Chapter 477 The Secret (2)
"It's not Xiangke? It's poisoning?!" Bai Mo looked at Ling Rui suspiciously, her voice suddenly raised, and shock flashed in her eyes!After being shocked, he looked at Sun Xiaofen in disbelief.

"How did this happen?!" Sun Xiaofen's legs softened, she sat on the ground and cried, "Mom! I'm sorry! I should have drunk this cup of tea! The damned person is me! It's me! Woooo—”

Sun Xiaotong understood Sun Xiaofen. She was about to pat Sun Xiaofen on the shoulder to comfort her, but Bai Mo pushed Sun Xiaofen away one step ahead of her, and shouted angrily: "Why did you pass that cup of tea to grandma? Why? ? You killed my grandma! You killed my grandma! You pay for my grandma! Pay for my grandma!”

"Bai Mo! You are crazy! That person is your mother! How could you talk to your mother like that!" Bai Fengju couldn't bear to look at her. When Sun Xiaofen handed the black tea to Sun Xiaotong, she was also beside her. Sun Xiaofen was afraid that the old lady would drink too much, so she expressed her kindness.

"She's not my mother! She killed my grandma! She's not my mother!" Bai Mo cried, her voice trembling, and her body trembling. At first glance, she felt that she had been hit by the death of Mrs. Bai, and she was unconscious. Qing, like losing his mind.

After hearing Bai Mo's words, Sun Xiaofen was so wronged and sad that she couldn't even cry.

Tang Shishi stood among the crowd, watching all this quietly, and then seeing Sun Xiaofen's devastated appearance, she couldn't help but feel emotional in her heart.

In Sun Xiaofen's heart now, she should regret having such a daughter as Bai Mo, right?It's just that what she didn't understand was, how could Bai Mo treat Sun Xiaofen like this, after all, she was the mother who gave birth to her and raised her, and has been protecting her in every possible way!

"Bai Mo! Shut up!" With a roar, Bai Mo, who was crying and screaming, was stunned. The one who spoke was none other than Mr. Bai.

Mr. Bai is still holding Mrs. Bai's body at this moment, but the stupid look on his face is no longer there. At this moment, his face is full of burning anger, concentrating all the pain in his eyes and pressing it in his heart .

"Grandpa—" Bai Mo wanted to distinguish a few words, but was interrupted by Bai Ziyu: "Shut up!"

Bai Mo was repeatedly reprimanded by her father and grandfather. Seeing their serious faces, she didn't dare to cry anymore, and shut her mouth embarrassingly, but there was still dissatisfaction, anger, and hatred in her eyes. All emotions hit Sun Xiaofen through his own eyes.

"Second daughter-in-law, tell me, what's going on?" Although old man Bai was sitting on the ground, his majestic aura should not be underestimated. His words gave people an invisible sense of oppression, Especially the pair of eyes he looks at others, which makes people have no place to hide all their emotions.

"Dad! I exchanged the black tea for my mother!" Sun Xiaofen said here, another string of tears rolled out. Even though she did not poison herself, her mother-in-law died because she drank the black tea she sent over. Her kindness killed her mother-in-law!For the rest of her life, she couldn't feel safe in her heart.

"Dad! Xiaofen won't harm my mother!" Bai Ziqi knelt down in front of Mrs. Bai and Mr. Bai and said.

"Boy Rui, is that cup of black tea definitely poisoned?" Mr. Bai ignored Bai Ziqi's words, looked up at Ling Rui, and confirmed.

"Grandpa Bai, the white powder on the edge of this cup should be the thing that killed Mrs. Bai, and there is still a little residual substance at the bottom of the cup, so people can tell by inspection!" Ling Rui carefully protected the cup, and sent the cup to the In front of Mr. Bai, Mr. Bai took the cup and looked at it carefully. Sure enough, as Ling Rui said, he saw the residue that had not been completely dissolved at the bottom of the cup, and a little bit of white powder on the edge of the cup.Can't help but sigh: This kid has such sharp eyes.

But this is not the time to lament these things.

After reading the wine glass, Old Man Bai turned his head to Sun Xiaofen and asked, "Who brought you the black tea?"

Sun Xiaofen woke up after being asked by Mr. Bai, and replied: "It's Xiaomei. I was going to come over to toast, but Bai Mo said that I would see off guests after the banquet. It's not good to be drunk, so let the servant Someone poured me a glass of drink. I saw that my mother was drunk and asked someone to pour wine for her, so I passed the black tea in my hand to her as red wine! Woohoo——Damn that person is me !"

Master Bai glanced at Sun Xiaofen with a sigh, although he didn't understand why the person behind the scenes wanted to attack Sun Xiaofen, but after listening to Sun Xiaofen's words, his heart turned quickly.

"Where's Xiaomei?" Elder Bai asked again.

A little maid stood up trembling, looked at the old man Bai, cried out in fright, and said, "I didn't poison you! I didn't poison you! I just listened to the young lady and spilled the wine on purpose." On Major General Ling's wife's clothes."

After listening to Xiaomei's words, Sun Xiaofen looked at Bai Mo's eyes, already extremely disappointed.She didn't doubt Xiaomei's words at all, because Baimo had had an unpleasant fight with Tang Shishi in the boutique because of the dress Tang Shishi was wearing, and according to her temperament, it was really reasonable to do such a thing , she had suspected that Bai Mo had someone do it on purpose since the time Tang Shishi's clothes were stained, and it turned out!

Looking at the crying Xiaomei, Tang Shishi recognized that she was the little maid who bumped into her earlier, she couldn't help frowning, and looked at Bai Mo.

"You're talking nonsense! Don't spout blood here!" Bai Mo stood up angrily, and was about to beat Xiaomei.

"Bai Mo!" Old Master Bai scolded loudly, then looked at Tang Shishi who was standing calmly by the side, and then at Bai Mo, an angry light flashed in his eyes!

This useless bastard!

Burned by old master Bai's anger, Bai Mo withdrew her hand in fright, then looked at Tang Shishi angrily, with obvious dissatisfaction in her eyes, and said, "It's you! You must have ordered her to slander me!"

Tang Shishi looked at Bai Mo who was like a mad dog, biting anyone she saw, and said mockingly: "Miss Bai really thinks highly of me, when did I have such a great ability to order your servant?"

"Bai Mo, don't carelessly grab and bite!" Jun Nuanxin stood up to defend Tang Shishi's injustice.

"Being a thief is guilty!" The Jun family has always been united. Although Jun Mubei has recently fought fiercely with Tang Shishi and Tang Shishi, he still defends Tang Shishi exceptionally when facing outsiders.

"I didn't!" Bai Mo looked at Jun Nuanxin and Jun Mubei angrily, and finally set her hopeful eyes on Ling Rui who didn't speak, trying to get a little support and approval from him, but she saw Ling Rui When he saw the blade-like eyes, his body trembled in fright!
Those who don't speak easily are the scariest!

"Is there any? I will investigate slowly in the future. For now, let's find out who poisoned the cup of black tea." Tang Shishi didn't want to be the focus of everyone's attention at this time, but let the murderer who poisoned Mrs. Bai have a chance. Taking the opportunity, he said decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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