Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 449 The Wicked Have Their Wicked Grind!

Chapter 449 The Wicked Have Their Wicked Grind! (4)
"Mom, I see." Tang Shishi looked at Ling Yue and said with a smile.One foot is on the brake.

"Shishi, that's the brake!" Ling Yue thought that Tang Shishi was nervous, and stepped on the brake as if it were an accelerator, reminding her amusedly.

"Mom, I've been stepping on the brakes!" Tang Shishi said.

"What's going on?" Ling Yue realized something was wrong and asked nervously.

"The brakes are out of order." Tang Shishi looked at Ling Yue with a tense expression, and said soothingly, "It doesn't matter, I haven't increased the speed. This speed is not dangerous, but the people behind are more troublesome."

"Being followed?" Ling Yue listened to Tang Shishi's words, and saw two black cars trailing behind them from the rearview mirror.

"En." Tang Shishi finally confirmed the matter after turning a few corners.It's just that she wasn't sure whether this matter was aimed at her or Ling Yue. If it was aimed at her, how did the other party know that she would get in Ling Yue's car, or that Xiao Li's car was also tampered with?

Thinking of this, Tang Shishi felt that the situation was serious, and she said to Ling Yue: "Mom, you call my second brother and tell him, let him arrange for someone to come over quickly, and Xiao Li's side may also come The situation is getting worse, let him arrange more people."

Ling Yue quickly calmed down, took out her mobile phone and called Jun Mubei, explained the situation, and then called home, saying that she and Shishi were stuck in traffic on the road and would go back later.

After doing all this well, Tang Shishi drove the car slowly on the road, waiting for rescue.Fortunately, she still has a good understanding of the performance of the car. After the car drove out of the hospital, when it was about to speed up, she felt that something was wrong. She stepped on the brake tentatively, but the car continued to move forward. Originally, she wanted to find a place with few people and a lawn. She jumped out of the car at the same place, but found out that she was being followed. Fortunately, after being kidnapped last time, her vigilance has increased a lot, otherwise the car would really not be able to stop with one foot on the gas pedal.

Seeing Malasati walking in front for a long time, but still not speeding up, the person in a black car following behind scolded impatiently: "Damn! Can this little bitch know how to drive!"

"Could it be that you found something?" asked the man sitting in the co-pilot.

"No, it drives like a snail. It looks like a rookie!" The man driving said, "We'll just follow them and go to places where there are few people."

"Yeah!" The man in the co-pilot was excited when he heard that he wanted to take action.

"Shishi, there's another car!" Ling Yue kept observing the two cars behind, and saw that a car was added, inserted in front of the two cars, and followed closely behind her own car. , said.

Tang Shishi looked in the rearview mirror and frowned, why is it him?

The driver behind was none other than Lu Tao who was going to have dinner with Du Haoze. He just glanced at it by accident and found that the person driving the Malasati was actually Tang Shishi, so after the two staggered, he Then, by a strange coincidence, he turned the car around and chased after him.

He taught Tang Shishi how to drive. Seeing Tang Shishi carefully driving Malasati, Lu Tao showed an illusory smile on his face. The current appearance of Tang Shishi reminded him of when she just learned to drive. At that time, she was also like this, driving the car slowly, as if she was afraid of accidentally crushing passing ants.

However, after driving with Tang Shishi for a while, Lu Tao noticed something was wrong sensitively. At first, he thought that the two cars following behind were the bodyguards of the Jun family following Tang Shishi. He didn't have a license plate, so he forcefully squeezed his car in front of the two cars, sticking tightly to Tang Shishi's Malasati.

"Damn it! That little girl found out and even called for help!" The man in the black car scolded.

"Then what do we do now?" the man in the co-pilot asked.

"Call and ask for instructions!" The man driving angrily wiped Lu Tao's car and said.

The man on the co-pilot did as he said, and after finishing the call, he said, "Retreat!"

So two black cars quickly evacuated.

Seeing the two black cars leaving, Lu Tao paralleled the car with Tang Shishi's, lowered the window and shouted: "Shishi!"

Tang Shishi really felt that Lu Tao was meddling, so she rolled down the car window and said with a worried face: "Lu Tao! Who told you to meddle in my own business!"

Lu Tao didn't expect his hot face to be put on his cold ass, and his expression was a bit sad, but he also saw that Tang Shishi had already found out that someone was following her behind, and thinking that he did something bad with good intentions, he said apologetically, "I'm sorry."

Seeing Lu Tao's appearance, Tang Shishi was so angry that she slapped the horn hard.She also thought about waiting for Jun Mubei's people to come, catch them, and ask who is behind them!They were all disrupted by Lu Tao!

Lu Tao was like a rejected puppy, watching Tang Shishi get angry, he didn't dare to make a sound, but he still drove the car following Tang Shishi silently.

Ling Yue got angry while watching Tang Shishi, patted her hand, and said, "Forget it, Director Lu is also kind."

Seeing Lu Tao's appearance, it is obvious that he has no more love for Tang Shishi. Ling Yue can't help admiring his son's resolute conduct. If he hadn't cut the mess first and abducted Tang Shishi into the Civil Affairs Bureau, such a good son Daughter-in-law, maybe someone will snatch her away!
The people from Jun Mubei came very quickly. He saw Lu Tao, who was following Tang Shishi, lying on the car window and raising his eyebrows, and asked, "Third Aunt, you have dialed the wrong number, right? Come forward, I don't promise to help him deal with his rival!"

"You brat, when are you still poor!" Ling Yue scolded angrily with a smile.

A few people drove the car near a park, where Jun Mubei had already put up guards, and Tang Shishi and Ling Yue got out of the car safely.

"Second brother, is Xiao Li okay?" Tang Shishi asked again uncertainly.Just now she heard Jun Mubei say that Xiao Li had returned to the compound of the military region safely, and she asked again with some puzzlement.

"Yes." With Lu Tao present, Jun Mubei obviously didn't want to say more, but just nodded lightly.

Feeling their repulsion towards him, Lu Tao took a deep look at Tang Shishi, and then drove away.It's good to know she's okay!
Seeing that everyone in Jun's family was so nervous about her, Lu Tao felt mixed feelings, and wanted to have a few more drinks with Du Haoze today!

Tang Shishi didn't know when Lu Tao left, she was full of doubts in her heart, she looked at Ling Yue and asked, "Mom, have you offended anyone in business recently?" Those people were not aimed at herself, then they were aimed at Ling Yue Yue, this makes Tang Shishi very scared!If Ling Yue hadn't wanted to drive for a while because of an itchy hand today, it would have been very difficult to find out the brake problem in the first place, and the consequences would have been unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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