ling Yue in Senior Shen He's ward.

Tang Shishi feels that her mind has been a little dull recently. Is it because she is always in contact with dead things like guns, separated from the crowd, and lack of communication?Why did she feel so weird and unreal when she saw the picture of her mother-in-law talking happily with senior Shen He.

"Hey! Look who is this? Heartless white-eyed wolf, you still know to come to see me!" Shen He was obviously stunned when he saw that Tang Shishi had come, his eyes were full of joy, but his mouth was sour. Harsh and unforgiving tone.

Ling Yue watched Tang Shishi come in, followed by Xiao Li, greeted Tang Shishi with a smile and said, "Shishi, come to see your senior Shen He, come in quickly!"

"Oh!" Tang Shishi's brain was still a little out of state, and when she heard Ling Yue's password, she walked in with her legs.

"Mom, why are you here?"

"Mom is also here to see you, Senior Shen He!" Ling Yue looked at Tang Shishi lovingly and said, "You and Kid Rui are both busy and don't have time, so I can't follow you and leave your savior behind. Don't you hear about it in the hospital?"

Only now was Tang Shishi so clear in her heart, she looked at Ling Yue apologetically and said, "Mom, I have caused you trouble again!"

"What's the trouble, your senior Shen He is being funny, I'm just here to bring him meals." Ling Yue said indifferently.

Tang Shishi saw that there were indeed several bags and food boxes specially used by Dynasty Hotel on the table at one side, all of which were the favorite dishes of Senior Shen He.

"Tang Shishi, why did I lose my mind for a moment and save you such a heartless person! Co-authoring you treat me as a big trouble, no wonder I keep hiding from people these days!" Shen He listened to Tang Shishi If so, he immediately yelled in displeasure.

"Senior, you are very confident. It seems that these days are going well! Can you go to the army?" Tang Shishi threatened, ignoring Shen He's shouting.

"Tang Shishi, do you still have humanity? You wish you could kill me sooner!" Shen He's momentum weakened a little when he heard that he was going to the army.

"How can it be? I haven't come home yet, so I came to see you first! Interesting enough!" Tang Shishi said with a smile.

Shen He snorted a few times with his nose, then looked at Tang Shishi for a moment, and asked, "What have you been up to these days, even ignoring your savior? If it wasn't for Aunt Ling, I would have starved to death here It's gone!" Shen He complained, when his eyes saw Tang Shishi's hand, an inexplicable streamer flashed quickly.

"Secret! In short, it is very important and must be done." Tang Shishi couldn't tell Shen He about her affairs in Jinfen, so she answered vaguely.

"Aside from eating, sleeping and sleeping at home, what other important things do you have? I think Ling Rui really wants to spoil you to the sky. Does he even feed you the food!" Shen He asked angrily.

"I have hands and feet!" Tang Shishi was furious, why did she now find out that senior Shen He was lying on the hospital bed for too long like a resentful woman?
"Okay, you two, stop arguing. Your senior Shen He dislikes me as an old woman, and feels that there is a generation gap with me, and we can't get along." Ling Yue interrupted the quarrel between Shen He and Tang Shishi with a smile. I think Shen He is a good kid, knowledgeable, and knows how to grasp people's minds, chatting with him is really quite pleasant.

"Aunt Ling, how can such a heartless Tang Shishi compare to you!" Shen He said in an exaggerated tone.

"Senior Shen He, you eat our hotel's food every day. I think the big meal I promised to treat you can completely offset it!" Tang Shishi couldn't help but retort when Shen He scolded her for being heartless.Although she also felt that she left senior Shen He in the hospital without visiting for so many days, it was really heartless, but fortunately, her mother-in-law helped her take care of all this.

Thinking of this, Tang Shishi looked at Ling Yue gratefully, her mother-in-law is bright and hearty, and she has nothing to say.

Ling Yue waved her hand indifferently towards Tang Shishi. Shen He saved his wife at a critical moment and almost died. This kindness should be remembered by their family, so it is only natural for her to do this.

"Aunt Ling, how can Ling Rui fall in love with such a stingy woman? I saved her life, and I was going to buy a big meal to fool her and finish the job. Now it's good, I don't even invite a big meal! "As soon as Shen He heard Tang Shishi's words, he immediately complained to Ling Yue.

"She doesn't invite you, Auntie please! Auntie will bring you whatever you want to eat!" Ling Yue looked at Shen He and said with a hearty smile.

Shen He looked at the sincere smile on Ling Yue's face, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, he quickly averted his eyes, and said: "Then I have to think about it!"

"It's okay, think about it slowly, tell Auntie when you're done, and Auntie will prepare it for you! You're satisfied!" Ling Yue promised.

(End of this chapter)

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