Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 481 The police station really has tea!

Chapter 481 The police station really has tea! (1)
"Hmph! This is retribution!" Bai Mo said viciously, looking at the backs of Ling Rui and Tang Shishi.

As soon as Bai Mo's words fell, all the Bai family members glared angrily.Old Man Bai glanced at Bai Mo indifferently, and then said to his two sons, "Help me to the study."

"Dad! You—" When Bai Zizhao heard what Old Master Bai said, shock flashed in his eyes, and then he looked at Old Master Bai's legs.

"Sitting on the ground just now, my legs and feet are not very flexible." Mr. Bai said with a sigh, thinking that he is old after all, and he can't see many things clearly.

Bai Zizheng and Bai Zizhao supported old master Bai to the study, old master Bai walked to the stairs, and said to Bai Fengju and the two daughter-in-laws, "Go and help your mother clean up, your mother likes to be clean the most."


"Got it, Dad!"

Bai Fengju, Sun Xiaofen and Sun Xiaotong said together, their voices were choked and a little hoarse.

Soon, there were only Bai Hexuan and Bai Mo left in the hall, and some servants who were clearing the tables in the distance. Bai Hexuan cast a disdainful glance at Bai Mo who was sitting on the ground in a mess, and walked slowly towards the guest room.

Bai Mo looked at Bai Hexuan's haughty figure, and couldn't help cursing angrily: "A bunch of bastards! They're all bastards!"

It's just that no one would pay attention to a lunatic like her, even the servants hid far away, and no one came to help her.

Bai Zizheng and Bai Zizhao brought Mr. Bai into the study room, and as soon as he closed the door and sat down, he asked impatiently, "What do you two think?"

Bai Zizheng and Bai Zizhao looked at each other, pondered for a moment, then Bai Zizheng said, "Dad, did Ling Rui see something?"

In fact, ever since Ling Rui said that there was something wrong with that cup of black tea, Bai Ziqi had clearly sensed that something was wrong with Ling Rui. Although he did not live in the compound of the military region, he was in the same military region after all. I don't know much about his personality and I have heard a lot of rumors. He has a cold appearance and has never been a nosy temperament. So when he said it today, Bai Zizhen was very surprised. After the accident, he was shocked and thought about it. Many possibilities.

Now that I think about it, my previous thoughts and precautions were completely villainous, really embarrassing!
"Dad, you mean—" Bai Zizhao listened to Bai Ziqi's words, then looked at the grave-faced old man Bai, and spoke with a heavy tone, but only halfway through the sentence, he was almost stopped by a wink from the old man , shut up.

Bai Zizhao felt depressed for a while, is it like this?Could it be that the Bai family couldn't escape this disaster after all?

Old man Bai looked at his two sons, then closed his eyes with a sad expression on his face.

In the study room, there was an oppressive and almost suffocating dullness. The three of the Bai family father and son, in this suffocating dullness, their heads were running fast.

A moment later, old man Bai opened his eyes abruptly, and there was already a look of determination in his fine eyes. The two brothers, Bai Zizhao and Bai Ziqi, saw the expression of old man Bai, and they both realized something in their hearts. The tacit understanding allows them to understand each other's thoughts with just a look, even without words.

"The eldest son of the Shen family is going to do research in the military region next week, and let Hexuan learn more from her. I heard that girl Shishi is also good at this aspect. Back then, the eldest son of the Shen family valued her a lot. The two of you lived close to each other. , when there is nothing to do, the children have to move around more, I don't think that kid Hexuan and Shishi girl are very different from each other." Old Master Bai said to his eldest son Bai Zizhao.

The Shen family sent people to the Military District of City B, to put it bluntly, to do research, and to put it bluntly, to monitor the Military District of City B for any changes.Otherwise, wouldn't it be more convenient to do a bad research in city A, so why travel so far.

Bai Zizhao nodded.

"I won't take care of Bai Mo's affairs from now on!" Old Master Bai's eyes turned to Bai Ziyu, and that's what he said at the beginning.

"Dad..." Bai Ziyu heard old master Bai's words that seemed to cut off friendship, and couldn't help but want to intercede for Bai Mo, but when he thought of what Bai Mo had done today, his voice stuck in his throat, no matter what Can't send it out.

Regarding Bai Mo's performance today, Bai Ziyu is also disappointed. Although he loves Bai Mo, his love is not as unprincipled as his mother and wife. Bai Mo's temperament can tolerate her fighting with Tang Shishi, but she can't tolerate her pointing the sword at her family.

Today, Bai Mo took the matter of Mrs. Bai's poisoning, and insisted on biting Sun Xiaofen. Several times, she put on a face that wanted to press the crime on Sun Xiaofen. Anyone could see that something was wrong with Bai Mo. This made Bai Ziyu have to re-examine his own daughter.

"Our Bai family can be defeated by others, but not by our own family!" Mr. Bai roared sternly.

He is not a fool, he believes that these two sons can also see that something is wrong with Bai Mo today. The reason why he didn't expose Bai Mo's little trick in public is because he didn't want to expose his family ugliness in front of everyone; He didn't want to send Bai Mo out, but if he kept Bai Mo at home, there might be some chances for those people behind him to show their feet.

"The grievances between her and Shishi girl, in the future, you are not allowed to intervene anymore, let me take care of her!" Old Master Bai asked again worriedly, after all, Bai Mo was very favored at home since she was a child, he I'm also afraid that the family members will be confused for a while, and they will start to let her run amok again.

"Dad, I understand." Bai Zizheng nodded in agreement when he saw the resolute look on Old Master Bai's face.

"Go out and take care of your mother's funeral." Mentioning Mrs. Bai, Mr. Bai's face was filled with pain.

"Yes." Bai Ziyu and Bai Zizhao also agreed with a sad face, got up and walked outside.

"Call Fengju up, I have something to tell her." When the brothers of the Bai family walked to the door, Mr. Bai ordered as if he remembered something.

When Bai Fengju came to the study, Mr. Bai was resting his head on the cushion of the wicker chair with his eyes closed.

Bai Fengju looked at her father's tired and pained face, whispered hoarsely, and tentatively called out: "Dad!"

Old Master Bai opened his eyes wearily, looking at Bai Fengju with red and swollen eyes, the circles of his eyes couldn't help becoming hot, he let out a long sigh of relief, and asked, "Fengju, Dad asked you, do you want Shaobai to marry Jun's family?" Girl, do you still want Shaobai's father to retire from the army?"

Bai Fengju didn't expect that old man Bai would do multiple-choice questions for himself as soon as he opened his mouth, so he couldn't help being stunned, and asked after a while, "Dad, can't we have both?"

"No." Old Man Bai shook his head.

Bai Fengju thought for a while, then raised her head and said: "If you can only choose one, then of course let Shaobai marry a girl from the Jun family. Shaobai's father is impulsive, likes to drink, and he is not too young, so step back Just step back, it might be a good thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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