Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 445 Good and Evil Will Be Rewarded in the End!

Chapter 445 Good and Evil Will Be Rewarded in the End! (5)
"Mom, you can just get rid of him casually, Senior Shen He has his mouth dangling, don't let him think about it!" Tang Shishi said playfully.

"Stingy ghost! Stay away from me!" Shen He glared at Tang Shishi in disbelief, and then looked behind Tang Shishi in surprise.

Ling Susu came to look for Ling Yue. These days, because of Ling Hao being imprisoned by shuanggui, she was very busy. Like a headless fly, she was begging for help and bumping into walls everywhere, but she couldn't find a solution.Naturally, she went to the Dynasty Hotel to look for Ling Yue. At any rate, Ling Yue and Ling Hao were still related by blood, but she never saw anyone from Ling Yue. Was stopped.

She heard Wang Fengzhen accidentally mention at home that Ling Yue often came to the municipal hospital, and after inquiring, she found out that Ling Yue would come to the municipal hospital to deliver meals to Shen He on time every day.So I found it.

Just now she followed Tang Shishi out of the elevator, and she has been waiting outside, thinking that when Ling Yue comes out, she will beg her to intercede, at least to get out the sealed-up house so that Huang Xiaojuan can have a If she had a place to live, otherwise she would live in a hotel every day, with the little money in her hand, how could she do it!
But Ling Susu waited outside, only listening to the constant laughter inside, but she didn't see Ling Yue coming out, she sneaked out from under Wang Fengzhen's nose, she didn't have so much time to stay outside, otherwise it would be necessary to go back She was beaten and scolded immediately, so she forced her way into Shen He's ward.

Tang Shishi and Ling Yue followed Shen He's gaze to the door, and the cheerful atmosphere came to an abrupt end.

Tang Shishi frowned in displeasure, looked at Ling Susu and said, "Mrs. Lu, you went to the wrong room, your mother-in-law's ward is next door!"

"Shishi, my mother-in-law has been discharged from the hospital. I'm here to find my little aunt!" Ling Susu said to Tang Shishi, and then turned her gaze to Ling Yue, with tears in her eyes.

Ling Yue secretly sighed, she didn't expect that Ling Susu would not give up, and came here again!
"Little aunt, please look at my grandfather's face and intercede. Do you really want to watch my grandfather's lineage being driven to death!" Ling Susu said, rolling tears down her face .

Tang Shishi looked at Ling Yue because she didn't understand, and asked, "Mom, what happened?" Although Ling Susu has always been good at acting, Tang Shishi would not be moved by her tears at all, but looking at the mayor's daughter The appearance of Ling Susu, who claimed to be a noble person, made Tang Shishi feel that something was wrong.

It's not that Ling Susu has never done things about letting go of her figure. In fact, she has always liked to "lower her posture", but it was all done deliberately to let outsiders see her gentle and generous disguise. Letting go like today In terms of figure, this is the first time Tang Shishi has seen it, and what does "kill all" mean?It's too alarmist.

"Ling Hao was imprisoned by Shuanggui." Ling Yue explained to Tang Shishi, and then looked at Ling Susu and said, "I can't help you with what you said. Ling Hao violated the law of the country. You can be exonerated by talking about love.”

She avoided Ling Susu these days because she didn't want to get involved in this matter.

"Little aunt, you can't just leave it to chance! Even for my grandfather's sake, he was the best for you when he was alive, better than my father!" Ling Susu continued to play the family card, she knew that Ling Yue I have always eaten this set.

Ling Yue's face turned cold when she heard Ling Susu mention Ling Weiguo again and again.Originally, she didn't agree with Ling Rui's way of sending Ling Hao to prison, but when she heard from Ling Rui that the death of her elder brother Ling Weiguo was related to Ling Hao's matter, she felt the last affection for Ling Hao. It also completely disappeared.

She didn't expect that after Ling Weiguo found out about Ling Hao's corruption, in order to keep his position, he would conspire with Lin Meijuan to kill her father. Poor her elder brother, who was upright and upright all his life, ended up in such a way of death.

"Ling Susu, you should go to the prison and ask your father how your grandfather died! Not to mention your father's corruption and bribery, his behavior is not right, he deserves what he deserves, if your grandfather is alive, he will definitely send him in with his own hands! No one wants to kill you all, it is your own greed that kills you!"

"Little aunt, what do you mean?! It's fine if you don't help, and you still talk like this! I know, you are seeing that something happened to my dad, and you wish to separate from us and stay away!" Ling Susu said Seeing Ling Yue's indifferent attitude and stern words, he knew that she was unwilling to help, so he immediately changed his low profile just now and spoke sternly!
"Our relationship has never been close, so it can't be far away now, Ling Susu, please go out!" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Susu who showed her true nature, and said angrily.

These people are like this. When something goes wrong, they never find the cause from themselves. They always push the fault onto others.

"Tang Shishi! What right do you have to say that!" Ling Susu glared at Tang Shishi fiercely. When she thought that she married Lu Tao and got the position of Mrs. Lu, but still lost completely, she wished to give Tang Shishi to Ling Chi. Well, it's all because of this woman that Lu Tao dismissed him. Even after getting married, she tried all means, but she couldn't get Lu Tao to stop.

"Of course she has the right to say this!" Ling Yue looked at Ling Susu and said sharply: "Ling Susu, man is doing it, God is watching, good and evil will be rewarded in the end, all of this is your own fault, you can't blame others!"

"Ling Yue! You cruel woman! It's in vain that my grandpa treats you so kindly. He gives way to you and spoils you. In the end, you are desperate to save yourself. Don't put on such a hypocritical face here!" Ling Susu said angrily.

"Ling Susu, please get out, we won't be so stupid as to save a poisonous snake!" Tang Shishi coldly issued the order to evict the guest: "Xiao Li, let the people from the hospital come, someone disturbed the patient to rest!"

"Yes!" Xiao Li turned and walked out.

"Tang Shishi, you lowly woman, why are you so flamboyant! I'll fight with you!" Ling Susu rushed forward crazily as she spoke. Tang Shishi's face was pierced, and she wanted to scratch Tang Shishi's face, to see how she could still flirt with men!
"Be careful!" Shen He was the first to see the icy light of the fruit knife, shouted eagerly, and was about to turn over and get out of bed.

"Ah——" Ling Yue didn't expect that Ling Susu would hide a dagger when she came to ask for help, and when she saw her stabbing Tang Shishi with a fruit knife, she screamed in fright.

Tang Shishi also saw the fruit knife in Ling Susu's hand. She pursed her mouth and turned her head to avoid Ling Susu's attack. Then she reached out and grabbed Ling Susu's wrist, twisted hard, and Ling Susu's fruit knife fell onto the ground. On the ground, and then she had another hand with Down's syndrome, and a scream that was sharp enough to pierce the eardrum resounded in the ward.

(End of this chapter)

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