Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 491 Carry out the wretchedness to the end!

Chapter 491 Carry out the wretchedness to the end! (3)
"You—too much!" Tang Shishi kicked Ling Rui angrily when she saw Ling Rui's uncooperative appearance.

Ling Rui unconsciously still slept with his eyes closed, and even snored slightly.

Tang Shishi looked at the two shadows under Ling Rui's eyelashes, knowing that this man went to work in the study last night while she was asleep, and felt sore and angry that she couldn't do anything hard.

"Husband—" If you can't be too hard, Tang Shishi has to change her strategy and try to be soft.

"Hmm!" Ling Rui gave Tang Shishi a nasal sound arrogantly.

Tang Shishi gritted her teeth in a poetic manner, and the muscles on her face twitched, but her voice was unusually sweet and moving, and said sweetly, "Honey, it's time to get up!"

"Look at your insincere and inconsistency mocking! Come to me!" Ling Rui closed his eyes and said half-orderly.

"Ling Rui! Don't go too far!" Tang Shishi looked at the obscene curvature of the thin down quilt on Ling Rui's body, and scolded coquettishly.

"You press me once or I press you twice, you choose the same." Ling Rui ignored Tang Shishi's dissatisfaction and continued to carry out the wretchedness to the end.

"I don't choose either! I'll tell grandpa that you bullied me!" Tang Shishi sat up angrily, threw off the quilt, and was about to get out of bed to get dressed.

"Little wild cat, it's against you, I dare to sue your husband for being black!" Ling Rui suddenly opened his eyes, staring at Tang Shishi and said.

"Hmph! You just wait to be punished!" Seeing that mentioning Grandpa Jun was really useful, Tang Shishi couldn't help but feel complacent. She proudly raised her small chin, and looked at Ling Rui without fear.

She could find a way to deal with the old rascal, the ruffian.

"How dare you!" Ling Rui gritted his teeth this time.

"Why don't I dare, anyway, grandpa loves me the most. I have to tell not only grandpa, but also my parents and the whole family that you bullied me!" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui's darker and darker face, and the more she said, the more she said. Energetic, in the big moist eyes, the spirit is flying.

"You go and file a criminal complaint. If grandpa and parents ask what's going on, I'll say that you didn't fulfill your legitimate husband and wife obligations and ignored me for no reason." Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's beaming little face, The dark color on his face suddenly dissipated, and he said aggrievedly with his mouth flattened.

"You're talking nonsense!" Tang Shishi immediately became indignant when she heard what Ling Rui said: "It was only performed last night!"

"You also said it was yesterday, but not today!" Ling Rui rascally dragged Tang Shishi who was sitting by the bed to the bed, and said, "Am I right?"

"Ling Rui! Can this kind of thing be done every day? You're not afraid of dying!" Tang Shishi said angrily as she was held in Ling Rui's arms off guard.

"Doubt your husband's ability? Huh?" Ling Rui rubbed a certain part of Tang Shishi's body in displeasure, making her feel her "tough" attitude.

"You - shameless!" Tang Shishi roared angrily.

"Toothless?" Ling Rui smiled sinisterly, showing a mouthful of white teeth, and gnawed on Tang Shishi's cherry threateningly.

"Smelly rascal!" Tang Shishi only felt a rush of electric current hit her brain directly, making her face turn red instantly, and her voice trembled slightly.

"My Lord will show you what a real hooligan is!" Ling Rui said to play, and then suppressed Tang Shishi, molested him in every possible way, and started to plunder!

When Ling Rui had eaten and drank enough, dressed and got out of bed energetically, Tang Shishi was lying on the bed limply, not wanting to move anymore.

Ling Rui glanced at Tang Shishi's limp look, and couldn't help teasing and said, "Honey, little slob, get up quickly! Today we have a very busy schedule, we have to leave early to get dressed and get dressed. Good makeup, Tang Yuan can't let the photographer wait." That voice, that accent, was exactly like a copy of Tang Shishi just now.

Tang Shishi grabbed a pillow and pressed it on her face, making a muffled voice: "You are despicable!"

Woohoo, it's already too late even if I fly to the shooting site!What's more, she is like a soft-legged shrimp, feeling weak all over her body!

Just now Tang Yuan called to remind her, but the phone was turned off by a certain manic tyrant who was being "exuberant"!When Tang Shishi thought of Tang Yuan's repeated orders and repeated assurances last night, she felt that her eyes were gloomy!
It's all the fault of this stinky hooligan in front of him!
"Why don't you rush out in a hurry? If you don't get up again, it will be too late!" Ling Rui said while picking up Tang Shishi's body, and took out a set of underwear and a light yellow sweater from the closet Wear it with a pair of white trousers with silver-gray two pieces for Tang Shishi.

Seeing Tang Shishi weakly letting herself play with her, Ling Rui raised the corners of her mouth happily.

When Tang Shishi and Ling Rui felt that the shooting scene Tang Yuan said was already past ten o'clock in the morning, when Tang Shishi got off the car, she glanced at the watch on her wrist, feeling like she was nostalgic.

"Let's go!" Ling Rui couldn't help laughing at Tang Shishi's guilty mockup.

Tang Shishi had no choice but to bite the bullet and walked into the studio with Ling Rui.

It's just that the atmosphere in the studio was very different from what Tang Shishi thought. She thought anxiously along the way that she would definitely be repaired by Tang Yuan this time, because Tang Yuan would definitely be repaired miserably by the photographer. will be passed on to her.

Moreover, Tang Shishi usually sees some entertainment and gossip news. She knows that big-name photographers are very impatient, weird, and critical. Before entering the studio, she was mentally prepared and ready to bear Everyone's cold faces.

Who would have expected to see Tang Yuan talking and laughing happily with the photographer in the studio, and everyone around her was enjoying the scene, and what she saw in front of her was too different from what Tang Shishi thought along the way, causing her mind to be confused for a while. .

Tang Yuan was chatting with the photographer, but when he saw Ling Rui dragging Tang Shishi into the studio, his face darkened.

"Tang Shishi, how did you promise me last night? What time is it now? Are you still willing to come?" Tang Yuan fired like a machine gun when he saw Tang Shishi.

"I'm quite embarrassed." Tang Shishi said grumpily, seeing Tang Yuan's angry look, she lowered her head guiltily, and pinched Ling Rui's waist with a small hand where everyone couldn't see it!
old rascal!It's all your fault!

Ling Rui raised his eyebrows, looked at Tang Yuan, and said, "Since you don't welcome me, let's go!"

"You—" Tang Yuan was blocked by Ling Rui's words, and almost didn't come up.

"You can't beat him by arguing, this brat can piss people off with just one word!" The photographer next to Tang Yuan saw Tang Yuan's blush and thick neck by Ling Ruiqi, got up and patted Tang Yuan's shoulder, with a look on his face. The two brothers said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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