Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 482 The police station really has tea!

Chapter 482 The police station really has tea! (2)
She did all this for the sake of her son. If her son couldn't marry the girl of Jun's family, he might not be happy in this life. Besides, when mother left, she was always worried about Shaobai's marriage. The old man begged for favors. This was the mother's last wish on her deathbed. She couldn't let her go to live an uneasy life.

"It's good that you can figure it out. You are worthy of being the daughter of my Bai family." Mr. Bai is very pleased with Bai Fengju's choice. Not everyone can let go of the power in his hands so easily. Father Bai's ideological work, Mr. Bai was relieved a lot.

"Dad, I don't know what happened, but I know that you are doing it for me and Shaobai's father." Although Bai Fengju was protective and impulsive, she was not stupid. She could tell right from wrong at critical times. .

"Well, in a few days, I will move out of the compound of the military region and come back to live with my dad. When Shaobai gets married to the warm-hearted girl and adds a baby, you will have something to do." Old man Bai said gratifiedly, and then Don't forget to ask: "You have to change your temper of protecting the calf, and I have to watch you when the time comes, don't bully old man Jun's granddaughter, or the old man will take him back when he says he will take him back!"

"Dad! Look at what you said! I protect the calf, but I don't bully my family. When a warm-hearted girl marries, she is my family. Besides, if I wrong my daughter-in-law, that brat Shaobai won't let me Urgent!" Bai Fengju said mockingly.

Now is the time when a daughter-in-law forgets her mother!

"Well, talk to Shaobai's father well, don't let him feel resentful." Old Master Bai asked worriedly.

"Dad, it's okay. Shaobai's father has no merits in his life, he just listens to me!" Bai Fengju said proudly.

Old man Bai nodded, then waved his hands and said, "Go out, I'll be alone for a while."

Bai Fengju looked at old man Bai, moved her lower lip, but did not speak after all, gently pushed the door and walked out, then gently closed the door.

It was destined to be a restless night.

The Bai family agreed on a countermeasure, but Ling Rui and Tang Shishi staged a drama of threats and counter-threats in the police station.

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui went to the police station in the "escort" of a team of police cars. The road was full of scenery, and many people became curious about the Porsche Cayenne that the police car "opened the way", and they all guessed what kind of big shot this is. City, maybe someone fell off the horse and fled and was captured back!

At a fork near the police station, a person watched the Porsche Cayenne driving into the police station surrounded by layers, with a playful arc at the corner of his mouth, turned his head and disappeared into the night, the night wind blowing, the enchanting silhouette, faintly visible.

The car drove into the police station, and as soon as it stopped, Tang Shishi sensed the faint unrest around her. She frowned and glanced at Ling Rui, with some questioning in her eyes.

This man is a bit of an anomaly tonight.

"Are you afraid?" Ling Rui came up and put his arms around Tang Shishi's slender waist, tugged at her nose, and asked affectionately.

Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui an angry look!
This old hooligan has begun to display his hooligan potential regardless of the occasion!Don't even look at what time it is!Should it be said that he is not chaotic in times of danger, or is he dead or alive?
Uh!Of course it is the former!Tang Shishi glanced at Ling Ruiying's handsome side face and thought.

"Are you scared?" Seeing that Tang Shishi was silent, Ling Rui asked again.

"I'm scared to death!" Tang Shishi turned her head and looked into Ling Rui's deep eyes intently, and said, her tone was a little coquettish, most of it was a joke.

"Who can make you die if I'm here?" Ling Rui raised his eyebrows, he didn't like to hear Tang Shishi mention that word, even as a joke!
In fact, just as Mr. Jun thought, he originally didn't want to interfere in these messy affairs of the Bai family. Who made the Bai family produce such a woman as Bai Mo, whom he loathes and despises!
But who made Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai's inseparable and inseparable relationship move his little wild cat and his sister?Thinking of Tang Shishi's slightly red eyes and Jun Nuan crying, Ling Rui couldn't just let her eyes go.

But now, Ling Rui is very glad that he took care of it, and the Bai family is not confused. They can still maintain their rationality when they lose their loved ones, and they have a high degree of trust in Little Wild Cat. This makes him feel that he has done all this It's all worth the price of admission.

I hope the Bai family can see the situation clearly, and it is not in vain that he is willing to give them a hand at this time!
Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui, who was overreacting a little, and knew that he was stimulated by the inexplicable poisoning of Mrs. Bai tonight. She was a little jealous, and said softly: "With you here, I am not afraid of anything!"

What Tang Shishi said was very sincere. She remembered that time when she was drugged by Huang Liang and almost fell into Huang Liang's hands. When she was extremely desperate, it was this man who appeared like a god; The fist was broken by someone, and it was he who drew his gun at the critical moment, shot the person to death, and saved Tang Yuan; that night when Lu Tao sneaked into her ward in the dark, it was this man who beat the person away and hugged her. He comforted her; and the time when he was kidnapped, this man broke into the villa alone regardless of life and death, and came to her side without fear of bullets. As long as she is by this man's side, she will not be afraid even if she faces mountains of swords and seas of fire!
Ling Rui kissed Tang Shishi's forehead pitifully, looked at her big trusting eyes, felt happy, and said, "Let's go, don't let those who want to die wait impatiently!"

Tang Shishi listened to Ling Rui's words, glanced at Zhao Zhenhui who was looking around outside the car, nodded, and thought, the old hooligan was right, this guy is really in the rhythm of death.

Seeing that Ling Rui and Tang Shishi didn't get out of the car, Zhao Zhenhui had already begun to mutter in his heart. He didn't know what Ling Rui was doing in the car. He was still afraid of Ling Rui's ability. After all, this iron-blooded major general is not in vain .

But when he thought of so many people around him, all armed with live ammunition, Zhao Zhenhui didn't feel afraid anymore. He believed in the power and speed of the bullets. What's more, he also brought a burden, and he would definitely cast a trap.

Ling Rui suddenly opened the car door when Zhao Zhenhui ordered someone to knock on the door, then slowly got out of the car, walked to the other side slowly, opened the door of the passenger seat, took Tang Shishi's little hand, and got out of the car.

Zhao Zhenhui didn't expect Ling Rui to be so indifferent. Looking at Ling Rui's relaxed and confident expression as if he had returned to his own home, Zhao Zhenhui didn't dare to act rashly. He couldn't help but look around, wanting to Look around for anyone who shouldn't be there.Zhao Zhenhui heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that his people were all around him.

(End of this chapter)

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