Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 456 Baimo's Life Experience VS Kidnapped Again

Chapter 456 Baimo's Life Experience VS Kidnapped Again (2)
Seeing that Bai Xiaolan was still going, Bai Mo impatiently took out her wallet, took out a large stack of money, patted it on Bai Xiaolan's body, and said, "Take it, get out!" Like the beggar next to him, his eyes are full of disgust.

Bai Xiaolan hurriedly gave the money to Bai Mo and put it on the table, saying, "I don't want money!" Seeing the expression on Bai Mo's face, her heart ached.

Bai Mo snorted coldly, but before she could open her mouth, there was a sudden sound of glass breaking in the bar. Everyone in the bar was stunned and looked towards the source of the sound, and then heard a piercing scream .

When Bai Xiaolan heard the scream, her expression changed drastically, and she hurried towards the source of the sound. Before she left, she still told Bai Mo to be careful by herself.

It turned out that Xu Manlin was drunk in the bar and was molested by a hooligan. While dancing, the hooligan reached into Xu Manlin's clothes and touched her body twice. Originally, this kind of thing happened in this kind of bar It happens quite often here, it's perfectly normal, but Xu Manlin was so angry that she took a wine bottle and swung it towards the ruffian's head, breaking the ruffian's head. The ruffian didn't come alone, and the rest The two came up and grabbed Xu Manlin and slapped Xu Manlin in the face, ready to take Xu Manlin away.

The scream just now was from Xu Manlin.

"Let her go!" Bai Xiaolan shouted in horror as she rushed into the crowd, pushed away the two little hooligans who were holding Xu Manlin.

"You old woman, where did you come from? Don't disturb the buddies who are doing business!" said one of the taller hooligans.The three brothers have been envious of Xu Manlin for some time.

"I'm her mother, don't touch her!" Bai Xiaolan held Xu Manlin in her arms and glared at the three punks angrily.

"Then you came at the right time. See if my buddy is on the other side, give me an explanation!" The little ruffian said when he heard that Bai Xiaolan was Xu Manlin's mother, pointing at the ruffian whose head was broken by Xu Manlin.

"Send it to the city hospital. I'm the doctor there, and I'll bear all the expenses." Bai Xiaolan said.

"Damn! You have a good idea! My buddy was prescribed by your daughter, and he can just bear some medical expenses?" The tall hooligan said, spitting at Bai Xiaolan's mother and daughter.

"Then what do you want?" Bai Xiaolan looked at the person in front of her warily and asked.

"Medical expenses plus mental damage expenses, 2 yuan!" said the tall hooligan.

"You're blackmailing!" Bai Xiaolan said angrily.The little ruffian whose head was broken could be healed with at most two stitches or even some medicine, but the other party paid [-] yuan for a single mouth.
"Don't give it, right? If you don't give it, it's okay, your daughter will be ours tonight!" Another little ruffian said, and came up to tease Xu Manlin with a lewd smile.

Now that Xu Manli was sober, she was so frightened that she was behind Bai Xiaolan, trembling in terror, and shouted: "No! I don't want to go with you!"

"Let go! If you do anything again, I'll call the police!" Bai Xiaolan said sternly, how could she get 2 yuan now.

It's just that these gangsters have become familiar in this bar, and they are no different from local snakes. Where did Bai Xiaolan bluff, and when Bai Xiaolan said that she wanted to call the police, she said with a smile: "You try to call the police. The police in this area is my brother-in-law. When the time comes , I feel better with you!"

After finishing speaking, they came up to arrest Xu Manlin again!

"Wait, I'll get it for you. I don't have so much money with me!" Bai Xiaolan said, protecting Xu Manlin and taking a few steps back.

The little gangster looked at the plainly dressed Bai Xiaolan, squinted his eyes, and said, "Who knows if you will take the opportunity to escape and find helpers, you must give it now! If you can't get it out, get someone else!" They didn't believe that Bai Xiaolan could come up with it! So much money came, so, no matter what, they came up to arrest people!

"Ah! Help! Help!" Bai Xiaolan's mother and daughter, how can they be the opponents of three men, they were separated quickly. The attitude of none of your business.

"Let go of her! This is 2 yuan! Take the money and get out!" Suddenly a female voice came in, slapped two piles of money on the table, and yelled.

The crying stopped. The three little hooligans looked at Bai Mo, then at the 2 yuan on the table, swallowed, then left Xu Manlin, picked up the money on the table, and said: " Count your luck!" and left!
After a lot of struggle, the clothes on Bai Xiaolan's body were in a mess. She pulled the clothes on her body in a mess, helped Xu Manlin who had fallen on the ground, then looked at Bai Mo, and said gratefully: "Thank you! This money-- "

"When the money was given to you just now, you pretended not to want it. Now that you are making such a fuss, it's not because of money. Is it necessary? Disturb my interest in drinking!" Bai Mo glanced at Bai Xiaolan's mother and daughter, and said mockingly , picked up his bag, got up and left.

"I'm not..." Bai Xiaolan wanted to defend herself, but found that Bai Mo had gone far away, she murmured to herself, "I didn't!"

She didn't expect that Bai Mo would treat her as a liar with those three gangsters, Bai Xiaolan couldn't tell what it was like.

The next day, Bai Mo received a call from Bai Xiaolan, who asked her to meet at a tea house, saying that she wanted to pay back the money.

Bai Mo answered the phone, noncommittal, but Bai Xiaolan on the other side was very stubborn, saying that she would wait for Bai Mo to pass by.

Bai Mo cut off the phone and sneered, thinking to herself, then just wait!
Bai Mo drove the car around for a whole morning, passed by the tea house at noon, out of curiosity, she wanted to go in and see if Bai Xiaolan was really still waiting there, now she is on the phone from Bai Xiaolan Time, almost four hours have passed.

What Bai Mo didn't expect was that Bai Xiaolan was really there, and as soon as Bai Xiaolan saw Bai Mo, she pushed 2 yuan to Bai Mo. It looked like she really came to pay back the money.Bai Mo didn't smudge, took the money and went out.

"Wait!" Bai Xiaolan anxiously stopped Bai Mo.

"What? Do you regret it?" Bai Mo patted the neatly packaged 2 yuan in her hand, cast a sideways glance at Bai Xiaolan, and asked mockingly.

She knew that it was a fake for this woman to pay back the money, but the real thing was wanting to get close to her!

"No! No! You put away the money first, I have something to tell you, it's very important!" Bai Xiaolan looked at the sarcasm in Bai Mo's eyes, and said with difficulty.

These days, she has thought about it over and over for a long time, and she thinks that Bai Mo should know the truth about it.

"Then tell me!" Bai Mo simply pulled out the chair and sat down. Anyway, she has nothing to do when she is idle, let's see what tricks this woman is going to play!
Bai Xiaolan was a little overwhelmed by Bai Mo's straightforward attitude. She thought it would take some talking to get Bai Mo to sit down.

(End of this chapter)

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