Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 474: The Death of Mrs. Bai!

Chapter 474: The Death of Mrs. Bai! (4)
"Stingy!" Mr. Jun gave Mrs. Bai a sidelong glance, while protecting the half glass of wine he managed to obtain in his hand, so that the people at the table could not help laughing after seeing it.

Quan Shaobai was annoyed by the shouts from the people around him, and he was afraid that Jun Nuan's heart would be softened, so his forehead became hot, he agreed to Jiang Dongli, and roared angrily: "Shut up!"

As expected, the people around became quiet, and Bai Fengju, who was fidgeting at the other table, finally felt relieved when she heard Quan Shaobai's voice.

Quan Shaobai didn't say much, and kicked Jiang Dongli. He hasn't fought with this kid for a long time, and his bones are itchy and uncomfortable!

Jiang Dongli seemed to have expected it a long time ago. He turned over and avoided Quan Shaobai's attack, and then shot without hesitation.

Jun Nuanxin saw that the two were fighting, and could no longer keep silent. Just as she was about to speak, she heard Jun Mubei say, "Don't bother with them!"

Jun Nuanxin looked at Jun Mubei, and finally set her eyes on Tang Shishi. Tang Shishi nodded in agreement, and Jun Nuanxin lowered her eyes slightly.

Seeing that the disturbance between Quan Shaobai and Jiang Dongli was getting bigger and bigger, Tang Shishi tugged Ling Rui's arm and said, "Let them go out and fight!"

Ling Rui nodded, and looked at Jun Mubei, who arrogantly and uncooperatively raised his head to look at the sky at 45 degrees.

Tang Shishi winked at Jun Nuanxin, and Jun Nuanxin whispered, "Second Brother!"

Only then did Jun Mubei put down his noble figure, walked up to Jiang Dongli and Quan Shaobai with Ling Rui, separated the two of them, then threw them into the yard, and said, "You have to fight hard here, don't It disturbed the banquet between Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai!"

As soon as Jiang Dongli and Quan Shaobai were freed, they fought recklessly, with fierce moves, as if they wanted to kill each other.

Seeing that Quan Shaobai and Jiang Dongli were thrown out, all the people at the banquet sat down and began to eat, but there were still some people who liked to watch the excitement and looked into the yard from time to time, but because of Jun Shao and Ling Shao The two of them were watching outside, and they didn't dare to go out to watch the excitement openly, so they sat absent-mindedly on their seats, pricked up their ears, and listened carefully to the wind and grass outside.

Bai Mo watched the farce with cold eyes, then looked at Jun Nuanxin and Tang Shishi who were sitting at the table, raised the corner of her mouth in disdain, and said three words: "Fox!"

Sun Xiaofen glanced at Bai Mo angrily, and reminded, "Pay attention to your..."

"Identity!" Bai Mo interrupted Sun Xiaofen in displeasure, completed what she had said, then stood up with a cold face, and said, "I'm going to the bathroom." Leaving Sun Xiaofen behind, she left in a hurry.

Sun Xiaofen rubbed her aching temple, looking at Bai Mo's back, she felt a lot of powerlessness in her heart.When did this kid become like this?
When Bai Mo came back again, Sun Xiaofen glanced at her and ignored her. The two of them ate in silence, but they both looked like they didn't know what to eat.

Halfway through the banquet, everyone started to toast Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Bai. Sun Xiaofen looked at her husband Bai Ziyu from a distance and nodded to her, so she stood up and said to Bai Mo, "Go to your grandparents."

Bai Mo didn't object, and stretched out her hand to call a maid over, asking the maid to prepare a fruit juice drink and a glass of red wine.

"You don't need to prepare juice, mom will be fine if you drink some wine today." Sun Xiaofen finally felt a little relieved when she heard that Bai Mo asked the maid to prepare drinks for her, knowing that she still remembered that she couldn't drink alcohol.

"That's impossible! You passed out after drinking for a while, who will greet the guests? You are the young lady of the Bai family, how can you neglect me." Bai Mo said disapprovingly.

Sun Xiaofen nodded with a smile, thinking that what Bai Mo said made sense.

Sun Xiaofen and Bai Mo went up to toast Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Bai, only to find that Mrs. Bai's face was flushed from drinking, and she continued to drink into her stomach without refusing anyone who came.

The old lady's stubborn temper came up, and she insisted on drinking, but Sun Xiaotong at the side couldn't persuade her, so she simply used some low-alcohol red wine, which didn't hurt her body, but the old lady's drinking capacity was too light.

After dealing with another group of people, Sun Xiaofen saw that Mrs. Bai had asked someone to pour wine for her again, so she quickly handed over the black tea drink in her cup.

Sun Xiaotong looked at the full cup of black tea, thinking it was red wine, and looked up at Sun Xiaofen in confusion, this person was drunk like this, and she still offered to give wine up?

Seeing Sun Xiaotong's doubts, Sun Xiaofen whispered two words into her ear: "Black tea." Sun Xiaotong smiled reassuringly.The old lady probably can't tell whether it's black tea or red wine if she drinks it now. It's good to drink some black tea to relieve the hangover, and it will save you a headache for a while.

Bai Mo saw that Sun Xiaofen passed the drink in her hand to Mrs. Bai, saw Mrs. Bai took a big gulp from the cup, turned around, and ordered the maid to pour another drink.

Soon, the maid came over with a glass of drink. Bai Mo handed the drink to Sun Xiaofen and said, "Mom, it's time for our family to toast to grandparents."

Sun Xiaofen took the drink from Bai Mo's hand, nodded approvingly, and then looked at her husband Bai Ziyu.

"Dad! Mom! I wish you good health and a happy and long life!" Bai Ziqi and Sun Xiaofen said together.

"Grandpa, grandma, I wish you happiness forever and all the best!" Bai Mo said with a smile on a rare occasion.

"Okay! Our whole family is happy and happy!" Mr. Bai said loudly, his face flushed from drinking, but his energy was particularly good.

"Grandma just hopes that you and your brother can get married soon, so that I can have a golden grandson!" Mrs. Bai looked at Bai Mo and said with emotion.

"Grandma—" Bai Mo said coquettishly with her face red and her head lowered.

"Hehe! My Momo is shy! Drink and drink!" Mrs. Bai looked at Bai Mo lovingly, and took another big sip of black tea with the wine glass. This Momo toasted wine is delicious, with a sweet taste!"

When Bai Mo heard Old Madam Bai's words, her heart skipped a beat, and then she took a peek at Sun Xiaofen, seeing that she drank a large cup of black tea into her stomach, and quickly drank all the red wine in her own cup.

Seeing Bai Mo drink a large glass of wine, Sun Xiaofen blushed, couldn't help laughing and said, "Momo, did you hear what your grandma said? Hurry up and find a good man and marry yourself off!"

"Mom! Why are you bringing this up again!" Bai Mo looked at Sun Xiaofen awkwardly, and said unhappily.

"This time your grandma has spoken. Your grandma loved you the most since she was a child!" Sun Xiaofen tried to use her old lady's identity to tell Bai Mo to stop being stubborn.

(End of this chapter)

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