Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 451: Mr. Bai's Invitation

Chapter 451: Mr. Bai's Invitation (1)
"I'm fine, is Mrs. Bai also okay?" Tang Shishi asked politely.

"I'm fine." Sun Xiaofen looked at Tang Shishi in surprise and said.

"Shishi, I'm sorry about what happened that day." Sun Xiaofen looked at Tang Shishi and apologized a little awkwardly.

"Why is Mrs. Bai apologizing? And for whom are you apologizing?" Tang Shishi looked at Sun Xiaofen, her tone became serious.

"Shishi, what happened that day was caused by Baimo's confusion. She was deluded by a ghost. Be generous and don't argue with her!" Sun Xiaofen lowered her posture and said to Tang Shishi.

It was only later that she found out that Bai Mo was involved in the kidnapping of Tang Shishi. The Jun family has been investigating this matter, and they obviously don't want to be kind. She also heard a lot about Ling Rui's deeds, especially this time when Ling Rui was on a mission. At that time, Chen Shi was killed without frowning, and the evidence was conclusive, which made the people above angry and annoyed, but instead of accusing Ling Rui of the crime, they had to reward him. These days, when Sun Xiaofen thinks of Bai Mo's actions, he will feel uneasy.

So as soon as she heard that Tang Shishi was back, she came to the door eagerly.

Tang Shishi looked at Sun Xiaofen with a slight smile on her face.

"Shishi, you are more sensible and sensible than Baimo, so this time Auntie is apologizing for you on her behalf. Let this matter go." Sun Xiaofen looked at the ambiguous smile on Tang Shishi's face, then looked at her mouth and said .

"I'm more sensible than her, and understand things better than her, so I should let her bully me? Swallow this dumb thing into my stomach, right?" Tang Shishi asked lightly.

Sun Xiaofen heard the sarcasm in Tang Shishi's tone, and felt a little displeased. Regardless of her status, she was considered an elder in front of Tang Shishi, and now she had put down her posture and came to apologize to her personally. It's really difficult to hold on to this matter and refuse to let go, maybe what Bai Mo said is true, this Tang Shishi is really arrogant!
Seeing that Sun Xiaofen didn't answer, Tang Shishi said again: "There is another point that Miss Bai often talks about, that is, I come from a humble background, not as noble as Miss Bai, so it's okay for a rough-skinned and thick-skinned person to suffer a little bit of grievance." It doesn't matter, Madam Bai thinks so too, right?"

"Shishi, at least you didn't suffer any harm this time, and you came back safe and sound. Even if you don't care about Auntie's face, you have to think about it carefully for the sake of the relationship between the Junbai family." Sun Xiaofen didn't accept Tang Shishi's words continued to be understood and said from a different angle.

"Ms. Bai, don't you think the Bai family is too aggressive? First, your aunt of the Bai family led people to besiege our Jun family's compound, and then Bai Mo provoked our Jun family in the Go tournament, and then conspired with others to kidnap me. When the Bai family was doing this, why didn’t they consider the relationship between the Junbai family? What do you mean by telling me about the relationship between the Junbai family? Do you use this to suppress me? Or do you think the Bai family is really superior? , something happened, just use your lips, and you can get it over with a few words?" Tang Shishi was really angry with Sun Xiaofen, and there was a cool gleam in her eyes, with a sharp air.

Originally, because of Sun Xiaofen's warning that day, she did not reject Sun Xiaofen that much, but now, she has classified Sun Xiaofen and Bai Mo into the same category.

With such an unprincipled and permissive mother, it's no wonder Bai Mo dared to be so rampant!

"No, I... I just want to..." Sun Xiaofen looked at the immature Tang Shishi in front of her, wondering how she could spit out such sharp words, even if she blocked her words in her throat, she couldn't spit out When it came out, it was like a jujube stone stuck there, it was so obscure and uncomfortable.

This Tang poetry is really as rumored, a thorn in the head!
She had already heard Bai Mo's actions mentioned by her mother-in-law and her sister. She didn't expect Bai Mo to do those things, but——

"Bai Mo, she is still young after all, she will inevitably do something wrong impulsively!" Sun Xiaofen was still trying to defend Bai Mo.

Ever since Tang Shishi was kidnapped and she found out about Bai Mo's involvement in this matter, she has already severely reprimanded Bai Mo. It was the first time she had reprimanded her so severely when Bai Mo grew up. It was also because of this that the relationship between their mother and daughter The relationship between them is not good recently.

However, thinking of Ling Rui's ruthless tactics, Sun Xiaofen couldn't help worrying about Bai Mo. Although Ling Rui would not kill Bai Mo like he did to Chen Shi, Ling Rui had already Let Bai Mo lose all face. If there is another quarrel this time, Bai Mo's reputation will be fatally stained. The family is planning to find a good marriage for Bai Mo. At this juncture, for Bai Mo's future After thinking about it, she has no choice but to do so, otherwise, why would she bother to humiliate Tang Shishi like this.

"If I remember correctly, Bai Mo is the same age as me!" Tang Shishi reminded coldly.

"Mrs. Ling, why are you so unreasonable and unforgiving? If you have a way, you can take a step back!" Sun Xiaofen lost her temper after being forced by Tang Shishi, with a slight anger in her tone.

"Madam Bai, there is one more sentence I don't know if you have heard of it?" Tang Shishi looked at the angry Sun Xiaofen, and asked in a simple way, but her heart was filled with endless mockery. For a person like Bai Mo, if she retreats an inch, she It will be a foot!
What's more, not only did Bai Mo collude with others to design and kidnap her, but she also wanted someone to gang-rape her, just for this, it's impossible for this matter to be good!

"What?" Sun Xiaofen murmured, already feeling irritable.

"Heaven's evil is forgivable, but self-inflicted evil cannot live!" Tang Shishi suddenly lowered her voice and said, looking directly at Sun Xiaofen with sharp eyes.

"You—" Sun Xiaofen didn't expect Tang Shishi to speak so terribly, she planned to hold on to this matter and not let go!
Sun Xiaofen's face was very dark. She originally thought that if she came to apologize personally, Tang Shishi would sell her face no matter what. Unexpectedly, when she encountered such a thorn, she looked at Tang Shishi, and the look in her eyes turned cold .

"I don't think I have anything to say to Mrs. Bai." Tang Shishi ignored Sun Xiaofen's cold face, stepped past Sun Xiaofen and walked into the room. After taking two steps, she stopped suddenly, as if she suddenly remembered something Said as if: "Madam Bai, please tell old lady Bai to send the rewards of the Go competition as soon as possible. Originally, I didn't like these little things, but I heard that old lady Bai was going to give Baimo the jade card. Suddenly I'm interested again!"

After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she no longer hesitated and entered the room.

Sun Xiaofen looked at Tang Shishi's back, her face was livid with anger!This Tang Shishi, is she planning to tear herself apart with the Bai family?

When Tang Shishi opened the door and entered, the people who were talking in the room stopped talking. Ling Yue saw that Tang Shishi came in by herself, and asked curiously, "Why did you come in by yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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