Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 464 Counting Steamed Buns VS Jun Mubei Gets Rectified

Chapter 464 Counting Steamed Buns VS Jun Mubei Gets Rectified (1)
Shen He shrugged at Tang Shishi and spread his hands, expressing that he did not expect Ling Yue to be so nervous.

Shen He really didn't expect Ling Yue to be so nervous about Tang Shishi, he looked at the back of Ling Yue and Tang Shishi leaving with a trace of solemnity on his face.

In the evening, Ling Rui appeared in the hospital. Jun Mubei looked at the bag of Huangji crab roe buns in Ling Rui's hand and smiled meaningfully.

"Husband, why did you get off work so early today?" Tang Shishi was in high spirits when she saw Ling Rui, and a bright color appeared on her face.

This made Lu Tao and Shen He in the ward very uncomfortable. Jun Mubei asked about the sour smell in the room and felt very appetizing, thinking that he could have another bowl of rice tonight!

"There's nothing to do in the army today, here you are!" Ling Rui said, and handed the still warm Huang Ji crab roe buns to Tang Shishi.

Lu Tao looked at the things in Ling Rui's hands, his expression changed, and he looked at Ling Rui with a little anger, what does Ling Rui mean? !

Shen He and Jun Mubei looked at the three of them as if they were watching a good show.

When Tang Shishi saw the things in Ling Rui's hands, she said angrily, "Honey, why are you becoming so annoying like Jun Mubei!"

Didn't he just eat a bun from Lu Tao?Do these two brothers remind her again and again, as if she cheated on her and did such an unforgivable thing!
What a family of cheapskates!
Tang Shishi thought indignantly in her heart, and completely forgot that she was also in the family she mentioned.

"What's the matter? You didn't ask the second brother to tell you, you want to eat the crab roe buns from this restaurant, let me bring them over?" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's angry face full of anger, and then looked at the other people in the room. The man's face slipped around, saw the sinister smile in Jun Mubei's eyes, and saw Lu Tao's dark face, and his heart became clear.

"When will I..." Tang Shishi glared at Jun Mubei angrily, looked at the sinister smile on Jun Mubei's face, suddenly changed her tone, took the crab roe bag from Ling Rui's hand, and looked at it tenderly Ling Rui said, "Husband, you are so kind! You have gone so far to buy buns for me. I really want to eat this crab roe bun!" said: "Your reward!"

Ling Rui's originally gloomy face was suddenly like a sunrise, and his dazzling smile pierced the eyes of Shen He and Lu Tao in the ward.

"You like to eat. Call me directly next time. You don't need to go through the second brother." Ling Rui tugged at Tang Shishi's nose, watching her holding the crab roe bun, eating with a satisfied expression, her hands unconscious Wrapping her waist affectionately.

"You also know that the biggest problem with the second brother is his big mouth. If you don't let him speak, you will suffocate him." Tang Shishi took out another crab roe bun, took a bite, and narrowed her eyes in satisfaction. The taste of this Wong Kee crab roe bun is getting better and better!

Seeing Tang Shishi eating with satisfaction, Ling Rui couldn't help but took a bite of the steamed bun that Tang Shishi's small mouth had passed by, and sighed, "No wonder you like it, it's really delicious!"

Shen He and Lu Tao's eyes almost bulged out when they saw Ling Rui's movements!
When Jun Mubei heard Ling Rui say it was delicious, he swallowed his saliva involuntarily, stepped forward with a smile and said, "It's really that delicious? I'll try it!"

She reached out to grab the bun in Tang Shishi's hand.

"Crack!" Tang Shishi slapped Jun Mubei's hand away unceremoniously, squinted at her and said, "Ling Rui bought it for me, and every bun on it has his feelings for me, how can it be accepted?" You polluted!"

Jun Mubei is angry!pollute?It's like he's like a germ!But he looked at Ling Rui and looked at him coldly, so he didn't stretch out his claws again.

"Stingy!" Jun Mubei glanced at the bag of buns reluctantly, and said coolly, "Didn't you already receive Lu Dong's favor and eat a meal of buns today? Are you sure you can eat so much?" mind?"

"This is not enough, second brother, don't worry about it! I can't eat and Ling Rui, it's not your turn to worry, you just worry too much, so you are so old, you are left at home! No wonder Yoyo Everyone is calling you uncle!" Tang Shishi shot back.

"Don't mention that woman to me!" Sure enough, Mo Youyou was Jun Mubei's sore foot, and when Mo Youyou was mentioned, Jun Mubei would run away violently!
Tang Shishi and Ling Rui looked at each other and smiled, looking at Jun Mubei.

Jun Mubei was furious when he saw this pair of thieves and his parents-in-law. Only then did he realize that his reaction was a bit extreme. He gave Tang Shishi an annoyed look, and said, "I'm only one year older than Ling Rui!" He is not an uncle. Level people too!

"So what?" Tang Shishi asked Ling Rui back.

"I'm only less than a month older than Shen He!" Jun Mubei pointed at Shen He again.

Shen He was also shot while lying down, and said irritably: "Don't get involved with me, what's none of my business? Besides, I have countless women!" Shen He glanced at Jun Mubei arrogantly.

Jun Mu Bei shyly retracted his fingers, like a disliked puppy.

Tang Shishi looked at Jun Mubei, and smiled triumphantly. Who knew that Ling Rui's big hand swam over Tang Shishi's butt, squeezed it hard, and then said in Tang Shishi's ear with a voice that only two people could hear. With one sentence, Tang Shishi instantly petrified.

Shen He and Lu Tao, who had been paying attention to Tang Shishi, saw Tang Shishi's expression at the moment, and couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Shishi, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as the words came out, Shen He and Lu Tao looked at each other, and then quickly looked away, extremely awkward.

"I——I'm fine! It's fine!" Tang Shishi said repeatedly with a guilty conscience, but the base of her ears turned red quietly, and her little hand quietly slid to Ling Rui's waist, stretched into her clothes, and twisted fiercely.

"Wife, be merciful!" Ling Rui took a breath, and in front of everyone, took Tang Shishi's little paw out of his clothes, begging for mercy.

The corners of Tang Shishi's mouth twitched unsteadily, and a blushed expression appeared on her face: "Does it hurt that much?"

dead fox!It's too exaggerated, and she didn't use much strength, the key is that Ling Rui's waist is so strong that she can't twist the fat at all!
"Honey, you are naked domestic violence!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi aggrievedly and said.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!" After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she shook off Ling Rui's hand and walked out. She couldn't communicate with this scoundrel who could play hooligans anytime and anywhere. She went to find her mother-in-law!

What kind of domestic violence is she!Compared with Ling Rui, a shameless guy, he's nothing short of a big deal!
Wife, I'll go in at night and count how many buns you ate today!
Tang Shishi couldn't help but blush when she thought of the whisper Ling Rui had just said to herself!The old rascal!
(End of this chapter)

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