Chapter 485: Darkness (2)
After Tang Shishi got into the car, she found a box of red-year-old tea leaves in the car. She couldn't help but happily picked it up and looked at it again and again, she couldn't put it down.

"It's just a box of broken tea, so it's so attractive to you?" Ling Rui snatched the box of tea from Tang Shishi's hand with some taste, and threw it to the back of the car with a flick of his hand.He's been in the car for so long, and the little wild cat didn't even take a good look at him!
"Oh, don't break it!" Tang Shishi glared at Ling Rui angrily. What's wrong with this man?Where did this box of tea block his eyes?

"Throw it away if it breaks! It's just a box of broken tea leaves!" Ling Rui said indifferently.

"What! This tea is a special offer!" Tang Shishi retorted disapprovingly, with a serious look on her face.This red year is a good thing that money can't buy. She still remembers that Wang Fengzhen once got a small box of red year tea from nowhere. She was still obsessed with her jewelry, and it was only then that she knew that Hongsui tea was a special tea, a good thing that money could not buy, and a symbol of the out-and-out rich and powerful.

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's cute little face, as if the special offer was such a great thing!I couldn't help being happy, and said in a ruffian way: "Honey, why isn't our house a special offering? Even I am a special offering for you!"

Tang Shishi watched Ling Rui winking at her indecently, and then listened to his words with ulterior motives and meaning, pouted her mouth slightly, and stopped talking.

This man is having convulsions again!

Seeing that Tang Shishi stopped talking, Ling Rui stopped teasing her, anyway, he just needed to divert the little wild cat's attention from the insignificant box of tea leaves.

The special hair is amazing?The tea leaves they drink are much more precious than the ones provided. If the little wild cat didn't like a box of red tea, he wouldn't even bother to look at it!
"Honey, I brought you tea, so you have nothing to give me?" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi and asked when he was about to arrive at the Jun's compound.

"What?" Tang Shishi pretended to be confused, but she was thinking about how Ling Rui's eyes grew, and why nothing could be hidden from his eyes, as if she could see through.

"Honey, you will be punished if you are not good." Ling Rui said while holding the steering wheel with one hand and rubbing Tang Shishi's hair with the other.

Tang Shishi continued to pretend to be confused: "I don't know what you are talking about, how can I give it to you?"

snort!Who told this guy to put her together in the police station just now, so she shouldn't do his wish so easily!
"I really can't cry without seeing the coffin!" Ling Rui stopped the car, and suddenly took Tang Shishi's cell phone.

"Why are you taking my phone! Give it back to me! It's not like you don't have it yourself!" Tang Shishi pretended to be angry and came over to grab it.

"Little wild cat! Save all your strength on the bed!" Ling Rui stretched out his long arms, and fixed Tang Shishi on his chest, with an angry face.

Tang Shishi's small face was a little hot, and she finally stopped resisting.He confiscated the mobile phone, so she couldn't hide her little trick!
Ling Rui glanced at the quiet Tang Shishi with satisfaction, clicked on her phone, found a video, and pressed play.

It was extremely quiet in the carriage. First, what Tang Shishi said to Zhao Zhenhui in the interrogation room came out on the phone, and then there was Zhao Zhenhui's ugly face, which was determined to win first and then greedy for life and fear of death. This is a complete and clear candid video, although the shooting angle is not It's very good, but it also clearly captured several frontal faces of Zhao Zhenhui, especially Zhao Zhenhui's haughty villain face at the beginning, which was extremely clear.

When the video finished playing, Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui and fell into deep thought. Knowing the importance of this video, she didn't bother him, and the two stayed quietly in the car for a while.

"Wife! You are really my lucky star!" Ling Rui said after sending the video on Tang Shishi's phone to his own phone, biting Tang Shishi's little face.I didn't expect Little Wild Cat to be so clever and think of this trick. With this video, the information that person gave him could not be exposed so quickly, and he could save him a lot of trouble by keeping it for future troubles.

"Hmph!" Tang Shishi snorted twice again, thinking what is this?Just common sense.Nowadays, there are so many videos of this or that that are exposed on the Internet. There are many such things.

"I've decided, I'll reward you well tonight!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's arrogant little face, his stomach tightened, his mouth was obviously serious, but his big hands were extremely dishonest in Tang Shishi's eyes. She squeezed her chest, for fear that Tang Shishi would not understand what his reward was!
"Old rascal! Be good! This is in the car!" Tang Shishi patted Ling Rui's wolf claws away, and said coquettishly.

"It's more fun in the car! You forgot the last time we..." Ling Rui couldn't help recalling the "car shock" with Tang Shishi last time.However, even though the two of them were in the car last time, they didn't "shock" much. Ling Rui still felt a little bit of regret in his heart, and he began to think about the day when he would abduct the little wild cat to a beautiful place. , Poetic and picturesque, a place with unique scenery, take a good "shock"!
"You still talk!" Tang Shishi interrupted Ling Rui, quickly pushed him away, and was about to push the door to get off!Stay in the car with the old gangster again, maybe he will say something shameless again!
However, Ling Rui grabbed Tang Shishi's arm and pulled her back. His dark eyes met Tang Shishi's, and he suggested very seriously: "Honey, why don't we go home to sleep tonight!"

Tang Shishi twisted Ling Rui's waist angrily, turned her face away from the undisguised excitement and anticipation in Ling Rui's eyes, she could see the lights on in the compound, the grandpas must be waiting After seeing them go home, how can there be any reason to leave at the door?

The old rascal!A stomach full of yellow water!A lot of age still love to toss some new tricks!Don't be ashamed!
"Get out of the car! How long do you want the grandpas to wait!" Tang Shishi scolded Ling Rui softly, broke away from him, and got out of the car.

Helplessly and disappointed, Ling Rui followed Tang Shishi out of the car, strode to Tang Shishi's side, and hugged Tang Shishi without warning!

"Ah! You put me down, everyone is still asleep!" Tang Shishi didn't dare to yell loudly, for fear of being embarrassed by her family members, she hurriedly struggled to get off Ling Rui's body. She didn't want to be hugged by Ling Rui like this Go in, it's so immodest!

"Whether everyone sleeps or not, does it matter that I have a dime to hold my wife?" Ling Rui raised his eyebrows, ignored Tang Shishi's protest, and strode in.

Tang Shishi thumped Ling Rui's chest angrily, why is this guy unreasonable!

(End of this chapter)

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