Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 457 Baimo's Life Experience VS Kidnapped Again

Chapter 457 Baimo's Life Experience VS Kidnapped Again (3)
Seeing Bai Mo skillfully ordered a pot of tea and drinking it herself, Bai Xiaolan was in a daze. When Bai Mo was waiting impatiently, Bai Xiaolan seemed to have made up her mind and said, "I don't know what to do. Tell you, but what I said is true, you must believe me."

"Tell me, I'm listening!" Bai Mo said with a mocking arc on her lips, looking at Bai Xiaolan who was eager to speak.

"Actually, you are my own daughter!" Bai Xiaolan said, staring into Bai Mo's eyes.

"Pfft!" Bai Mo didn't expect Bai Xiaolan to say such words, and sprayed a mouthful of tea on Bai Xiaolan's face.

The current liars are getting more and more daring, and dare to admit anyone!Dare to tell any lies!

Bai Mo looked at Bai Xiaolan and said, "It's up to you? I don't care about your status!" She is the eldest lady of the Bai family, and how many people eagerly want to curry favor with her, she understands this, but like It was the first time she saw Bai Xiaolan being so unreliable.

"What I said is true!" Bai Xiaolan knew that Bai Mo didn't believe it, so she told her that she had a child out of wedlock. After giving birth to Bai Mo, she found that Bai Mo had a heart problem and was unable to treat it. Then she secretly swapped Bai Mo with another child. I said it again.

"You have a red birthmark the size of a fingernail on your right shoulder. This is from birth. I will not admit it!" Bai Xiaolan said.

"There are many people with red birthmarks, how can you be sure it's me?" Bai Mo remembered that day in the bathroom, when Bai Xiaolan pulled her collar, her face suddenly became ugly.

"I recognize your adoptive mother! That day I recognized her at a glance. Although I only had a quick glance back then, I will never forget her appearance!" Bai Xiaolan had already shed tears when she said this: "I had no choice back then! I can't watch you wait to die!"

Bai Mo snorted coldly, looked at Bai Xiaolan, and thought to herself, she really has both voice and emotion!

Bai Xiaolan wiped her tears, looked at Bai Mo's face, knew that she didn't believe it, and said, "There is another person who knew about this back then, and she is also in City B now, she is the mother of the president of Baida Group."

"Enough!" Bai Mo heard that Bai Xiaolan's words were becoming more and more true, and stopped her words sharply, then got up and went to the bathroom.

Bai Xiaolan thought that Bai Mo was going to leave, so she hurriedly stood up to go after her, but when she saw her turning into the bathroom, she sat down in a daze.

Bai Xiaolan waited uneasily for a long time before Bai Mo came out of the bathroom, but as soon as she came out, she walked straight to the door. Bai Xiaolan was in a hurry, and couldn't take care of her bag, so she hurriedly followed.

"Bai Mo, you believe me! Back then I was really desperate. If you don't believe me, we can go for a DNA test!" Bai Xiaolan said while pulling Bai Mo's arm.

"Go away! Crazy!" Bai Mo threw off Bai Xiaolan's arm, got into the car, and drove away quickly.

Bai Xiaolan stood where she was, thinking of Bai Mo's distaste for her just now, her heart ached!Over the years, she has been afraid to inquire about her child's whereabouts, and she has no way of inquiring about it. Later, when she came to City B, she had little hope of inquiring about it.If it weren't for Sun Xiaofen's appearance, which was deeply rooted in her mind, she might not have known that her daughter was still alive and healthy, and had grown so big.

But when Bai Xiaolan thought of Mo Xiaohui who committed suicide by jumping off a building, she felt deep guilt again.At the beginning, she and the hospital tried their best to protect Mo Xiaohui, and the hospital accepted Mo Xiaohui. Otherwise, how could she stay in the city hospital, but she didn't expect that the child's fate was so bad, and she couldn't think about it so much!

well!Although, since Mo Xiaohui entered the hospital to work, she has taken good care of Mo Xiaohui, but seeing such a healthy and beautiful Bai Mo, Bai Xiaolan still feels a heavy sin in her heart.

Bai Mo drove the car far away in one breath, until she could no longer see Bai Xiaolan, then stopped the car on the side of the road, her body trembling involuntarily, and her head was in a mess.

After a while, Bai Mo called a detective agency and asked the other party to investigate Bai Xiaolan. If she wanted to know the truth of the matter, she had better make plans early. Anyone can shake her position!

If someone dares to block her way... A cold and stern light flashed across Bai Mo's eyes.

Sun Xiaofen has suffered from Tang Shishi, and she is very worried these days. Seeing Bai Mo going out to play crazy all day long, she has no intention of restraining herself at all, and even deliberately contradicts her, making her feel even more annoyed.

"Bai Mo! You go out with me today to buy and try on dresses!" Sun Xiaofen called to Bai Mo who was about to go out again, and said, "This week your grandparents are going to have a treat at home, and there are quite a few people coming, you have to clean up .”

Sun Xiaofen wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of her parents-in-law's treat to show Bai Mo's marriage. What she is most anxious about now is Bai Mo's marriage.

"Then I'll go drive!" Upon hearing that she was about to try on a dress, Bai Mo stopped in her tracks, with a rare joy on her face.

Sun Xiaofen looked at Bai Mo and sighed in her heart, this daughter is already in her twenties, and she doesn't know when she will grow up!
Bai Mo drove Sun Xiaofen straight to a boutique. When she was shopping yesterday, she saw a small dress here. It was very beautiful, but the price was high. Heard that Sun Xiaofen was going to buy clothes for her, so she went straight to the boutique. Came here.

Sun Xiaofen followed Bai Mo into the store. Bai Mo drove away the clerk who was going to serve her with a wave of her hand, and began to search the store with her eyes. She didn't find the clothes she was fancying earlier, and Bai Mo's expression turned ugly.

"Momo, look at this one!" Sun Xiaofen picked up a small pink dress, and said to Bai Mo, the diamond wedding ceremony of parents-in-law and mother-in-law, you can't wear too plain, you should be happy, this color is good , Baimo's dress is festive but not gaudy, and the style is also lively and generous.

Bai Mo glanced at the clothes in Sun Xiaofen's hands with disgust, and said coldly, "The color is too earthy! Don't!" Then her eyes kept searching the store.

After hearing Bai Mo's words, Sun Xiaofen felt a little embarrassed on her face, and felt a little angry in her heart. She felt that Bai Mo's words were too inattentive to the occasion. Although she was talking about the color of the clothes, the clothes were chosen by her, so it didn't mean that she was talking about her bad eyesight. ?

But thinking of Bai Mo's self-righteous temperament since she was a child, Sun Xiaofen sighed secretly: I really owe this enemy!
Bai Mo didn't find the dress she liked, so she waved to the clerk angrily, wanting to ask where the dress went, and who was so vile and stole her dress!

At this moment, on the second floor of the store, several people walked down talking and laughing.

Bai Mo followed the sound and took a look. After seeing the familiar lake blue, her eyes lit up and then darkened again. When she saw the person wearing the lake blue dress clearly, her entire face turned green. !

(End of this chapter)

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