Chapter 487: Darkness (4)
When the wake-up call sounded, Jun Mubei looked at the gray sky outside, stretched his waist, and finally finished his work.

Tang Shishi got up for morning exercises, and saw Jun Mubei coming out of the study, as if he had stayed up late, and couldn't help but joked: "Second brother, don't you think that you have been thinking about it all night?"

Jun Mubei gave Tang Shishi a hard look, walked around her, and walked to his room, he was too lazy to care about this thief woman!

"Second brother, what's wrong?"Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui who came out of the room, and asked in confusion.

"I miss you!" Ling Rui said casually.

When Jun Mubei walked to the door, his body froze, and he took a deep breath: His lord has a lot, and he doesn't have the same knowledge as this pair of thieves and his wife!
Tang Shishi let out an "oh" as if suddenly enlightened, with a cadenced voice and a long aftertaste.

The sound of Jun Mubei's teeth grinding sounded in the corridor, creaking like a rusty hacksaw sawing wood.

"I thought it was the second brother who wanted to eat geoduck!" Tang Shishi said suddenly when she walked to the stairs.

"Tang Shishi!" Jun Mubei finally couldn't take it anymore, turned his head and roared at Tang Shishi.

"What are you doing? Bullying girl Shishi again early in the morning!" As soon as Jun Mubei's words fell, Mr. Jun pushed the door and came out, yelling at Jun Mubei, and the grandfather and grandson were blowing their beards and staring in the corridor. .

"Grandpa! It's obvious that she is bullying too much!" Jun Mubei complained to Mr. Jun in dissatisfaction.

"You are an old man, and you don't know how to let women order. You have nothing to do all day to find Shishi to argue with. I think you are too idle! It's time to find a woman to take care of you!" Mr. Jun ignored Jun Mubei's grievances , criticized.

"Grandpa! Where am I idle? I've been busy all night!" Jun Mubei was full of resentment.

"Why didn't I see it?!" Mr. Jun stared and said.

"..." Jun Mubei felt that he couldn't reason with this group of people at all, so he went back to his room angrily, and slammed the door hard!
Facing the closed door of Jun Mubei's room, Tang Shishi stuck out her tongue playfully, and then quietly made a V in her heart!
In this game, she won!
Looking at Tang Shishi's small face, Mr. Jun couldn't help laughing and cursing: "You girl! You two bully one of you, and you won't win!" In fact, Mr. Jun had already listened to the conversation of these three people. .

"It's not that he is not allowed to find helpers!" Ling Rui said lightly.

"That's right!" Tang Shishi smiled, took Grandpa Jun's arm in a fawning manner, deliberately loudly said to Jun Mubei's room, "Grandpa, we hope that the second brother can find a good helper!"

"This Bei kid really needs to find a good helper, and you won't take off my roof by then!" Mr. Jun imagined the noisy scene of these people, and he was very happy in his heart. He likes these children Don't worry about it, otherwise the house will be too quiet, no one is angry!
"Hey!" Tang Shishi and Ling Rui followed Mr. Jun and laughed unkindly.

Tang Shishi went to Jinfen after breakfast to start a day's training, while Ling Rui went to the army as usual. The people in Jun's compound were busy with their own things as usual, and they couldn't see any difference. No one who saw such a Jun family would have imagined that just overnight, the political situation of Huaxia Kingdom had undergone tremendous changes because of this seemingly ordinary but actually extraordinary Jun family.

Tang Shishi didn't know about Zhao Zhenhui's murder until a few days later, when she went to attend Mrs. Bai's funeral.

Mrs. Bai's funeral was held in a simple and solemn manner. There were quite a few people attending the funeral. Almost all the upper-class people in City B were present, and there were also quite a few political and business celebrities from City A, including the Bai family people.

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui arrived at the funeral after Mr. Jun and the others. Ling Rui's troops had something to do and were delayed for a while, so they came a little late.

When Tang Shishi and Ling Rui came in wearing little black dresses, they felt many curious and unfamiliar eyes around them. Some even pointed at her, which was very unfriendly. Tang Shishi felt baffled. Looking at her Those few obviously had hostile gazes, and they felt a little upset, but, this was the funeral of Mrs. Bai, and out of respect for the dead, she could only turn a blind eye to those people who were mentally disturbed.

"This is Tang Shishi! I didn't expect it to be a charming portrait!" A critical voice said.

"Isn't there something wrong, or you could hook the soul of Jun's family?" A jealous voice said.

"I heard that Zhao Zhenhui was killed by the Jun family just because he offended her!" A terrified voice said.

"Trouble!" the voice of judgement.

Zhao Zhenhui is dead?Tang Shishi heard the discussions of those women, and looked at Ling Rui with questioning eyes.

Ling Rui nodded, then cast a cold sideways glance at the women, who were so frightened that they immediately silenced.

This man's eyes are so murderous!
Tang Shishi tugged Ling Rui's sleeve secretly, and asked in a low voice, "You did it?"

"No." Ling Rui's low voice rang in Tang Shishi's ear.

Tang Shishi's heart settled down.She didn't want Ling Rui's hands to be stained with blood for her.

The Bai family watched from a distance as Tang Shishi and Ling Rui came in, talking in a low voice. They were golden boys and jade girls, intimate and not overstepping the rules, making people feel comfortable watching them.

"Grandpa Bai, the dead cannot be brought back to life. You are mourning, take care of your body, and don't let the living feel sad." Tang Shishi respectfully bowed three times to Mrs. Bai's memorial tablet, and put a stick on it. After the fragrance, said.

As soon as Tang Shishi entered the mourning hall, she saw Sun Xiaofen kneeling on the ground with a dazed expression. It was just a few days since she hadn't seen her. She was already haggard and out of shape. Her body, which was not plump, was so thin that it could be blown away by a gust of wind. , the originally smooth skin is also quite rough, the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes are much deeper, the eyes are red and swollen, and the bags under the eyes are heavy. It can be seen that she has not rested well in the past few days, and has been in extreme grief and self-blame. Sun Xiaofen like this, let Tang Shishi couldn't help feeling uncomfortable after reading it.

Sometimes, it is the living who suffer the most. Although Sun Xiaofen had good intentions and exchanged the black tea for Mrs. Bai, Mrs. Bai was poisoned to death because of that cup of black tea. How could she not blame herself and feel guilty?

Hearing Tang Shishi's voice, Sun Xiaofen rolled her eyes a little slowly, glanced at the little black dress, dressed in elegant and solemn Tang Shishi, and then lowered her head again.

"Hypocritical!" Bai Mo knelt beside Sun Xiaofen, and said with disdain when she heard Tang Shishi's words.

Sun Xiaofen glanced at Bai Mo coldly, and narrowed her red and swollen eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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