Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 463 It's all Baozi's fault!

Chapter 463 It's all Baozi's fault! (5)
"Bring back the person who watched her, and don't act anymore these days, follow my instructions!" Yu Manqing calmed down and said.


After hanging up the phone, Yu Manqing sat on the sofa angrily, with a distorted expression on his face, which frightened the servants around him so much that he didn't dare to take a breath.

Although Shen He was recovering from injuries in City B, his every move and daily schedule were under Yu Manqing's control. Hearing Shi Qian's report that Ling Yue was delivering soup and meals to Shen He every day at this stage, Yu Manqing couldn't sit still. This Jun's family is full of vixen, the young one seduces his own son, almost costing his life, and the old one also comes to show his courtesy!As soon as Yu Manqing heard Shi Qian say that Ling Yue stayed in Shen He's ward for a long time every time, and the two talked and laughed happily, she gritted her teeth angrily, and became even more resentful towards Ling Yue. She sent someone to give Ling Yue some Lesson, who knew that Tang Shishi would disturb her. I didn't expect to see that Ling Yue was ordered today. The six bodyguards failed to kidnap Ling Yue, and Tang Shishi ruined it!
This Tang poetry is really a stinky rock, every time it pops out to spoil her good deeds!
Yu Manqing was getting angry when her cell phone rang again. Seeing that it was Shen He's call, she quickly calmed down her anger and answered it with a smile on her face.

"Son, why did you think of calling mom today!" Yu Manqing's voice sounded like a spring breeze.

Shen He's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and the corner of his mouth was frosty, and he asked in a deep voice: "You did it, right?" Although it was an inquiry sentence, the tone was very affirmative.

"Son, what are you talking about?" Yu Manqing smiled, looking curious, and asked with concern: "Did something happen to you over there?"

"Mom, I told you, I don't need you to intervene in my affairs!" Shen He was too lazy to listen to Yu Manqing's sloppy eyes. He just accidentally saw Tang Shishi secretly applying ointment on his arm, and he was not in the mood to deal with Yu Manqing at all.

"Son, you misunderstood mother. I was just afraid that you would be confused by that vixen, and I wanted to warn her to stay away from you!" Seeing that she couldn't hide it, Yu Manqing said frankly. His subordinates were arrested by members of Jun's family, and Shen He needs to deal with this matter.

"Put away your petty thoughts! Don't forget what is the purpose of my visit to City B this time?" Shen He reminded Yu Manqing coldly.

Yu Manqing's face darkened, of course she knew that Shen He's going to B city to recuperate this time was to get close to the Jun's family, but when she thought of the scene of Ling Yue talking happily with Shen He, she felt a resentment in her heart, very accurate.

"I see! It's just that Mom still has two subordinates in the hands of the Jun family." Yu Manqing was not worried that those two subordinates would betray him, but just didn't want to leave two hidden dangers.

"I got it! Take care of your people!" After Shen He finished speaking, he hung up the phone, leaned on the hospital bed, and let out a foul breath.

After hearing the beeping sound from the phone, Yu Manqing threw the phone aside, nestled on the sofa, sullen.

However, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, she straightened up suddenly, raised her head and swept all the things on the coffee table to the ground.

"What's the matter, what's causing such a big fuss." As soon as Shen Kui entered the house, he saw an angry Yu Manqing, who walked over and sat on the sofa with a good temper and asked.

"It's nothing, I just miss my son!" Yu Manqing lowered her eyes and said quietly.

"When you mentioned it like that, I thought about it too!" Shen Kui's face had a look of nostalgia.

After hearing Shen Kui's words, Yu Manqing froze, her face was a little unnatural, but she disappeared soon, nestled on the sofa, and did not speak quietly.

Naturally, Shen Kui didn't miss the unnaturalness on Yu Manqing's face. He glanced at her and said, "Son's injury shouldn't be serious, right? Let him hurry up and report to the army, don't just wander around all day long." play with women!"

After Shen Kui finished speaking, he got up and went upstairs, leaving Yu Manqing in the living room with a puzzled expression, but seemed to be secretly relieved.

Ling Yue slept for a long time this time, but she was not very at ease. She dreamed that she was kidnapped, and Tang Shishi came to rescue her, but was injured. Those people arrested her and Tang Shishi. , threatened Ling Rui, she also dreamed that Ling Rui was sniped coldly, covered in blood, so frightened that she shouted "Shishi" and "Boy Rui" in her dream, with big hair all over her head. sweat.

"Mom! I'm here!" Tang Shishi clenched Ling Yue's restless hand and wiped the sweat from Ling Yue's forehead worriedly.

"Don't!" Ling Yue dreamed that a machine gun spouted flames and swept towards Ling Rui. She yelled in fright and sat up.

"Don't! Don't!" After Ling Yue woke up, she was still in a trance, and kept saying no.

"Mom! It's just a nightmare! It's okay!" Tang Shishi said softly, wrapping her arms around Ling Yue's shoulders.

"Shishi!" Seeing that Tang Shishi was safe and sound by her side, Ling Yue excitedly held Tang Shishi's arm tightly and said, "You are fine, great! Mom just had a nightmare, dreaming about you and Ling Rui ..." Ling Yue was halfway through speaking, when she suddenly saw Shen He in her room, she smiled awkwardly and said, "Shen He is here too, Auntie lost her composure."

"Auntie just cares about Shishi and Ling Rui too much." Shen He smiled indifferently, then looked at Ling Yue's hand holding Tang Shishi's arm and reminded: "Auntie, Shishi's arm is injured! "

He originally wanted to leave quietly just now, but he saw that Ling Yue had not let go of Tang Shishi's injured arm, and Tang Shishi was so stupid that she didn't know to say anything, and kept holding her breath, silently enduring it.

When Ling Yue heard Shen He's words, she really found that Tang Shishi's face was a little pale, so she let go of her hands in fright, rolled up the sleeves on Tang Shishi's arms anxiously, and said, "Why don't you tell mom when you're hurt, mom just scratched you. Come on, show me now!"

"Mom, I'm fine!" Tang Shishi gave Shen He a sideways look angrily, complaining that he was meddling in his own business.

"He said it's okay! It's all bruised and swollen like this!" When Ling Yue saw the large bruise on Tang Shishi's fair arm, she felt very distressed, and said, "Mom will rub the medicine on you again!"

"Mom, I wiped it off, it's fine!" Tang Shishi wanted to shake her arms to show Ling Yue, but Ling Yue quickly stopped her.

Ling Yue said angrily, "Don't move around if you're injured!" He got off the hospital bed, put on his shoes, and said, "Mom will take you down to the doctor to take a picture, don't hurt your bones!"

"Mom, I'm really fine!" Tang Shishi held Ling Yue and tried to explain.

"Go and see if you have nothing to do, or Mom won't worry!" Ling Yue couldn't help but dragged Tang Shishi out.

Tang Shishi had no choice but to follow Ling Yue's footsteps. Before leaving, she gave the talkative Shen He an angry look.

(End of this chapter)

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