Chapter 480 The Secret (5)
"You—you—" Bai Mo was so angry that she didn't know what to say!She turned around and was about to slap Tang Shishi, but Ling Rui kicked her out.

"Ah——" Baimo fell so far in embarrassment that she almost couldn't catch her breath. Ling Rui's foot was firm, and her internal organs were so painful that her five internal organs were about to be displaced. It's bloody.

"Ling Rui, why are you hitting a woman?" Bai Mo yelled weakly.

"You don't deserve me to do it!" Ling Rui retracted his feet, rubbed his shoes on the carpet a few times, and said with disgust, "How dare you touch my wife, so what if you're a woman? I'll make you regret being a human!"

All the people in the room were shocked by the suffocation around Ling Rui, and they realized that although Ling Rui seemed to be silent, once he offended him, he would definitely compare every penny, ten times and a hundred times return.

Tang Shishi stretched out her small hand, squeezed Ling Rui's big hand tightly, and tugged at it, only then did the evil spirit around Ling Rui subside.

"Grandpa Bai, you also heard about this dress before. The maid spilled wine on me on purpose, so I went to the guest room to change the clothes. When I left just now, I remembered that I didn't take the clothes, so I went back As for the extra things in the clothes, I really have nothing to say about it." Although Tang Shishi was moved by the Bai family's trust in her, she still had to give a necessary explanation.

"Well, I can testify to this. I led Shishi and Ling Rui to the guest room at that time. When she came back to pick up her clothes just now, I led them there. There was nothing unusual during this period." Bai Hexuan added.

"Then Mrs. Ling was not present when Mrs. Bai was poisoned?" Zhao Zhenhui asked.

"After she changed her clothes, she sat at the same table as me." Quan Shaobai said.

"I heard that Young Master Quan left the meeting halfway, so did Mrs. Ling also leave the meeting?" Zhao Zhenhui asked again, with a serious attitude on his face as if he was doing business.

"This—" Quan Shaobai was dumbfounded.

"I've left the table, I've been to the bathroom." Tang Shishi replied honestly.

"Then how long does it take Madam Ling to go to the bathroom?" Zhao Zhenhui asked, not missing any details.

"About a quarter of an hour." Tang Shishi thought for a while, and told the truth.

"Tang Shishi! You still say you didn't poison it?! Does it take so long to go to the bathroom?" Bai Mo sat down on the ground and shouted, and then glared at the Bai family members angrily. Ling Rui was almost kicked to death, none of these people came forward to take care of her, instead they surrounded that woman Tang Shishi to explain her, these bastards who don't know right from wrong!
"Mrs. Ling, what do you say?" Zhao Zhenhui asked Tang Shishi, looking at her.

Zhao Zhenhui's gaze made Tang Shishi feel very uncomfortable, but she knew that this time was not the time to pursue these things, so she met Zhao Minghui's gaze calmly and said: "At that time, my sister Jun Nuanxin was listening to Grandpa Bai and When Grandma Bai told about some of the past, she was deeply moved and couldn't help shedding tears on the spot, and then went to the bathroom to tidy up her appearance, I was worried, so I followed and said a few words inside."

"Then what did Mrs. Ling and Miss Jun Nuanxin say?" Zhao Zhenhui continued to ask.

Tang Shishi frowned, she didn't want to spread out Jun Nuan's heart in front of so many people.

"Director Zhao, is this related to the case?" Ling Rui asked coldly.

"If she has a clear conscience, what can't she say?" Bai Mo shouted, she probably already guessed what Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin were talking about, since she was ashamed in public, she didn't mind bringing someone to accompany her Embarrass her!
"Young Master Ling, this is also my responsibility, don't take offense!" Zhao Zhenhui said with a embarrassed face.

"I hope so!" Ling Rui snorted lightly, looking at Zhao Zhenhui contemptuously.

Zhao Zhenhui shivered for no reason, and a dark cloud floated in his heart, but he didn't continue to ask, but told a policeman next to him to see if there was a place in the bathroom where he could get out and avoid the crowd. Line of sight, leading to the guest room or other places, such as the wine room.

After a while, the police officer who went to check came back and said that the window in the bathroom was open, enough for an adult to come in and out, and after going out through the window of the bathroom, he could go to the yard of Bai's house, and he could also go to the courtyard of the corridor. The side door enters the wine room.

It is very likely that the murderer ran from the bathroom to the wine room to poison.

After hearing the police officer's deduction, everyone's expressions became serious.

"Major General Ling, we're going to ask Mrs. Ling to go to the police station to take notes. By the way, I'd like to ask Miss Jun Nuanxin to come too." Zhao Zhenhui looked at Ling Rui biting the bullet, as if asking for his opinion.

Just now, he was a little dissatisfied with Ling Rui because Ling Rui promised to compensate for the clothes, so he was a little bit directed at Tang Shishi in words. Although these are routine questions, everyone knows in their hearts that these routine inquiries are only for ordinary people. Man, Zhao Zhenhui was clearly harboring personal grievances just now.

"Yes." Ling Rui held Tang Shishi's little hand tightly, looked down at Tang Shishi and said, "Don't worry, I'll be with you."

Everyone didn't expect Ling Rui to be so easy-going, and agreed to Zhao Zhenhui's proposal. In their opinion, it was absolutely impossible for Ling Rui to wrong Tang Shishi to go to that kind of place.

"Third Brother——" Quan Shaobai wanted to dissuade him, but Ling Rui stopped him with a wave of his hand, so he gave Zhao Zhenhui a deadly look.

Zhao Zhenhui flinched obviously, but soon straightened up again, with a dignified look on his face.

"Shaobai, go pick up Nuanxin and go directly to the police station. Ling Rui and I will go with Chief Zhao first." Tang Shishi was afraid that Quan Shaobai would do something impulsively, so she hurriedly ordered.For some reason, she always felt that Ling Rui seemed to know something about what happened today.

"I don't—" Quan Shaobai refused without even thinking about it, he couldn't bear to go to such a messy place.

"Shaobai, listen to your third sister-in-law!" Bai Ziqi immediately interrupted Quan Shaobai's words with a strong tone.

Quan Shaobai looked back puzzled, and nodded silently when he saw the look in Bai Ziyu's eyes.

"Then don't bother Quan Shao. Don't worry, I just ask Mrs. Ling and Miss Jun Nuanxin to explain the situation and make a record. I believe it won't take a long time." Seeing Quan Shaobai acquiescing, Zhao Zhenhui said haha Looking at Ling Rui said.

"Lead the way." Ling Rui said two words coldly.

The expression on Zhao Zhenhui's face froze, a gloomy look flashed across his eyes quickly, and he turned and walked towards the door without looking at him.

This Ling Rui, let him lead the way, what do you think of him? !

(End of this chapter)

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