Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 447 The Wicked Have Their Wicked Grind!

Chapter 447 The Wicked Have Their Wicked Grind! (2)
"Get out! Get out! I am the young wife of the Baida Group, I need you to pity me! I need you low-spirited people to take pity on me?" Ling Susu yelled frantically!
"Is this woman mentally ill?" Will the young lady of Baida Group be thrown out of the hospital?Arabian Nights!

"Paranoia!" One person spat like the aunt and said.

"I think she is still very sick!" said another person.

Others also followed suit, took their own money and left, and did not forget to give Ling Susu a look of contempt before leaving.

Ling Susu was so angry that her eyes were red at the entrance of the hospital, as if she was going to fight someone desperately!He kept yelling "rolling".

The onlookers dispersed, for fear that Ling Susu would hurt innocent people after the onset of the illness. I heard that this kind of intermittent neuropathy is not responsible for injuring others during the onset of the illness.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Just after Ling Susu dared to run away, when she was bending over and gasping for breath, there was a high-five from behind.

A trace of ferocity flashed across Ling Susu's eyes, she turned her head sharply, and was about to yell, but when she saw the person coming, she swallowed back the words, and said unexpectedly: "It's you?" She thought it was Tang Shishi who came from here. Chased out of the hospital!

Bai Mo just came out of the hospital, she didn't expect to see such a good show, she looked at Ling Susu who looked embarrassed, raised her chin proudly, looked at Ling Susu and said: "It's me."

Ling Susu rolled her eyes slightly. She didn't expect to meet Bai Mo at this time. She didn't know when she came, but obviously, she saw her ugly behavior just now.

Ling Susu's movable hand was tightly clutching the corner of her clothes, her knuckles turned white. After a while, she looked up at Bai Mo, with a shallow but self-deprecating smile on her lips, and said : "Miss Bai also came to add insult to injury?"

"The two of us have no grievances, do I have to do this?" Bai Mo looked at Ling Susu with disdain, thinking in her heart that she was worthless as a chess piece.

"The two of us have no grievances, but there is one common enemy!" Ling Susu looked at Bai Mo's appearance and sneered in her heart. She already knew the reason why Bai Mo appeared here and what the woman in front of her was beating. Wishful thinking, she has a clear mind, but she wants to use herself, so why doesn't she want to use her!
"Find a place to have a drink." Bai Mo sent out the invitation, her attitude was still superior.

"It's my honor to be invited by Miss Bai!" Ling Susu quickly found her place in front of Bai Mo.

Bai Mo was very satisfied with Ling Susu's performance, the two hit it off and left together.

When Ling Susu and Bai Mo returned to Lu's house separately, the air pressure in Lu's house was already low. She had just opened the door and entered, before changing her shoes, when a teacup flew towards her, and she was caught by the teacup unexpectedly. It hit her forehead, and the tea splashed all over her body. The water was no longer hot, but a lump immediately swelled up on her forehead.

"Are you crazy again!" Ling Susu looked at Wang Fengzhen, asked angrily with a cold face.

"Which wild man are you going out to hook up again? Ling Susu, let me tell you, if you haven't divorced Lu Tao for a day, you just stay honestly in Lu's house for a day, and go elsewhere to embarrass me! I have the right to raise a dog at home." , if you run around again, I will tie you up with a chain!" Wang Fengzhen looked at Ling Susu and said viciously.

"You just went to hook up with wild men. Forget it. What do I call you? You look so old that even wild men don't like you!" Ling Susu couldn't stand Wang Fengzhen these days. After the fight, the relationship between them has been in dire straits.

After her father fell from power, Wang Fengzhen saw that she had no support, and bullied her even more, sneering at her, beating and scolding at every turn, and things like splashing tea can be ignored.

"Lu Tao, listen, this is the woman you've been holding on to for a divorce. Listen, is what she said like what a daughter-in-law said to her mother-in-law?" Wang Fengzhen said resentfully, with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Ling Susu's heart was shocked, and she looked towards the stairs, where Lu Tao was standing there, looking at everything in the living room with a blank expression.

Ever since the incident at the wedding, when Lu Tao returned home, he basically looked like this. Ling Susu felt that this man was standing in front of her, but he was farther away than ever before. The god standing on the cloud, looking down at the common people and ants indifferently, has no worries, no joy, no sorrow, no emotion and no desire.

Ling Susu sneered.

No!He is not a god!His appearance is just in front of himself. In front of Tang Shishi, he is so humble that he is even worse than an ant!
"Mom, pay attention to your identity!" Lu Tao glanced at Wang Fengzhen impatiently, and walked out. Every time he returned home, he had to face these endless quarrels. Mother's posturing tricks, with her means, to deal with Ling Susu, why should she come forward?

So these days, he already hated going home, and was always with Du Haoze, they are now veritable brothers and sisters.

Although Du Haoze can't be with Wang Yueshan, at least Wang Yueshan still has his child in her stomach. Because of this child, the two of them will always maintain an indelible bond, so Du Haoze is not the most pitiful!The most pitiful person is him!
When Lu Tao thought of the child Tang Shishi lost, he felt pain in his heart.After Tang Shishi had a miscarriage, he went to consult a lot of authoritative doctors, only to find out that Tang Shishi was not unable to have children at all, nor did he want to give birth to him, but because his mother had caused her to suffer mentally. The pressure made her unable to conceive successfully.

These days, he has been watching the battle between his mother and Ling Susu with cold eyes. He often imagines that he left Tang Shishi alone at home and swallowed his anger. Every time he sees and thinks about it, his heart hurts. When he came home from get off work, seeing Tang Shishi's excited smiling face, he felt so depressed that he couldn't breathe. In the past three years, he owed Tang Shishi too much.

Moreover, Lu Tao now understands very well why Ling Rui facilitated his marriage with Ling Susu.

"Lu Tao! What's your attitude!" Wang Fengzhen questioned sharply.Ever since Lu Tao divorced Tang Shishi, Wang Fengzhen felt that her son was becoming more and more out of control, especially after he married Ling Susu, Wang Fengzhen felt that Lu Tao seemed to be a different person, becoming more and more indifferent, indifferent It shocked her!

"I still have something to do!" After Lu Tao finished speaking, he passed Wang Fengzhen and went to the entrance to change his shoes without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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