Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 462 It's all Baozi's fault!

Chapter 462 It's all Baozi's fault! (4)
Hearing this, Lu Tao suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the door, only to find that there was no sign of Tang Shishi at the door except the malicious Shen He.

Lu Tao glared at Shen He angrily, then closed his eyes again, feeling disappointed.

Shen He saw Lu Tao's expression in his eyes, and a sneer appeared on his face.

When Tang Shishi came over, Shen He was just about to leave.

"Shishi, you said why you fell in love with a dull gourd back then. I talked for a long time at the door, but he didn't respond to me a word. Could it be that he was beaten into a mute?" Shen He's voice contained complain.

"Senior, why don't you take a good rest and run out?" Tang Shishi ignored Shen He's dissatisfaction, he and Lu Tao had been out of tune, it was normal for Lu Tao to ignore him.

"You haven't eaten yet, have you? The soup my mother made for you is still in the hotel." Tang Shishi heard Ling Yue say that Shen He likes to drink her soup these days, so Ling Yue sent Shen He her soup at noon every day Stewed soup, never tired of it.

Of course, what Ling Yue didn't know was that Shen He didn't drink a sip of the soup she brought, so Shen He threw it into the trash can.

"I'm not hungry yet. Is Aunt Ling okay? Are you awake? Have you found out who kidnapped her this time?" Shen He asked about Ling Yue's situation seemingly worried.

"It's just that she was drugged, and she was just allowed to sleep and rest for a while. She was very tired these days and didn't have a good rest." Tang Shishi explained.

"That's good!" Shen He nodded, then looked at Lu Tao in the ward who was looking greedily at Tang Shishi with his eyes open, and jokingly said: "Sister, your charm is really invincible. Look at this miserable picture of Director Lu. Like, these fists are all for you!"

Tang Shishi turned her head to look at Lu Tao lying on the hospital bed, nodded guiltily, and asked, "Do you feel better?"

How could it be that Lu Tao couldn't hear the insinuation in Shen He's tone, but he wouldn't be angry.

"It's much better. I said that I don't need to go to the hospital. It's the same to buy some medicine and go home to rub it." Lu Tao said indifferently.

"Are you still planning to let Shishi visit you at your house? Isn't that bad? I heard that your mother is not very popular!" Shen He teased Lu Tao first.

"Shishi, I don't have one, I'm sorry." When Lu Tao heard Shen He mentioning Wang Fengzhen, he felt stabbed in the heart and apologized weakly to Tang Shishi.

"Senior, you talk too much today! Looks like you've been in good spirits these past few days, are you in good health?" Tang Shishi walked into the ward and said to Shen He without looking back.

"I suddenly felt some pain in my chest, and I need to lie down for a while." Shen He said pretending to be weak, and followed Tang Shishi into the ward, and lay down on the spare bed.

Lu Tao waited for Shen He angrily!It's not that you don't have a room yourself, so why come into my room to be an eyesore!

Shen He smiled smugly, and automatically blocked Lu Tao's anger.The Lord is here to obstruct your eyes!

Tang Shishi sensitively sensed the undercurrent between Lu Tao and Shen He, sighed secretly in her heart, and did not speak. This situation is so similar to a few years ago!

Both Lu Tao and Shen He also felt a little dazed, and couldn't help feeling together in their hearts, how wonderful it would be if they could turn back time and see the past!

When Jun Mubei came in, he saw three strange people in Lu Tao's ward. He walked in slowly, stood side by side with Tang Shishi, looked at Lu Tao, then at Shen He, and finally at Tang Shishi , smiled proudly: "Your man asked me to ask you, is the crab roe bun delicious?"

When Tang Shishi heard Jun Mubei's words, she glared at him angrily, gritted her teeth, and squeezed out three words from between her teeth: "Jun-Mu-Bei!"

Jun Mubei made a frightened expression, patted himself on the chest and said, "Don't be too grateful to me! Just worry about whether you can get out of bed tomorrow!" After finishing speaking, another trick appeared on his face smile.

Shen He and Lu Tao's faces darkened after hearing Jun Mubei's words, especially Lu Tao, who knew that it was his crab roe buns that caused Tang Shishi trouble, so he immediately explained: "Young Master Jun, I think you misunderstood ! Me and Shishi did not..."

"There is no need to explain to him!" Tang Shishi interrupted Lu Tao angrily.

Lu Tao closed his mouth embarrassingly.

Jun Mubei is happy!He looked at Lu Tao and said: "Indeed, there is no need to explain to me, and Director Lu doesn't have to worry about it. Nothing big will happen. It's just some small things that are good for the family, good for physical and mental health, and harmony between husband and wife! I, on the other hand, have to listen to the whole night again." The corner! Oh!"

After Jun Mubei finished speaking with joy, seeing Shen He and Lu Tao's complexions turned dark again, he felt secretly happy.

Tang Shishi's face is red!He gave Jun Mubei a deadly look, and threatened: "I will be fine, thank you very much!" After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she turned around and left Lu Tao's ward. She dared not stay here any longer, otherwise she would not Knowing Jun Mubei's big mouth, what inappropriate words will he say!

As soon as Tang Shishi left, Shen He immediately got up from the bed and said, "I'm going back to my room." Then he walked away without looking back.

Only Lu Tao and Jun Mubei were left in the room.

"Jun Shao, just say what you have." Lu Tao looked at Jun Mubei and smiled lightly.

"Thank you for this matter." Jun Mubei became serious and thanked Lu Tao.

"Then how does Young Master Jun plan to thank you?" Lu Tao looked at Jun Mubei and asked.

"I heard that Director Lu intends to shift the company's focus to City A. I happen to have a piece of land in City A. How about handing it over to Baida Real Estate for development?" Jun Mubei asked with a smile.

"Okay. Thanks to Mr. Jun's fancy." Lu Tao nodded without hesitation.

Although he helped Tang Shishi out of his willingness to Tang Shishi from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want anyone to thank him at all, but he also knew in his heart that according to the current relationship between him and Tang Shishi, his behavior this time must be "clearly priced." "Otherwise, in the future, he might not even be able to meet Tang Shishi!
Jun Mubei was very satisfied with Lu Tao's wit and interest. Although he also knew that Lu Tao didn't care about these at all, it was good for everyone to do so.

Just when Jun Mubei and Lu Tao finalized the land in City A, Yu Manqing, who was far away in City A, received a call, and his face suddenly became gloomy!
"You idiots! You can't do this well!" Yu Manqing yelled at the person on the phone.

"Ma'am, that woman is really powerful. She dragged an unconscious person and knocked two people unconscious. Plus she has a helper, we can't take advantage of it at all!" Yes, pleaded.

"Don't tell me these things are useless!" Yu Manqing yelled into the phone with a livid face.

"Yes!" The person opposite replied respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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