Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 450 The Wicked Have Their Wicked Grind!

Chapter 450 The Wicked Have Their Wicked Grind! (5)
"Not recently, but in business, how can there be no competitors or something. Don't think about it, let's go home first, otherwise your grandpa should be in a hurry." Knowing that those people are targeting her, Ling Yue feels at ease.

"Go home first." Jun Mubei also couldn't understand Tang Shishi's entanglement, and said.

When the group returned to the military compound, they tacitly did not mention this matter again.

Grandpa Jun was overjoyed to see Tang Shishi come back to Grandpa Ling, and asked questions. During the period, he complained that Yunmo was too strict, which made Yunmo very tasty, and even ate an extra bowl of rice than usual.

The whole family was full of joy and laughter, and there was warmth everywhere.After eating, Chang Guiru took Tang Shishi to ask questions, talking non-stop.She was busy with Jun Aimin in the previous stage, and it was the first time seeing Tang Shishi after she came back, so it was naturally very warm.

"Sister-in-law three, I really doubt that you are my mother's own." Jun Nuanxin forced herself to sit between Tang Shishi and Chang Guiru, and said jealously.

"You child!" Chang Guiru pretended to be angry with a straight face, and said, "Don't go out and cause trouble for me in the future!" Chang Guiru was talking about the betting in the Go tournament.

Jun Nuanxin immediately languished, and said, "It's all your fault and my dad's, you gave birth to me so well!"

"It's all our fault!" Chang Guiru poked Jun Nuanxin's forehead angrily: "You say you are a heartless little thing, what are you going to do?"

During this period of time, Jun Nuanxin also alienated Jiang Dongli, and didn't like to see Quan Shaobai, so she and Jun Aimin were confused, and she didn't know what this girl was up to.

"Mom, why don't you stop mentioning this unpleasant thing!" Jun Nuan said resentfully.

Tang Shishi saw that Jun Nuanxin's expression was not good, and she said to Chang Guiru, "Auntie, let them calm down and break the time with each other. The marriage is a big matter, so don't rush it."

Chang Guiru nodded, Jun Nuanxin immediately hugged Tang Shishi's arm and said, "Sister-in-law San, you are the best!"

"Come on, I don't know who just pushed me aside abruptly." Tang Shishi glanced at Jun Nuanxin disdainfully.

Jun Nuanxin hehe straight music.

"Shishi, since you were kidnapped, the two wives of the Bai family have asked me a lot about you. Sun Xiaotong next door has also visited our house many times to inquire about you. That Sun Xiaofen is Bai Mo Mother, I heard that you are back, and kept saying that I would come to visit, but I told you that you were not at home, so I stopped them." Chang Guiru said.

"What does she want to do here?" Ling Yue looked annoyed after hearing Chang Guiru's words.She had heard about Sun Xiaofen's aggressive face on the day of the Go competition, and she had obvious hostility towards Sun Xiaofen.

What's more, she is also Bai Mo's mother, so she is not much better at being able to teach such a child!

"I think she cares about Shishi every time she mentions it, maybe she feels guilty about Shishi!" Chang Guiru said pertinently.

Tang Shishi recalled that when she was shot by the tranquilizer gun, Sun Xiaofen looked nervous, but she was not as hostile towards her as Ling Yue. She could tell that Sun Xiaofen was unaware of what Bai Mo did at first, but maybe she knew it later What Baimo did, that's why she feels guilty.

"Hmph! I just want to see that they have no good intentions!" Ling Yue's heart was still lumpy.Bai Mo and Shi Shi have always been at loggerheads, not once or twice, and Shi Shi was kidnapped on the Bai family's territory, how could the Bai family delay the relationship?
Grandpa Jun and Grandpa Ling looked at the angry Ling Yue, but they didn't speak. They drank tea and could not look at the look in their eyes.

While Ling Yue was talking, there was a knock on the door.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Xiaotong's voice came in: "Guiru, are you home?"

Chang Guiru glanced at the people in the living room, got up and responded, and shouted: "Yes, come in!" After speaking, she was greeted into the yard.

Sun Xiaotong opened the door and came in, accompanied by Sun Xiaofen.Chang Guiru greeted the two of them with a smile, and led them into the house, thinking, why are they here looking for her!

Sun Xiaotong and Sun Xiaofen greeted the members of Jun's family with a smile. Sun Xiaotong looked at Tang Shishi who was sitting on the side, and said with a smile, "Shishi is also at home."

"Hello, Aunt Sun, I just came back at noon." Tang Shishi stood up and said politely.She has always had a good impression of Sun Xiaotong. She feels that this woman is different from those in the Bai family. She knows how to advance and retreat, and understands the truth, just like the last time when Bai Fengju besieged the Jun family's compound, Sun Xiaotong always stood by reason , help the Jun family, don't be confused.

"I heard that your child also likes to play with small things. If you have the opportunity, you can communicate with my Hexuan. That child doesn't know what he is doing all day long, and he makes a lot of interesting things." Sun Xiaotong opened his mouth. The relationship has been pulled in a lot.

"Lieutenant Colonel Bai is doing research. I'm just a hobby on the spur of the moment. If I encounter something I don't understand, I will ask Lieutenant Colonel Bai for advice." Tang Shishi said modestly and cautiously.

"Why don't you ask for advice? I think he's messing around! Our two families are neighbors. Anyway, it's true to walk around more. Isn't there a saying that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors!" Sun Xiaotong said kindly.

Tang Shishi nodded.

When she was talking to Sun Xiaotong, she had been carefully looking at Sun Xiaofen next to Sun Xiaotong. The twin sisters really looked alike, but Sun Xiaotong's face was a little round, Sun Xiaofen's chin was a bit pointed, and Sun Xiaotong's cheek was near the ear Sun Xiaofen has a mole, but Sun Xiaofen doesn't. There are also some differences in temperament and personality between the two. Sun Xiaotong loves to talk and laugh, while Sun Xiaofen looks very quiet.

"Shishi, can I talk to you alone?" Sun Xiaofen, who had been watching Tang Shishi talking to Sun Xiaotong, suddenly spoke.

"Is there anything you can't say in person, and there are no outsiders here!" As soon as Ling Yue heard Sun Xiaofen's words, she immediately refused for Tang Shishi.

"Madam Jun, I have no malicious intentions!" Sun Xiaofen was a little embarrassed by Ling Yue's words, and then looked at Tang Shishi again with earnest eyes.

"Mom—" Tang Shishi tugged at Ling Yue's sleeve.

Ling Yue glanced at Tang Shishi with resentment, and finally compromised: "Then you can figure it out."

Tang Shishi smiled flatteringly at Ling Yue, Ling Yue immediately lost her temper, but she still said, "I really can't do anything with you girl."

"Let's just go to the yard and talk a few words." Sun Xiaofen suggested that Ling Yue didn't welcome her.

Tang Shishi had no objection, and followed Sun Xiaofen to the courtyard.

"Well, are you okay?" Sun Xiaofen and Tang Shishi walked to the edge of the rose garden in the yard, looked Tang Shishi up and down, and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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