Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 484 The police station really has tea!

Chapter 484 The police station really has tea! (4)
"The Feng family?!" Ling Rui's eyelids twitched and his face became heavy after hearing Zhao Zhenhui's words.

Seeing Ling Rui's gloomy face, Tang Shishi held Ling Rui's hand and said, "Then I'll follow the procedure and walk around. I'll drink short-mouthed people. For the sake of this good tea, I won't embarrass Bureau Zhao."

Ling Rui looked up at Tang Shishi: Are you sure you can handle him?
Tang Shishi shook Ling Rui's arm and blinked: Are you sure you can deal with the people in this room?

Ling Rui frowned: Little wild cat!Doubt your man's ability? !

Tang Shishi's small mouth curled up: "Old rascal!"Then compare who is faster!

Zhao Zhenhui didn't see the expressive look between Ling Rui and Tang Shishi, and after hearing Tang Shishi's words, he hurriedly said: "Young Madam understands the righteousness, so don't worry, Ling Shao. I will take the Young Madam into the interrogation room, ask a few questions, leave Just an image!"

"Hmph! Then hurry up, don't delay my master's going home to sleep!" Ling Rui said, looking at Zhao Zhenhui coldly.

"Definitely!" A gleam of success flashed in Zhao Zhenhui's eyes, and he politely invited Tang Shishi into the interrogation room, and then called a police officer in to take notes.

Ling Rui watched Zhao Zhenhui and Tang Shishi enter the interrogation room, the corner of his mouth curved into a mocking arc, stretched his arms lazily, and said two words lightly: "Start work!"

Tang Shishi followed Zhao Zhenhui into the interrogation room, followed by the police officer who took the record.Seeing this battle, Tang Shishi sneered in her heart. At this moment, she really didn't know whether Zhao Zhenhui underestimated the enemy or was cautious.

The door of the interrogation room was closed. Seeing Tang Shishi sitting down, Zhao Zhenhui changed his expression just now, slapped the book in his hand on the table, and asked Tang Shishi sternly: "Tang Shishi, tell me honestly, why did you Poisoning?"

Tang Shishi looked at Zhao Zhenhui, who had changed color in an instant, and said with a light smile, "Director Zhao, you are a little too excited!"

Zhao Zhenhui looked at Tang Shishi who was not answering the question, pointed at her nose angrily and said, "Stop yelling at me, do you think I'm still playing with you? Be honest!" He was indeed excited, because at this moment he had already seen Your own bright future!

As long as Tang Shishi is willing to confess that she poisoned her, everything will be fine.

"Director Zhao, what do you want me to explain? I don't know how to explain anything, why don't you tell me?" Tang Shishi's eyes were filled with light that seemed to be a smile but not a smile. She despises herself deeply, and after staying with the old hooligan for a long time, she was assimilated by him unconsciously!How can I sound like a female ruffian with my accent!
"Tang Shishi, I gave you a chance. Since you are dishonest, don't blame me for being rude!" Zhao Zhenhui gritted his teeth and looked at Tang Shishi in front of him and said. At this moment, Zhao Zhenhui was eager not to waste any more time.

This thorny man will not cry when he sees the coffin, today he just needs to pull out all the thorns on this thorny man!Let's see if she dares to be so arrogant!

"I really want to know what kind of impolite method Director Zhao wants!" Tang Shishi spread her hands innocently, and asked curiously: "Beating into a trick?"

"Tang Shishi, I have a lot of ways to make you confess. If you are sensible, you will admit it early. If you don't, you will suffer!" Zhao Zhenhui's eyes flashed a murderous veil.

"I don't understand. You clearly know that I have been wronged, so why do you still want to pin all this on me? Besides, even the Bai family thinks it's not me." Tang Shishi asked helplessly.

"Hmph! So what if you were wronged? Who gave you a bad life to marry Ling Rui? If the higher ups want the Jun family to fall, the Jun family will have to fall!" Zhao Zhenhui said proudly and disdainfully.

"I didn't expect that the Jun family would risk their lives to work for the Huaxia Kingdom. Instead of dying on the battlefield, they would become victims of political struggle!" Tang Shishi sighed.

"Who told the Jun family not to look at the eyes and want to be alone! It's a joke!" Zhao Zhenhui became more and more complacent as he spoke, looked at Tang Shishi sternly, and waved: "Do it!"

It's just that after Zhao Zhenhui gave the order, he didn't hear the slightest movement from the police officers around him. He couldn't help shouting angrily, "Bastard! I told you to do it!"

"Hey——" Tang Shishi looked at Zhao Zhenhui's eager look, couldn't help laughing, and kindly reminded: "Director Zhao, he has passed out!"

"What?!" Hearing Tang Shishi's words, Zhao Zhenhui turned his head in disbelief, looked at the police officer who was lying on the chair, and then looked at Tang Shishi with a look of horror. He was dizzy, he kept looking at Tang Shishi, but he didn't see how she made a move!
"Director Zhao, your complexion is not very good!" Tang Shishi looked at Zhao Zhenhui's pale face and said with concern.

Zhao Zhenhui looked at Tang Shishi who was smiling lightly in front of him, and the panic in his eyes was even worse. He was so frightened that he was about to grab the pistol on the table, but he was in vain, and when he looked up again, he found that Tang Shishi was holding the pistol. He played with his pistol in his hand, spinning it leisurely.

"Director Zhao, are you looking for it?" Tang Shishi asked kindly.

"You—" Zhao Zhenhui stammered at Tang Shishi, and broke out in cold sweat again.

"Director Zhao, what good did the people above give you to make you do such a thing against your conscience?" Tang Shishi handsomely slapped the pistol on the table, leaned over slightly with her arms on the table , asked Zhao Zhenhui, who was slumped in a chair.

Zhao Zhenhui didn't expect that, in the blink of an eye, the situation was reversed, and instead he was threatened by Tang Shishi, and his brilliant official career was in vain before he started!Now he can't even save his life.

"Tang Shishi, you're threatening the police!" Zhao Zhenhui yelled at Tang Shishi while still holding on to the facade while dripping cold sweat from his forehead.

This time he underestimated the enemy, but he hasn't lost yet. There are so many people outside, if you don't believe it, you can't subdue Ling Rui. As long as Ling Rui is subdued, Tang Shishi is not enough to prove it!So, what he has to do now is delay time and wait for rescue!
It has to be said that as a police officer, Zhao Zhenhui's brain is still useful at critical moments, but no matter how loud his wishful thinking is, it can't match the cruelty of reality.

"Threat? I'm just repaying someone in the same way. It's better than being tortured and beaten!" Tang Shishi said indifferently.

"Tang Shishi, don't be too arrogant, Ling Rui is still outside! Believe it or not, I'll let someone beat him into a hornet's nest with my order!" Zhao Zhenhui threatened with a guilty conscience.

"That depends on whether you have the order to give this order!" Tang Shishi's voice suddenly became cold.

"You—don't act recklessly!" As soon as Tang Shishi's words fell, Zhao Zhenhui's pupils dilated suddenly, because a black hole was pressed against his forehead, and the cold muzzle of the gun made his whole body stand upright. , the body trembled like sifting chaff.

(End of this chapter)

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