Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 475: The Death of Mrs. Bai!

Chapter 475: The Death of Mrs. Bai! (5)
Bai Mo looked up at the pale old lady, lowered her head, and said softly, "I see!" The hand that wasn't holding the cup was tightly gripping the hem of her clothes.

Sun Xiaofen was happy after hearing what Bai Mo said, when suddenly she heard Sun Xiaotong exclaim: "Mom! Mom! What's wrong with you, Mom!"




"Granny Bai!"

As soon as Sun Xiaotong finished speaking, exclamations rang out.

Seeing Mrs. Bai's pale face, Sun Xiaofen was so frightened that she was so frightened that she forgot all her reactions for a while.

How could this be?
Old Mrs. Bai was already in cold sweat from the pain, blood gushed from the corner of her mouth, her breathing was short and weak, her eyes looked at Mr. Bai in pain, and she could hardly make a sound.

"Red Qiang!" Mr. Bai stepped forward and grabbed Mrs. Bai's hand, and called out Mrs. Bai's boudoir name tremblingly, unable to believe what he saw earlier.

"Call an ambulance! Everyone stay still! Lock down the scene!" Mr. Jun was the first to react, stood on a chair, yelled, and looked at the people in the banquet by the way.

Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin heard Mr. Jun's words, looked towards the main table, surrounded by many people, and after realizing that something had happened, they hurried to Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling.

Hearing Mr. Jun's words, Du Haoyang quickly called an ambulance, and then called Jun Mubei to tell them that something had happened. Finally, he sat in his seat and watched closely the every move of the people around him.

Jun Mubei and Ling Rui were watching Jiang Dongli and Quan Shaobai fight hard, when they received the news, they said, "Something happened inside!" and then disappeared.

Quan Shaobai's reaction was half a beat slow. After thinking about it, he left Jiang Dongli behind and rushed into the room like a bolt of lightning.

Jiang Dongli looked at Quan Shaobai's back, stood in the yard for a while, and then walked into the house.

As soon as Quan Shaobai entered the room, he saw Jun Nuanxin and Tang Shishi standing together. Both of them were safe and sound, and his heart was at ease, but when he heard his mother Bai Fengju's shrill cry, his heart sank into the deep sea again. , rushed through the crowd.

When Quan Shaobai rushed over, Mrs. Bai was already dying, and her face was covered with dead gray. When she saw Quan Shaobai, there was a gleam of light in her eyes. Quan Shaobai rushed over, knelt on the ground, and pulled Mrs. Bai's hand, choked up and shouted: "Grandma!"

Mrs. Bai struggled to turn her head to look at Mr. Jun who was on the height. Mr. Bai shouted hoarsely: "Old Mr. Jun!"

Mr. Jun turned his head to look at Mrs. Bai, sighed, and said to Jun Nuanxin, "Nuanxin girl, you go over there!"

When Jun Nuanxin heard the words and was about to walk over, she heard Jiang Dongli anxiously shouting: "Xinxin!"

Jun Nuanxin trembled, looked back at Jiang Dongli, a trace of struggle flashed across his face, finally bit his lip, lowered his head, and walked quickly to the old lady Bai.

Jiang Dongli's heart is like an ice cellar!His whole body was as stiff as an ice sculpture. Through the gap in the crowd, he saw Mrs. Bai put Jun Nuanxin's hand with Quan Shaobai's hand, and closed his eyes in pain.

how so!
The old lady Bai seemed to have accomplished a great event, choking out a mouthful of blood, and closed her eyes peacefully.


Quan Shaobai looked at Mrs. Bai who had closed her eyes, and roared, "What's going on? Who will tell me what's going on?"

Why did such a thing happen in such a good banquet!

Everyone in the Bai family didn't seem to have recovered from the blow. They were dumbfounded. Not only the Bai family, but even the people who attended the banquet were stunned, and they couldn't come back to their senses for a while.

No one expected that Mrs. Bai passed away during the celebration of her 60th diamond wedding. What was supposed to be a happy and lively wedding event turned into a funeral!

Tang Shishi saw Mrs. Bai's gray complexion with cyan, and looked at all the food on the main table one by one. When she raised her head, she met Ling Rui's searching eyes, and she shook Ling Rui gently. shook his head.

Ling Rui's black eyes deepened.

"It's impossible! How could it be like this! Grandma was obviously fine before!" Bai Mo cried and said, lying on the old lady Bai, crying heartbroken.

"How could someone poison you? Grandma has always been kind to others and has never offended anyone!" Bai Hexuan said with red eyes.

"Girl Shishi, help Grandpa Bai take a look at this dish. Is there any problem?" Old Master Ling looked at Tang Shishi and asked.

"There is nothing wrong with the dishes on the table, and there are no matching food combinations." Tang Shishi said solemnly to the expectant gaze of Old Master Shangbai.

"Is it related to what my grandma drank? Tang Shishi, aren't you amazing? Help us, please tell me, is it so?" Bai Mo looked at Tang Shishi with tears in her face and said beggingly .

Tang Shishi is not used to seeing Bai Mo like this, but thinking that Bai Mo is because of her grandma's death, she is generous enough not to bother with her. After all, she also understands that one of the purposes of the banquet held by Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Bai is In order to ask her for favors, she had already promised old master Bai to turn over the past between her and Bai Mo, so she couldn't let old lady Bai leave uneasy.

"The red wine Mrs. Bai drank has nothing to do with her diet," Tang Shishi said.

"What about the black tea? My grandma drank a cup of black tea just now! Could it be the problem with that cup of black tea?" Bai Mo asked eagerly, turning her head to look at Sun Xiaofen, showing hostility in her eyes.

"Bai Mo!" Sun Xiaotong scolded Bai Mo angrily, what's wrong with this child?Look at her eyes, is she suspecting that her mother poisoned her grandma?Thankfully she figured it out!
"Momo! What do you mean? Are you suspecting that your mother poisoned your grandma?" Sun Xiaofen looked at Bai Mo in disbelief and asked, her voice trembling.

"Mom! I just asked if black tea is compatible with what grandma eats. Why are you nervous?" Bai Mo bluntly snapped at Sun Xiaofen.

Because of Bai Mo's attitude, Sun Xiaofen trembled and took a step back, almost losing her footing.

"Momo! Don't talk nonsense!" Bai Ziyu stopped Sun Xiaofen's waist, patted her on the back, and reprimanded Bai Mo.

"Dad! I just want to find out the reason why grandma was poisoned. What's wrong with me?! Grandma loved me the most before she was alive!" Bai Mo said, and began to cry, crying, "I can't, I can't let Grandma died for no apparent reason!"

"That's enough! Don't make any noise!" Old Man Bai yelled irritably and heartbrokenly, hugging Old Madam Bai's body, his eyes were empty and ugly, and he aged several years in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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