Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 455 Baimo's Life Experience VS Kidnapped Again

Chapter 455 Baimo's Life Experience VS Kidnapped Again (1)
"How do I know?" Tang Shishi continued innocently.

"Oh! I know, I know, Shishi didn't eat scallion pancakes at all today!" Mo Youyou said suddenly.

The rest of the crowd turned their eyes to Mo Youyou approvingly, and nodded in unison, with the same standard of action.

Yoyo, you got the truth!
Baimo has been particularly irritable recently.

After Tang Shishi was kidnapped, she pretended to be sick and stayed in the hospital for a few days. She originally thought that after avoiding the attention of Jun's family, everything would be fine. She just waited for Tang Shishi to be ruined. Who knows, Tang Shishi came back safe and sound. However, she was entangled by a female psychopath.

This matter started from the day Baimo was discharged from the hospital.

That day when the family came to pick up Bai Mo and left the hospital, when Bai Mo went out, she looked at Sun Xiaofen, who was nagging and talking endlessly, and felt annoyed as if she had provoked five hundred flies. What did Sun Xiaofen say, She didn't listen to a word at all.

"How do you walk? You don't have eyes?" Bai Mo was walking absent-mindedly, and bumped into a female doctor when she turned a corner. The female doctor just hit her on the bridge of the nose, and she couldn't help cursing in pain. .

"Bai Mo, what are you talking about!" Sun Xiaofen saw that the other party was a doctor about her own age, and it was obvious that Bai Mo walked without looking at the road, so she quickly scolded Bai Mo.

Bai Xiaolan was still angry at first, but when she saw Sun Xiaofen, her expression froze and she couldn't think for a while.

"Mom! How can you help outsiders? My nose hurts!" Bai Mo yelled dissatisfied when she heard Sun Xiaofen scolding herself.

"Ma'am, how are you?" Sun Xiaofen glared at Bai Mo, seeing Bai Xiaolan's expression was wrong, and asked with concern.

"No...it's okay!" Bai Xiaolan was asked by Sun Xiaofen, came back to her senses, quickly lowered her head, covered the shock and panic in her eyes, and said, "I was a little dizzy just now, I'm fine."

"It's fine!" Sun Xiaofen smiled apologetically.

"Mom! She's fine, I'm fine!" Bai Mo said angrily, her nose still hurts!
"You come home with me, your grandfather and your father are coming back today!" Sun Xiaofen said, pulling the unwilling Bai Mo away.

Bai Xiaolan stood where she was, watching Sun Xiaofen and Bai Mo go away, her heart was pounding violently, she took a deep breath, and when she heard Bai Mo say that she was going to the bathroom, she immediately left without hesitation. Another road, follow the past, the footsteps are unprecedented eagerness.

Bai Mo didn't expect to meet Bai Xiaolan again in the bathroom so soon. She looked at Bai Xiaolan with an unfriendly expression. Who knew that Bai Xiaolan seemed to have taken the wrong medicine, and as soon as she came up, she pulled Bai Mo's collar clothes without saying a word. After seeing a red birthmark on her right shoulder, she showed a ghost-like expression again, which made Bai Mo inexplicably angry.

"You're crazy!" Bai Mo pushed the woman away, then pulled her collar together, and said angrily at Bai Xiaolan.

Pushed hard by Bai Mo, Bai Xiaolan took a few steps back and hit the wall behind her, but she didn't speak, and looked at Bai Mo stupidly, her eyes were completely disbelieving.

Bai Mo was terrified by Bai Xiaolan's eyes, thinking that she might have used too much force just now and knocked this woman out of her mind, right?
Thinking of this, she felt a little scared again, pushed open the bathroom door and left quickly.

Bai Xiaolan watched Bai Mo leave, and stretched out her hand to hold Bai Mo from behind, but she stretched her hand halfway, but she didn't stretch it out again, as if she suddenly lost strength, and also seemed to lose some kind of courage, so the hand It just freezes there in a very weird posture, making people look at it indescribably weird!

What Bai Mo didn't expect was that Tang Shishi was rescued by Ling Rui. When Sun Xiaofen told her the news, she was furious. Sun Xiaofen sensed Bai Mo's thoughts, and told Bai Mo harshly, Bai Mo was so angry that she slammed the door and left the house, and went to a bar to relieve boredom, but unexpectedly ran into Bai Xiaolan again.

For some reason, Bai Mo remembered Bai Xiaolan, probably because of Bai Xiaolan's abnormal behavior that day, which made Bai Mo feel that Bai Xiaolan was weird, so she was a little impressed, or maybe because Seeing an old woman like Bai Xiaolan come to the bar, Bai Mo felt curious, so she paid more attention.

Bai Xiaolan came to the bar to find someone. Ever since her daughter Xu Manlin broke up in love, she often went in and out of places like bars. She came to find someone after work, and her daughter always came to this bar to get drunk!
Seeing Bai Mo, Bai Xiaolan was also very surprised. After the accident, she felt extremely excited. She looked at the three wine bottles that had already been drunk in front of Bai Mo, snatched the wine bottle that Bai Mo was about to pour again, Said: "Don't drink, drinking too much will hurt your body, you are not safe in this kind of place as a girl, shall I send you back?"

Bai Mo snorted coldly, looked at Bai Xiaolan in disgust, with cold drunkenness in her eyes, and said sarcastically, "Crazy!" Who does this woman think she is?She just looked at her twice out of curiosity, and she just took care of her own affairs with a good feeling about herself!Don't even weigh your own identity!
Bai Xiaolan was choked by Bai Mo's words, she looked up at Bai Mo, a flash of pain flashed in her eyes, her body was a little stiff, she stood stubbornly in front of Bai Mo, and said slowly: "I'm doing it for your own good!"

"For my own good? Haha! What a joke! You all say it's for my own good, but what happened? Don't let me do this, don't let me do that, shit for my own good!" Bai Mo was caught by Bai Xiaolan's words Touched, he roared angrily.Fortunately, the bar was already noisy and noisy, and no one noticed them.

Bai Xiaolan looked at the gloomy Bai Mo, feeling a little uncomfortable, sat down in front of Bai Mo unconsciously, watched Bai Mo drinking sullenly, wanted to stop her, but finally gave up.

Bai Mo drank for a while before realizing that Bai Xiaolan was still beside her, she frowned displeasedly and said, "Who allowed you to sit down?"

When Bai Xiaolan heard this, she stood up hastily, and muttered, "Don't drink, drinking too much will hurt your health! If you have any unhappy things, tell me, and I, Hu, may be able to help you find a solution. "

Bai Mo was taken aback when she heard Bai Xiaolan's words, then looked Bai Xiaolan up and down again, then pointed at Bai Xiaolan, and laughed wildly until she burst into tears: "It's just you?! Haha! I laughed so hard! Just rely on You? What are you? Don't block the light from me!"

When Bai Mo said this, Bai Xiaolan felt unspeakable embarrassment on her face, and she felt very uncomfortable, but she was stubborn and refused to leave. She looked at Bai Mo's face greedily, and tried her best not to touch Bai Mo's face. The impulsiveness and longing on Mo's face.

(End of this chapter)

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