Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 446 The Wicked Have Their Wicked Grind!

Chapter 446 The Wicked Have Their Wicked Grind! (1)

Shen He lay back resentfully, simply because everyone's attention was on Tang Shishi and Ling Susu just now, no one noticed him, he lay back on the bed, as if he had never left.

When the people from the hospital came to Shen He's ward, they saw Ling Susu rolling on the ground convulsively in pain. Tang Shishi stood in front of her, watching all this coldly, with a fruit knife under her feet.

"Young Madam, is everything going well?" Xiao Li didn't expect such a change to happen after he had only been out for less than 3 minutes, and asked worriedly.

Ling Yue shook her head.

"Please throw this man out!" Tang Shishi ordered to the people in the hospital.

The people in the hospital immediately dragged Ling Susu out in a hurry. Of course, their attitude would not be gentle, or even rough. Because Ling Susu tried his best not to cooperate, and the noise made them have a headache, so the hospital security threw Ling Susu directly to the hospital. outside the gate.

After Ling Susu was sent away, Ling Yue looked at Shen He and said accommodatingly, "I'll show you a joke!"

"Who doesn't have a bad family, there are too many such things in my family!" Shen He said indifferently.

Ling Yue smiled awkwardly.

"Senior Shen He, why hasn't your Xiaoqian come here yet? Could it be that she dumped you again?" Tang Shishi didn't want to talk about Ling Susu, that spoiled woman, and changed the subject.

"I didn't expect Madam Ling to still care about me so much!" As soon as Tang Shishi's words fell, Shi Qian's sour voice rang out, and then, Shi Qian walked in with a big bag and a small bag.

"Hey! I bought you a lot of things! Of course it was from your card!" As soon as Shi Qian came in, she passed Tang Shishi and Ling Yue with a proud face, put the things on the table, and said with a smile , simply ignored Tang Shishi and Ling Yue.

If it weren't for the phrase she called Mrs. Ling just now, Tang Shishi would have suspected that she hadn't seen herself at all.

Seeing Shi Qian like this, Tang Shishi and Ling Yue looked at each other, and said goodbye tactfully.

After Tang Shishi and Ling Yue left, Shi Qian changed her posture just now, got up and opened the meals brought by Ling Yue, and put them one by one in front of Shen He, serving attentively like a maid.

Shen He sat up, picked up his mobile phone and made a call. As soon as the call was connected, he directed to the other side: "Check Ling Susu for me, I want her detailed information!"

"Hey! What are you doing with Ling Susu?" Shi Qian looked at Shen He in puzzlement and asked.When she just took the elevator up, Ling Susu was being "transported" down by the hospital staff in another elevator, so she missed it and didn't meet her, so she didn't know about Ling Susu's troubles in the hospital.

"It's nothing!" Shen He looked cold, looking at the dishes in front of him with a reasonable combination of meat and vegetables, but he didn't have any appetite. He scooped up a spoonful of soup with a spoon and put it near his mouth, but he never put it into his mouth.

Ling Yue said that she made this soup herself, and that Shishi was uncomfortable in the previous stage, she learned a few things from the master in the kitchen, she was very experienced, and let him taste it.

The fat white thick soup gave off a curly aroma, lingering on the tip of his nose, Shen He stared blankly at the spoonful of good-looking soup with a lot of connotation, a little dazed.

Shi Qian saw that Shen He's face was distressed, staring at a spoonful of soup, she didn't know what she was thinking, and there was a blurred light in her beautiful phoenix eyes.She didn't open her mouth to speak either. The man in front of her was so deep in her thoughts. How could it be so easy for others to figure it out? It's better for her to speak less!Because since he was injured and came to City B this time, Shi Qian has already noticed that the temperament of the person in front of him has become more and more uncertain!

In the end, Shen He didn't put the spoonful of soup into his mouth, he threw away the spoon, looking at the dishes in front of him, he had no appetite at all.

Shi Qian waited carefully by the side, watching Shen He's delay in moving his chopsticks, she scolded Tang Shishi thousands of times in her heart, as long as she got involved with this woman, her mood would fluctuate .

I don't know why Tang Shishi has such a good life, let these high-quality men all surround her, first there is Lu Tao, then Ling Rui, and now there is Shen Dashao, I really don't know how these men are want!Shi Qian was aggrieved in her heart.

"Remove all of these!" Shen He stared at the table of dishes, stared blankly for a while, then pursed the corner of his mouth, and said indifferently.

Shi Qian quickly removed those vegetables and dumped them into the trash can.

Shen He watched Shi Qian's movements, but said nothing, recalling Ling Yue's stern words in his mind, a playful smile curled up on the corner of his mouth.

Will good and evil be rewarded in the end?

Ling Susu was thrown out by the people in the hospital, and she fell to the ground in embarrassment. The pain in her arm made her unable to lift any strength at all. She just lay on the ground in an extremely indecent position, motionless, if it wasn't for Still panting, almost being treated as a dead person!
Passers-by pointed and circled around, curious as to why this woman was thrown out by the hospital staff, and some felt sorry for Ling Susu, complained for her, and accused the hospital of inhumanity.

"Maybe you can't afford the medical expenses?" A sanitation lady looked at Ling Susu and said with sympathy.

"[-]% yes, seeing this woman's pale complexion and her thin body, she must be sick." Another enthusiastic person said.

"Girl, you take this little money. It's almost noon. Go buy something to eat first. Let's pay for it. For the medical expenses, let's think about it slowly." A kind aunt stuffed 50 yuan in Ling Susu's house. hand.

Ling Susu froze for a moment, looking at that aunt as if looking at a monster.

The kind aunt obviously misunderstood, thinking that Ling Susu was touched and didn't know what to do, she giggled at Ling Susu and said: "Take it, no one has a difficult time."

People around looked at this situation and gave Ling Susu money one after another, ten dollars, twenty dollars, fifty dollars, one hundred dollars.

Ling Susu looked at the colorful banknotes stuffed in her hand, her face was terribly distorted, she didn't know where the strength came from, she suddenly stood up from the ground, threw the banknotes in her hand, and cursed : "You guys are sick! Who cares about your waste of money! Get the hell out of here!"

She, Ling Susu, is still a respectable person living in the upper class of society. Even if she is in trouble now, she has not yet reached the point of begging along the street. These people, this money, make her feel more uncomfortable than hitting her in the face. This is because To kill her heart!
"You are the only one who is sick!" The aunt who gave the money first, blushing and thick-necked by Ling Susu, picked up her 50 yuan, spat at Ling Susu, and said angrily: "I don't know good and bad, and I don't know good or bad when I die." Poor!" After saying that, he turned his head and left!
What a kindness!
(End of this chapter)

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