Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 490 Carry out the wretchedness to the end!

Chapter 490 Carry out the wretchedness to the end! (2)
Sun Xiaofen was embarrassed at this moment, with a gratified and bitter smile, Tang Shishi would still remember it clearly many years later.

Watching Sun Xiaofen walk to the front of the crowd, Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui with some complaints and said, "Why are you doing that to her?"

"Who made her so ignorant of people that she treated you that way before?" Ling Rui's voice was low, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with his attitude towards Sun Xiaofen.In his eyes, Sun Xiaofen was completely self-inflicted. If she hadn't spoiled Bai Mo too much, how could she be here today?Therefore, the so-called poor people must have something to hate, and they are talking about people like Sun Xiaofen.

"I don't care anymore, you are really narrow-minded like a big man!" Tang Shishi said with curled lips.

Tang Shishi actually didn't understand that when it came to dealing with Sun Xiaofen, although she was particularly easy to get angry, after being angry, she was also very easy to forgive.Tang Shishi thought, maybe it was because when she was kidnapped, Sun Xiaofen's eyes full of worry and fear left a deep impression on her mind!

Ling Rui snorted coldly, if the little wild cat doesn't care, it doesn't mean he doesn't care either!After all, Sun Xiaofen and Bai Mo are mother and daughter, and there will be a lot of quarrels. Who knows if the old ones will be restored in the next moment?Therefore, it is always right for such a person to be on guard!
Seeing the stubborn look on Ling Rui's face, Tang Shishi didn't want to get entangled in this topic. Thinking of Ling Rui telling Sun Xiaofen about their wedding, she couldn't help asking: "Why did you tell about the wedding? What if Let Grandpa know, he will be anxious with you carefully!"

The wedding was something that grandpa and his family kept secret all the time, it was a surprise that the family wanted to give them, so even though Tang Shishi knew about it a long time ago, she always pretended not to know, even these few days The mother-in-law asked her about the wedding on the sidelines, and even took several wedding planning proposals home for her to help choose. She also said that the hotel received a wedding planner from a big shot and asked her to help with ideas, Tang Shi Shi also pretended not to know, showing a high degree of cooperation.

Tang Shishi looked at her family members who had been preparing all this mysteriously. She was moved and also found it funny. She thought they were so cute.

"There's nothing to hide. Grandpa had a showdown with me last night. They can arrange other things, but how about wedding photos?" Ling Rui tugged at Tang Shishi's nose and said, "We're going to take wedding photos tomorrow." According to!"

"Ah? Tomorrow?! Tomorrow you rest, I have already promised Tang Yuan to take you to shoot the promotional video of "Allure"." Tang Shishi said with some confusion.

Tang Yuan called her in the morning to tell her about the filming of the promotional video. She hadn't had time to tell Ling Rui yet. Who knew that the matter of taking wedding photos would pop up again. Both things were very important, which made her very anxious for a while. Difficult choice.

"Then finish the promotional video and then go to the wedding photos. Anyway, the wedding photos can't be finished in a day." Seeing Tang Shishi's tangled face, Ling Rui couldn't help laughing: "Is it so difficult? The one who is in a hurry first Just shoot that."

Tang Shishi nodded embarrassingly, and then said excitedly: "Tang Yuan said that the clothes of the hero and heroine are all individually customized according to our size. A set of women's clothing alone costs millions, and all the embroidery on it is found. The embroiderers of Suzhou embroidery have been embroidering it by hand with one thread, which is very beautiful."

As Tang Shishi was talking, countless bubbles of fantasy and longing popped up in front of her eyes. I really wish that tomorrow would come quickly, and then she would be so beautiful in that suit!
Looking at Tang Shishi's joyful expression, Ling Rui's small face was full of blurred and dreamy colors, and there was a soft smile in his eyes. His heart moved, and he couldn't help saying: "Since you like it so much, why don't you compare it with our wedding dress?" Let’s just take a few sets of the looks in the game, anyway, not many people take wedding photos now, and they all take some weird looks.”

"Yes! Ling Rui, you are so smart!" Tang Shishi exclaimed with joy in her eyes after hearing Ling Rui's proposal.This is really a good idea. It can be used to shoot promotional videos and wedding photos, without any delay, the best of both worlds.

"Being your husband, dare you not be smart?" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi evilly, blinked his eyes, and said, "Remember to reward me well at night!"

Tang Shishi blushed, and shyly gave Ling Rui a big roll of her eyes, and Ling Rui raised the corners of her mouth happily.

The next day, before the wake-up call rang, she woke up early. Tang Shishi was very excited when she thought of going to shoot a promotional video today.Ling Rui took advantage of Tang Shishi to fall asleep last night, and did finishing work in the study all night. He returned to his room at almost dawn, and was tossed by Tang Shishi as soon as he fell asleep, and his face was a little bad.

"Little wild cat, sleep with me for a while longer!" Ling Rui pulled down Tang Shishi's little hand that was playing tricks on his face, turned over, put one thigh across Tang Shishi's lap, and hugged him firmly as a pillow. muttered.

"Ling Rui, big slob, wake up! Our schedule is very full today, we have to leave early to get dressed and put on makeup, Tang Yuan can't let the photographer wait." Tang Shishi broke free her little hand, Two hands began to ravage Ling Rui's handsome face.

Tang Yuan called again last night to remind her that she had to go early today and not let the photographer wait. I heard that the photographer was very famous and it was difficult to get one.

"Tang Yuan said he couldn't wait, but your husband said he could wait! Let him wait!" Ling Rui pulled Tang Shishi's little hand down in displeasure, and wrapped Tang Shishi in his arms with both arms, restraining her. Don't let her move.

There is no gap between the two.

"No! Ling Rui, it's very difficult to get this photographer. We can't make it difficult for Tang Yuan!" Tang Shishi said as she twisted Ling Rui's waist twice in protest.

"Why not? Whoever dares to disturb the master to sleep with his wife in his arms, the master will make him unable to marry a wife for the rest of his life!" Ling Rui stared and said murderously.

After finishing speaking, he rubbed his chin on Tang Shishi's shoulder socket twice, and snorted twice comfortably. As for Tang Shishi's two little paws on his waist, it was not enough to tickle him. Don't take it seriously.

The happiest day in the world is when I hold my wife in my arms and spend time together on the bed at weekends.

"You're awesome!" Tang Shishi was so angry that she really wanted to nibble on Ling Rui's chin, but when she thought that it would affect today's shooting, she had to give up angrily.

Ling Rui listened to Tang Shishi's complaints as compliments, heheed twice proudly, and rubbed against Tang Shishi's body, refusing to let go.

"Honey, why don't we do it once, and I'll get up when I do it once." Ling Rui narrowed his eyes slightly, and took the opportunity to ask Tang Shishi for it.

"Old hooligan, don't push yourself!" Tang Shishi gritted her teeth angrily.

"If you don't pull it down, then wait for the master to sleep until he wakes up naturally." Ling Rui said as he let go of Tang Shishi's body, and lay on the bed sprawled out, looking as if he was about to fall asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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