Chapter 486: Darkness (3)
The members of Jun's family didn't sleep. Seeing Ling Rui coming back with Tang Shishi in his arms, they were all relieved, and after a sigh of relief, they became worried again.

"Is Shishi girl injured?" Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling asked in unison. After asking, they looked at Ling Rui reproachfully!

brat!useless!He can't even protect his own wife!

"Grandpa, I don't!" Tang Shishi said, struggling to get down again, she said that it would be misleading!
The Jun family was relieved to hear that Tang Shishi was fine.

"Let's go upstairs to sleep first, Shishi is tired and can't walk!" Ling Rui ignored Tang Shishi's struggle, and the misunderstanding between Mr. He Jun and Mrs. Ling, and lied without changing his expression.

"I still don't..." Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a gouged look. How could this guy be so thick-skinned?

"You'll be tired if you do it twice more!" Ling Rui bit Tang Shishi's ear, and Tang Shishi blushed!She stared at Ling Rui in shame and indignation!

Don't go too far, old rascal!In front of so many elders!You can't be serious!

Ling Rui glanced at Tang Shishi indifferently, and didn't take it seriously: so I said go back to the room and sleep quickly!When you go back to your room, you don't have to look at their faces, and you don't have to be watched by them.

Tang Shishi is speechless!
"Ah, it's dark and rut night! Go to bed and sleep!" Jun Mubei looked at the pair of thieves and his wife flirting in front of him, and said eccentrically.

"I'm tired after working all night, go back to your room and sleep." Mr. Jun said to Ling Rui while looking at Tang Shishi with a smile.

Tang Shishi's face was full of embarrassment, and she simply didn't speak. At this time, explaining is tantamount to covering up. It's better for her to keep her mouth shut.

Jun Nuanxin saw that Ling Rui carried Tang Shishi upstairs, moved her lips twice, and stopped talking. She wanted to talk to Tang Shishi when she came back, but now that the third brother doesn't like to be disturbed by others I had no choice but to give up, thinking about finding a chance to talk to my sister-in-law tomorrow.

Tang Shishi was carried back to the room by Ling Rui, and after a toss, she finally waited until Ling Rui was satisfied, and she couldn't even lift her tired fingers, and fell into a deep sleep.

However, it was rare for Ling Rui to sleep with Tang Shishi in his arms. He got up and went to the study with his mobile phone.

"You can really make a fuss!" Jun Mubei, who was waiting in the study, complained.

"I didn't ask you to wait!" Ling Rui replied not to be outdone.

"Okay! I'm meddling in my own business, right?" Jun Mubei yawned several times in a sleepy voice, and said.

"It was filmed by Shishi." Ling Rui was not wordy, and he was also anxious to get back under the covers, so he played the video on his phone for Jun Mubei to watch.

After reading it, Jun Mubei had a mocking smile on his face, and said, "It's really unsatisfactory. The Feng family is living too comfortably these days, and their brains have been eaten by bugs!"

"I'll leave it to you!" Ling Rui threw the phone into Jun Mubei's arms and said, "Strike while the iron is hot! Send this video out, and tomorrow morning, I will let everyone in China know!"

"You do it yourself, I don't care!" Jun Mubei threw Ling Rui's mobile phone to Ling Rui like a hot potato.

He is not a fool!Strike while the iron is hot, then he won't even be able to sleep tonight!

"From then on, as long as you are at home, you will have geoduck for every meal!" Ling Rui said with a sinister smile.

"You are a threat!" Jun Mubei looked like he had been stabbed to death!Now when he heard the word geoduck, he overreacted!
Ling Rui nodded bluntly, and generously admitted: "It's a threat!"

Jun Mubei felt that he was too careless in reincarnation in this life!It's fine to have such a pair of top-notch parents, but how come there is such a younger brother who loves to oppress him from time to time!
Alas!Why is his life so hard!

"You're planning to exhaust me to death!" Jun Mubei revealed his "resentful woman" temperament again.

"Yeah!" Ling Rui replied decisively.Seeing Jun Mubei's bitter look on his face, he felt very proud: He deserves it for being exhausted!Who told this guy to be too idle these days, always making troubles for his women?Don't think that if he doesn't say a word, it means that he won't intervene, let him ignore it, it's just that the time has not come!

"How could I have such a black-hearted brother like you!" Jun Mubei's eyes were full of resentment.

"If he comes back, you can relax a little bit." Ling Rui said with a serious expression suddenly.

"Don't be sloppy with me! Do you think I don't know he's back early? Hmph! You don't dare to show your face!" Hearing Ling Rui's words, Jun Mubei put away the playful expression on his face, coldly said with a snort.

Jun Mubei's rare and serious expression made Ling Rui fall silent. This is the fault of their Jun brothers!
Jun Mubei didn't speak, and the two brothers were thinking about each other in the study.

After a while, Jun Mubei's cell phone rang, he glanced at the caller ID, put on that sad temperament on his face again, connected the phone and said: "It's unreasonable, why are you calling me in the middle of the night? Well!"

"Master Jun! I just want to report to you that Zhao Zhenhui is dead." It was Zhou Hu who called.

"What are you telling me? Shouldn't this be reported to your master as soon as possible?" Jun Mubei froze when he heard Zhou Hu's words, and turned on the phone's hands-free, his small eyes looked proudly at Ling Rui's His face was fluttering, just waiting for Zhou Hu's next words to change Ling Rui's face!

The first-hand news of Zhao Zhenhui's death, Zhou Hu immediately notified himself, what does this mean?This shows that in the eyes of these soldiers, he is more attractive than Ling Rui!

"Young Master, it's time for our master to go to bed at this point, how can I disturb our master's business?" Zhou Hu's righteous voice sounded.

Jun Mubei's face darkened, he stared at Ling Rui, ground his teeth, and said angrily, "It's business for your master to sleep, so isn't it business for me to sleep?" This unreasonable guy, this is Do you speak human words?
"Of course!" Zhou Hu said confidently over there: "How can you compare with our master?!"

As soon as Zhou Hu finished speaking, Jun Mubei hung up the phone angrily!
"Look at what kind of soldiers you brought out?" Too bullying!Jun Mubei said to Ling Rui angrily.

"This kid has a wink!" Ling Rui ignored Jun Mubei who was jumping angrily, turned around and walked outside, when he reached the door of the study, he stopped and looked at Jun Mubei with a dark face, and said: " Second brother, Mo Youyou is actually quite suitable for you!"

"Get lost!" Jun Mubei uttered two words bitterly after hearing Ling Rui's words.

Is there such a blow to people?She actually planned to pair him with the handsome and unparalleled Young Master Jun and that stupid girl!
Also good match? !What look? !

However, Jun Mubei complained and complained, and he still worked hard to do what Ling Rui said properly.

(End of this chapter)

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