Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 461 It's all Baozi's fault!

Chapter 461 It's all Baozi's fault! (3)
Tang Shishi heard the voice, looked back, and found that Lu Tao was holding a ravaged messy bag, kneeling on one knee in front of her, blinking her eyes puzzled.

What's the fuss about?
Cao Peng and Du Tao, who were in the dark, had their eyes widened. I don't know what Lu Tao is trying to do?Kneeling on one knee in the street to offer buns?So creative!

Lu Tao saw the astonishment on Tang Shishi's face, smiled self-deprecatingly, took back the bag of crab roe, and said, "I wanted to give it to you, but it seems that I can't eat it."

Looking at the bag of crab roe buns that had been changed beyond recognition like him, Lu Tao felt sour for a while. This bun reminded him of their unrecognizable love!

Since Tang Shishi threw the crab roe buns that Lu Tao bought for Tang Shishi into the trash can last time, he has come here to buy two baskets of crab roe buns almost every week. This is something Tang Shishi used to like to eat, but she doesn’t like it After eating, he can like it for her. Every time he eats crab roe buns, he can seem to see Tang Shishi's satisfied face, the way her eyebrows and eyes are curved, and he feels warm in his heart.

Seeing Lu Tao's disappointed face, Tang Shishi couldn't help but snatched the bag of crab roe, picked one up, took a bite and said, "Well, it's still warm, and the taste is still so good!"

"That, don't eat it, it's all torn!" Lu Tao didn't expect that Tang Shishi would snatch the bag from her hand, and just like before, she ate a crab roe bun in two or three, not knowing what it was like.

"I said, it's just a bun. You don't need to kneel down to give it, right? I'm not a female bully!" Seeing that Lu Tao was still kneeling, Tang Shishi couldn't help teasing.Thanks to this point, there are relatively few people on this street, otherwise she would definitely be the focus.

Lu Tao gouged out Tang Shishi's eyes, and said in a deep voice, "You think I think that my leg can't exert strength at all."

Only then did Tang Shishi realize that Lu Tao's face was already pale, she hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, and scolded him, "Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"I'm afraid you will be misunderstood!" Lu Tao explained uncomfortably.For the first time, he felt that he was so cowardly in front of Tang Shishi!The frustration in his heart entangled his heart like countless threads.

"What a misunderstanding! We are aboveboard, and we haven't done anything shameful. What is there to misunderstand? I'll send you to the hospital right now!" Tang Shishi said, helping Lu Tao into Malasati's back seat .

"What about those two people?" Lu Tao asked, pointing to the two men lying on the ground who were fainted by Tang Shishi.

"Don't worry about them, someone will take care of it!" Tang Shishi said, fastened Ling Yue's seat belt, and started the car.

When she was fighting with those people just now, she vaguely felt that someone around them was watching them. That person should be the person Ling Rui said was protecting her mother-in-law.As for why they didn't show up, Tang Shishi can figure it out a little bit, so she rest assured to leave the aftermath work to the secret person, and drove to the hospital quickly.

Cao Peng watched the red Malasati drive away, looked at Du Tao and asked, "Do you want to report the scene just now to Young Master Ling?"

"You are stupid! Isn't this instigating the relationship between Young Master Ling and Young Madam?" Du Tao scolded Cao Peng.Then when Cao Peng scratched his head, he added leisurely: "The scene just now should be reported to Jun Shao!"

Young Master Jun likes these gossip the most, so if you want to please your master, you must understand his preferences and know what kind of things to tell him.

Cao Peng looked at Du Tao in confusion, wondering if this was any different from reporting to Young Master Ling?Young Master Jun has a big mouth!
nonsense!The difference is huge!Du Tao looked at Cao Peng with some resentment, then looked at the two men on the ground, and said, "Work!"

Tang Shishi hadn't reached the hospital when her cell phone rang. She saw that it was Jun Mubei's, so she put on her earphones and started answering the phone.

"Tang Shishi, I heard that you were rescued by a hero again?" Jun Mubei's carefree voice rang out with some gloating excitement.

This time, she was not only saved by the hero, but also offered buns on the street by the hero!Tut tut!Let's see how Kid Rui deals with you this time!Jun Mubei thought evilly in his heart.

"Second brother, do you have too much food in your stomach and need me to help you digest it?" Tang Shishi countered, not to be outdone, hearing the malicious intentions in Jun Mubei's words.

"Thief woman!" Jun Mubei scolded angrily after being stepped on sore feet.

The last time Tang Shishi was tricked by this guy, and he lost all face in front of the whole family, especially that dead girl Mo Youyou, every time she saw him, she would smile with a smirk on her face, which made him feel embarrassed. The anger is running wild!
"Big gossip man!" Tang Shishi replied bluntly.

"You just wait to be cleaned up at night!" Jun Mubei roared like a paper tiger.

"Second brother, you are envious and jealous! Find me a second sister-in-law as soon as possible, so as to save you from spending all your crooked thoughts on tricking our husband and wife. I think Yoyo is pretty good! How about you try, The province has always been such an endocrine disorder!" Tang Shishi opened her mouth and said viciously.

"I'm not interested in raising a daughter for myself! Put away your fake kindness! I'm waiting for you at the gate of the hospital, drive faster!" Jun Mubei told the purpose of his call when Tang Shishi mentioned Mo Youyou. He let it out and quickly hung up the phone.

What a joke!That girl is useless except that she can take the sheep by the hand, how could he, the majestic young master, fall in love with a thief!Then why don't you steal all the treasures from his house?Jun Mubei couldn't help shivering when he thought of the scene of his house being bare!

Mo Youyou?Arabian Nights!

Listening to the beeping sound coming from the earplugs, Tang Shishi took off the earplugs with a smile, stepped on the accelerator, and drove the car out quickly.

Shen He didn't expect that he would have two more "patients" all of a sudden. He got out of bed and strolled into Lu Tao's ward, looking at Lu Tao's unrecognizable face, he leaned against the door and smiled very unflatteringly.

Lu Tao glanced at Shen He, turned his head to one side, and pretended not to see it.He and Shen He didn't deal with each other when they were in school!He is clear about this man's feelings for Tang Shishi, but every time he makes himself look like a romantic, flirtatious person, as if he can't live without a woman for a day. To lower Tang Shishi's defense against him, Begging for nothing to stay by Tang Shishi's side.

Thinking of those past events, Lu Tao hated Shen He even more.

"It seems that you are still very energetic!" Shen He said gloatingly.

Lu Tao didn't respond, he had already guessed that Shen He wouldn't have anything good to say, so he closed his eyes and pretended he didn't hear it.

"What a boring gourd!" Shen He looked at Lu Tao with a dark look in his eyes, then lowered his voice and said, "Shishi, he fell asleep."

(End of this chapter)

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