Chapter 478 The Secret (3)
Old Master Bai looked at Tang Shishi and nodded. Even Bai Zizheng and Bai Zizhao turned their heads to look at Tang Shishi, feeling gratified for her profound understanding of righteousness and consideration of the overall situation.Looking back at Bai Mo's performance, Bai Ziyu was disappointed.

"It's not me at all!" Bai Mo yelled angrily, refusing to give up.

"It's not you!" Tang Shishi said impatiently following Bai Mo's words.

"You—" Bai Mo didn't expect Tang Shishi to be so quick to confirm that it wasn't her, and she became suspicious again. Looking at the impatience in Tang Shishi's eyes, the suspicion on her face was so obvious.

"Xiaomei, where did you get your black tea from?" Mr. Bai no longer paid attention to the undercurrent between Bai Mo and Tang Shishi. Since he had agreed to Tang Shishi, he would do what he said. Unexpectedly, Bai Mo would not change after repeated admonitions. He actually went to provoke Tang Shishi again, and after that, no matter what happened to Bai Mo, he would not care about it anymore!
"It was in the wine room. The eldest lady asked me to prepare drinks for the young lady. I went to the wine room and saw a bottle of freshly opened black tea on the table. I poured a cup and gave it to me." Xiaomei said tremblingly.

"I asked you to get the drink, but I didn't ask you to poison me!" Bai Mo overreacted to Xiaomei's words!

"Then I asked you to pour that cup? Did you still pour it from the bottle of black tea?" Sun Xiaofen looked at the excited Bai Mo and asked eagerly. She also drank a cup of black tea, why didn't she drink it? something wrong?

"It's that bottle. Only the bottle of black tea is opened." Xiaomei replied in fear.

"Bring that bottle of black tea." Old Master Bai said to Quan Shaobai beside him, even though he knew that the problem was not with the bottle of black tea.

After listening to Mr. Bai's words, Quan Shaobai immediately got up and went to the wine room. After a while, an opened bottle of black tea was brought over.

Old Man Bai looked at the bottle of black tea, glanced at Xiaomei lightly, and said, "You're lying!"

After hearing what old man Bai said, Xiaomei was so frightened that she couldn't stop shaking. She sat down on the ground and said, "I didn't poison you! I didn't poison you! It really wasn't me!" She almost collapsed!
"Who is that?" Quan Shaobai threateningly said, "If you don't tell the truth, you will suffer!"

Xiaomei shrank back in fright, looked up at old man Bai, but never dared to look at old lady Bai, and said, "I don't know who it is? When I ran into the wine room, I saw a A bottle of black tea was opened, some was poured out, and some was spilled on the table, I saw that the cup next to the black tea was full, picked it up and smelled it, it wasn't red wine, so I quickly took it out." Xiaomei Weeping while talking, after speaking, looking at old man Bai's dark complexion and Quan Shaobai's threatening eyes, he said one after another: "What I said is true! It's true! I didn't harm anyone!"

Old Man Bai looked at Quan Shaobai, and Quan Shaobai nodded slightly. Old Man Bai closed his eyes slightly, and then quickly opened them again. The banquet is busy today, and what Xiaomei said was reasonable, but he couldn't think of who it was Watching all this closely in the dark, and concealing it so deeply.

"Leave all this to the police?" After a long time, old man Bai said.

"Yes! We must seek justice for grandma!" Bai Mo said indignantly.

The ambulance came very fast, but just as the ambulance arrived, the police car also arrived at the Bai family mansion. Zhao Minghui walked in with a few police officers, followed by a woman in a beige coat, who was his daughter Zhao Jie.

It turned out that after Du Haoyang saw the homicide, he called Zhao Zhenhui again. Zhao Zhenhui was having dinner at home, and Zhao Jie who was next to him heard the call from Du Haoyang, and wanted to follow him no matter what, Zhao Zhenhui couldn't help it, so he had to let her follow.

As soon as Zhao Zhenhui came in, after saying hello to everyone around him, his gaze fell on Tang Shishi and he thought to himself, every time there is this woman, something always happens!
Zhao Zhenhui led people to investigate the scene, and then made some detailed notes, and finally let Xiaomei be taken away. Of course, Sun Xiaofen and Bai Mo both wanted to make detailed notes again, but they didn't just go to the police station.

"Old man Bai! You have to mourn!" Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling looked at Mr. Bai, who was still in good looks before, but now his body and spirit are sluggish, as if he was a different person, and they felt very uncomfortable, and stepped forward to persuade him.

"You can't come back from the dead, you have to cheer up!" Old Master Ling patted Old Master Bai on the shoulder and said.

Although they are all people who are used to watching life and death, none of them can remain indifferent to the departure of their relatives and people around them.

"I didn't expect that her unintentional joke tonight turned out to be a prophecy!" Mr. Bai sat on the ground and said in a daze.

Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling recalled what Mrs. Bai said earlier, "Maybe, someday it will be gone!" I couldn't help but feel a burst of embarrassment in my heart!
Things are unpredictable and fickle!
No one expected that such a huge change would take place at the lively banquet tonight, so when they were sure everything was fine, they all dispersed in twos and threes, and the Bai family had no intention of seeing off the guests, but everyone didn't feel neglected , After all, such a thing happened, the Bai family can't take care of it for a while, so it's understandable.

When Tang Shishi walked into the yard, she remembered that her clothes were still in the guest room of Bai's house. She stopped and said to Ling Rui, "I'll get the clothes."

"I'll go with you!" Ling Rui said softly, holding Tang Shishi's little hand.

"Okay." Tang Shishi nodded.

The two let the others go first, and turned back into the house.

"Third brother and third sister-in-law, why are you back again? Is there something wrong?" Seeing Tang Shishi and Ling Rui leaving and returning, Quan Shaobai stepped forward and asked.

The Bai family also looked at Tang Shishi and Ling Rui in surprise.

"My clothes are still in the guest room, I forgot to take them." Tang Shishi said apologetically.

"I'll take you to the guest room." Bai Hexuan stood up, walked to Tang Shishi and Ling Rui, and said.

It was the guest room where he led Tang Shishi and Ling Rui to change clothes before, and he knew which one it was.

"Thank you Lieutenant Colonel Bai!" Tang Shishi said politely, then glanced at the Bai family members around, and followed Bai Hexuan's footsteps.

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui went down to the guest room led by Bai Hexuan. As soon as they entered, they saw that the clothes Tang Shishi had changed were neatly folded on the bed in the guest room. Tang Shishi stepped forward and took the clothes He got up and said, "Thank you Lieutenant Colonel Bai."

"You're welcome! Thank you all today!" Bai Hexuan said sincerely, with some sadness in his eyes.

Although grandma doted on Bai Mo too much when she was a child, she treated him very well. It's just that Bai Mo is too troublesome, and he has a dull temper. He is unwilling to say anything, so grandma often reprimands him, but He knew that grandma had always loved him in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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