Chapter 476 The Secret (1)
"How could it be about black tea! I drank a cup just now!" Sun Xiaofen fell into her husband Bai Zizhen's arms aggrievedly, and started to cry!What did she do wrong?He was planning for this daughter with all his heart, but in the end he was so suspicious by her!
"Mom, I didn't mention you, I just wanted to know if this black tea is a taboo with grandma's food!" Bai Mo looked at Sun Xiaofen and said bluntly.

"Girl Shishi, tell me, is it about the black tea?" Sun Xiaotong looked at Tang Shishi and asked for confirmation.

Of course, Sun Xiaotong would not suspect that his ide sister poisoned her mother-in-law. By asking this question, she just wanted to use Tang Shishi's mouth to clarify for Sun Xiaofen in public.

"Yes! Girl Shishi, tell me!" Bai Fengju didn't believe it was Sun Xiaofen, and even if she was restrained, it was definitely not intentional, but her mother just disappeared, so she had to find out the truth no matter what.

Tang Shishi did not expect that she would become the focus of other people's attention. Seeing everyone's eyes on her, doubtful, expectant, puzzled, all kinds of eyes made her feel stressed. .

"Girl, just tell what you know. If you can't explain it, there will be a doctor's test." Mr. Jun looked at Tang Shishi with a serious face, and explained.

Tang Shishi nodded, glanced at the old lady Bai lying on the ground, quickly glanced at the faces of the Bai family, and said, "It's not about the black tea! The black tea and the food on the main table are not to be restrained!"

As soon as Tang Shishi's words fell, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Bai Mo looked at Tang Shishi and asked suspiciously: "Are you sure? So it's not my mother's problem!"

Tang Shishi frowned, Bai Mo bit like a mad dog, even her own mother was suspicious, Tang Shishi felt that Sun Xiaofen was really pitiful, she tried every means to protect Bai Mo, but she didn't expect Bai Mo to treat her like this, but When Tang Shishi saw Sun Xiaofen's shoulders shrugged, she felt a little uncomfortable. In fact, she felt that Sun Xiaofen was not wrong, she just loved her child too much!

"No! There is indeed something wrong with this cup of black tea!" As soon as Tang Shishi finished speaking, Ling Rui denied it. His calm and powerful voice attracted everyone's attention!
Ling Rui's words were like a boulder thrown into everyone's hearts, stirring up thousands of waves.

"Major General Ling, what do you mean by that?" Bai Ziyu was the first to speak. He looked at Ling Rui with a serious face, his voice was low, and his eyes were piercing and full of majesty.

Naturally, Bai Ziqi did not believe that Sun Xiaofen would poison his mother. Although he really wanted to know who killed his mother, he would never allow anyone to suspect his wife and pour dirty water on him. on his wife.

Because of Ling Rui's words, Bai Ziyu looked at Ling Rui carefully again, his brows twitched, and several thoughts crossed his mind, thinking about why Ling Rui would say such words at such a sensitive and nervous time!
Could it be that the Jun family intends to give up neutrality and leave?Or is there another change in City A recently?Or someone deliberately instigated to split the Bai family like the last time when the Jun family was split?

In just the blink of an eye, several thoughts had already crossed Bai Zizhen's mind.

Bai Zizhao also had the same thought as Bai Zizheng. He also looked at Ling Rui with a judgmental gaze, with probing eyes, as if he wanted to see through people.

Old man Bai didn't make a sound, he just stayed dumb, like a thoughtless puppet, but when he heard Ling Rui's words, his eyes flickered, and he quickly regained his composure.

Ling Rui met Bai Zizheng and Bai Zizhao's judgmental eyes, without any dodge, seeing that everyone hadn't recovered yet, and repeated every word in a straight voice: "There is indeed something wrong with this cup of black tea! "

Bai Zizhen couldn't see anything from Ling Rui's face, and then set his eyes on Mr. Jun. The deep meaning in his eyes shocked Mr. Jun's heart.

"Ling Rui! Seriously? My grandma had an accident because she drank that cup of black tea, didn't she?" Bai Mo didn't expect Ling Rui to say something unexpected at such a critical moment, and it was very suitable for her , looking at Ling Rui in surprise for a while, the admiration in his eyes made Tang Shishi look very dazzling!

"Husband——" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui in confusion, and called out in a low voice. She didn't expect Ling Rui to say such a thing, but he knew that Ling Rui must have discovered something.

Ling Rui glanced at Tang Shishi, then turned to meet Bai Mo's expectant gaze, and said solemnly, "Yes!"

The word is so important that the hearts of the people at the banquet were shaken.

"Mom, why did you do this?!" Bai Mo got an affirmative answer from Ling Rui, turned around and looked at Sun Xiaofen sadly and angrily, and asked sharply.

Sun Xiaofen looked at Bai Mo, and felt that she was so strange, like an outsider, someone she had never known before, and her eyes blurred.She didn't expect that her daughter, whom she raised so hard, who she defended in every way, and who she doted on in every possible way, would one day accuse herself of being the murderer who killed her mother-in-law!
"Momo, do you know what you're talking about?" Sun Xiaotong saw his sister's heartbroken look, his heart twisted, and he yelled at Bai Mo!

This child is too ignorant?Can such words be used for nonsense?
"Auntie, I'm looking for the murderer who killed my grandma! I want to avenge my grandma!" Bai Mo stared at Sun Xiaofen with eyes full of hatred, and said through gritted teeth.

Sun Xiaofen felt that Baimo's eyes were like the eyes of a poisonous snake, emitting a faint blue light, which made her feel cold all over her body for a moment, her heart was already so cold that she couldn't speak, she was just so dazed, dazed He looked at Baimo.

Sun Xiaotong was stuck in the throat by Bai Mo's angry breath, she looked at Bai Mo with fire in her eyes, wishing she could go up and slap her a few times, so that she could wake up!
"Boy Rui, why do you think there's something wrong with black tea?" Mr. Jun looked at Ling Rui and asked.In fact, in his own heart, he didn't want Ling Rui to get involved in these matters, for fear that the Bai family would misunderstand and his kindness would not be reciprocated.But I can't get over the hurdle of conscience.

Ling Rui walked to the table, picked up a clean napkin and pinched the old lady Bai's wine glass, pointed to a little powdery white substance on the edge of the wine glass, and said: "Black tea is not incompatible with food. But this cup of black tea was poisoned."

After hearing Ling Rui's words, everyone couldn't help stretching their necks, wanting to take a look at the cup, but they didn't see anything, and a few stood at Ling Rui's original place, but they didn't notice anything strange on the cup , I can't help but wonder what Ling Rui's eyes are, as if they were equipped with X-rays!
(End of this chapter)

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