Chapter 479 The Secret (4)
Although he is not good at words, it does not mean that he is ignorant. He can see that what happened tonight is definitely not as simple as they seem on the surface.So I would like to thank Ling Rui for his insight, and also thank Tang Shishi for being considerate of the overall situation. At that time, she was not as knowledgeable as Bai Mo.

"We didn't do anything to help." Tang Shishi didn't know what kind of mood she was in now, but she felt sad for Mrs. Bai's death in her heart, especially after listening to the 60-year relationship between Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Bai today. After the emotional journey of getting along with each other, his affection for her is even better than before.

"If you have time, spend more time with Grandpa Bai." After coming out of the guest room, Tang Shishi looked at the old man who was sitting on a chair in the distance with a painful expression on his face, and said.

It is said that young couples come to accompany each other in old age. Grandpa Bai watched the old lady Bai die in front of him on such a day, and the pain in his heart must be indescribable.

"Well, I will." Bai Hexuan nodded seriously after listening to Tang Shishi's words, and he will spare some time to do research in the future to visit Grandpa more.

Ling Rui remained silent the whole time without opening his mouth, followed Tang Shishi and Bai Hexuan out of the guest room, and before leaving, he looked back again.

"Wow! Mrs. Ling, this dress you are holding in your hand - this dress is master Jane's handwriting!" Tang Shishi and Ling Rui followed Bai Hexuan to say goodbye to Mr. Bai, just walked over , I heard an excited and very dissonant scream. Before Tang Shishi came back to her senses, the clothes she was holding in her hands were grabbed by someone. She instinctively pulled her clothes and pulled them in front of her. .

There was only a sound of tearing, and the little lake blue dress in Tang Shishi's hand was torn apart.

"Well, I didn't mean it, I just wanted to see if it was designed by Master JANE, I also like this dress very much, I didn't mean it! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" came to grab clothes from Tang Shishi , it was Director Zhao's daughter, Zhao Jie. Seeing the torn lake blue dress, she was so frightened that she let go of her hand and kept apologizing.

Tang Shishi frowned displeased!Looking at that little dress, I thought to myself how unlucky this dress is?How many people are missed, how many people will be destroyed!She likes this little dress very much, and she hasn't worn enough of it, but the tulle on this dress has been torn, so it is obvious that she can't wear it anymore.

"Mrs. Ling, my little girl is innocent. Please don't be angry. Zhao will send the money for the clothes to the house later." Seeing Ling Rui's dark face, Zhao Zhenhui hurried up to apologize, and then scolded his daughter Zhao Jie Said: "Stand aside! When will you change your impulsive temper!"

Zhao Jie spat out the stone, glanced at Tang Shishi and Ling Rui with a guilty conscience, and moved back a few steps.

"Okay." Before Tang Shishi could speak, Ling Rui answered first, with a cold and heavy word.

Zhao Zhenhui obviously didn't expect Ling Rui to say this. He just said that he would send the money for the clothes to Ling Rui's house, and it was just a polite scene. He thought that Ling Rui and Tang Shishi would not care about this matter with him, no Thinking of Ling Rui's full promise, he was a little surprised and didn't answer.

"Hey! What is this?" Just when Zhao Zhenhui was embarrassed, a voice broke the deadlock.

Bai Mo almost rushed in front of Tang Shishi. She grabbed a small plastic bag on the ground, held it in her hand, and asked Tang Shishi sharply: "Tang Shishi, what is this? How did it come out of your clothes?" fall out?"

When everyone heard Bai Mo's words, they all looked at Bai Mo's hand, and saw that she was holding a small white plastic bag and looking at Tang Shishi angrily.

Old Man Bai was also attracted by Bai Mo's words, his eyes fell on the small plastic bag in Bai Mo's hand, his expression froze, then he looked at Tang Shishi, and finally his eyes fell on Ling Rui.

"This is?" Bai Ziyu looked at the small plastic bag in Bai Mo's hand, and asked in doubt when he saw the white powder left in the plastic bag.

"What is this? I'm afraid this is the poison that poisoned my grandma?" Bai Mo stared at Tang Shishi, and asked coldly, "Tang Shishi, why did you poison my grandma?"

Tang Shishi narrowed her eyes, and met Baija's venomous gaze, as if seeing a cobra spitting its core proudly at herself. It's like being able to suffer death obediently.

"I have no grievances or enmities with Grandma Bai." Tang Shishi responded lightly.

"Yes! You have no grievances with my grandma. How could I have forgotten that the person you wanted to poison to death was my mother!" Bai Mo immediately changed the subject after hearing Tang Shishi's words: "You won't deny that you and My mother doesn't have any conflicts, does she?"

"Then, Miss Bai, what conflict do I have with your mother?" Tang Shishi sneered.

It turned out that she was waiting here!

After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she looked at Zhao Jie behind Director Zhao. When she saw Zhao Jie's blank gaze, Tang Shishi blinked her eyes slightly, although she couldn't tell whether Zhao Jie just came up to pull her clothes on purpose. It was still unintentional, but now she can at least be sure that Mrs. Bai's death was a game set up for her, and it was also a game set up for the Bai family and the Jun family.

"My mother asked you to apologize for my affairs, didn't you agree? You must be angry!" Bai Mo said self-righteously.

"No! It's definitely not her!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Sun Xiaofen quickly shook her head and defended Tang Shishi: "She won't do that!"

"Mom! Who is your daughter? At this moment you are still protecting an outsider! She wants to kill you!" Bai Mo looked at Sun Xiaofen with a heartbroken expression on her face.

Sun Xiaofen gave Bai Mo a cold look, then turned her head, looked at old man Bai and said, "Dad, I believe Mrs. Ling is not that kind of person."

"Well, I also believe that this matter was not done by girl Shishi! I am very clear about girl Shishi's character!" Mr. Bai said with certainty.

"You're all fascinated by this vixen! What kind of ecstasy did she give you? Now that you've got all the stolen goods, you're still defending her!" Bai Mo looked at old man Bai in surprise, with a serious look on her face. He couldn't agree, then looked at Bai Fengju and asked, "Auntie, don't you want to avenge grandma?"

"This revenge must be avenged, but I believe that Shishi is not that kind of person!" Bai Fengju said firmly after hearing Bai Mo's words.

Bai Fengju knew that Bai Mo wanted to instigate herself to deal with Tang Shishi again, so the cold eyes she looked at Bai Mo made one feel chills.

"My third sister-in-law is not that kind of person!" Quan Shaobai agreed.

"Shishi is not that kind of person! She just told me to spend more time with Grandpa in the future." Bai Hexuan also said affirmatively.

(End of this chapter)

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