Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 492 Carry out the wretchedness to the end!

Chapter 492 Carry out the wretchedness to the end! (4)
Tang Shishi saw that Tang Yuan had such a good relationship with the photographer, and the photographer didn't look like a big shot at all, so she couldn't help complaining to Tang Yuan: "You also said that the photographer is playing big, which made me worry all the way. , that’s not the case at all!”

Tang Yuan's face turned even redder, this time he was pissed off by Tang Shishi, a woman with no winks!He said behind his back that the photographer was playing big names, can he say it in front of others?

Tang Yuan rolled his eyes speechlessly!This guy Tang Shishi really knows how to tear him down!Although, she was right!
Originally, Ling Rui and Tang Shishi were late today, and the photographer's expression was bad for a while, and he almost left the picker. Later, Tang Yuan called Tang Shishi angrily, but Ling Rui picked up the phone and said: " Don't hinder me from doing business!" After hanging up, I couldn't get through anymore.An angry Tang Yuan couldn't help but yell at the phone: "Ling Rui, you bastard!"

As a result, the photographer who walked to the door heard Tang Yuan's words, turned back and asked him who Ling Rui was just talking about?

Tang Yuan looked at the photographer warily at first, and then told the photographer conservatively that Ling Rui was his brother-in-law, so he didn't say anything else.

As a result, the photographer thought about it carefully, then looked at Tang Yuan and asked, "What's your name?"

Tang Yuan was even angrier!After all, he is a paying employer, and this shit photographer is so famous that he doesn't even know who his parents are!
Fortunately, the assistant beside Tang Yuan was more winking, answered the photographer's words for Tang Yuan, introduced Tang Yuan, and finally saved some face for Tang Yuan.

Who knew that the photographer gave Tang Yuan a weird look, thoughtful, and then stayed, and took the initiative to chat with Tang Yuan, chatting about some things about shooting this promotional film, and said that in the future Tang Yuan If the company needs to shoot a promotional video or something, they can come to him.

Tang Yuan didn't expect things to have such a big turning point. Of course he was happy in his heart. You know, it would undoubtedly be a good gimmick to invite a well-known international photographer to shoot a promotional video for "Allure". It is of great benefit to the development of "Allure", which is also the primary reason why Tang Yuan insisted on hiring a big-name photographer to shoot, and why he attached so much importance to this shoot.

But Tang Yuan became worried again when he was happy. He didn't immediately agree to the photographer's proposal, because he knew that the photographer's attitude changed 180 degrees after hearing Ling Rui's name mentioned by him. He didn't want to cause trouble for Ling Rui.

Who knew that the photographer seemed to have seen through Tang Yuan's thoughts, and said that the contract matter was not urgent, and it would not be too late for Tang Yuan to make a decision after Ling Rui came.

Hearing what the photographer said, Tang Yuan of course agreed.

Now, Tang Yuan looked at the photographer and Ling Rui who were familiar with each other, and did not blame Tang Shishi for her ignorance. Instead, he looked at Tang Shishi with kindness, and vaguely guessed that the photographer and Ling Rui One is familiar.

"I'm indeed a big name, but in front of your husband, who dares to play a big name?" The photographer couldn't help laughing at himself when he heard Tang Shishi's scheming words.

Only then did Tang Shishi realize that she had caused trouble again by being outspoken, she smiled awkwardly, and was too guilty to look at Tang Yuan's stinky face!

"You're smart!" Ling Rui said smugly, then looked around the shooting site and said, "Hurry up and start working, and take some wedding photos for me and Shishi after the promotional video is finished."

"For the wedding photos, it depends on my mood. Don't you plan to introduce me to my younger siblings?" Jun Haodong frowned displeasedly and said to Ling Rui.

"If there's anything to introduce, we'll talk about it on the wedding day!" Ling Rui ignored Jun Haodong's expression at all, and continued to carry on to the end.

"You—you can't be the big brother?" Tang Shishi listened to Jun Haodong's words, looked at Jun Haodong carefully with wide eyes, and found some similarities with Ling Rui on his face , couldn't help but exclaimed.

No wonder, as soon as she saw this photographer, she felt a sense of kindness. It turned out that he was the boss of the Jun family, his heart-warming brother, Jun Haodong!

After Tang Shishi exclaimed, she glanced at Jun Haodong's hands unconsciously, and she saw a delicate silver finger cot on the little finger of Jun Haodong's left hand.

A piece of Jun Haodong's little finger was cut off by Jun Mubei, so the little finger he wore with the fingertip must be incomplete.

Jun Haodong saw that Tang Shishi's eyes fell on his hands, raised his left and right sides, and showed a bitter smile to Tang Shishi. The loss and pain in his eyes were so easy to understand. It all started with feeling unbearable.

"Brother! I'm Tang Shishi!" Tang Shishi smiled in embarrassment, and stretched out her right hand towards Jun Haodong friendly.

"Jun Haodong!" Jun Haodong briefly introduced himself.

When Tang Yuan heard Jun Haodong's Chinese name, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. It turned out that this internationally famous photographer was from the Jun family. The Jun family really has all kinds of talents!
"Brother, I'm sorry for being late today." Tang Shishi apologized awkwardly.

"I don't think it's strange that you guys are not late! If Ling Rui doesn't cause me any trouble for a while, I feel uncomfortable!" Jun Haodong waved to Tang Shishi indifferently, and then turned to Zhang, an assistant beside him. Ming said: "The shooting at three o'clock in the afternoon has been resigned."

Zhang Ming looked at Jun Haodong in embarrassment, hesitant to speak, seeing that Jun Haodong ignored him, so he had no choice but to call the employer in the afternoon and make up a set of reasons, saying that he was a great designer I'm not in a good mood today, I don't feel anything.

When Tang Shishi heard Zhang Ming's words, she glanced at the amiable Jun Haodong, and complained in her heart: Maybe the master didn't have a temper at first, but after being said so by his assistant, over time, he developed a temper!

"Why do you think of doing publicity endorsements? Could it be that you are so poor that you can't even support your wife now, and you need to sell your skin to get by?" Jun Haodong asked curiously. This is what he said from Tang Yuan's mouth. From the moment I heard Ling Rui's name, I had a question in my heart. Being an endorsement for a game is really not something Ling Rui would do.

"There's so much nonsense, hurry up and start working, how easy is it to cheat my brother-in-law's money?" Ling Rui said with a sideways glance at Jun Haodong.

Jun Haodong glanced at Ling Rui helplessly, knowing that if he didn't want to say something, he couldn't open his mouth if he racked his brains, so he simply didn't embarrass his brain cells, smiled at Tang Shishi, and then began to order The man took Ling Rui and Tang Shishi to change clothes, put on makeup, and do styling.

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui were immediately surrounded by a group of people, and they were brutally ordered.

Ling Rui is better, just change his clothes, make up his face a little, wear a wig, and put his hair in an ancient bun with a hairpin.

(End of this chapter)

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