Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 493 Carry out the wretchedness to the end!

Chapter 493 Carry out the wretchedness to the end! (5)
The most difficult thing is Tang Shishi's place. It's a head-to-toe decoration. Just a hairstyle, the makeup artist has tossed for more than an hour, and Tang Shishi almost fell asleep sitting on the chair, because she was sitting This chair is so soft and comfortable.

When Tang Shishi was finished, almost two hours had passed. Ling Rui, Tang Yuan, Jun Haodong and the others had already had their lunch boxes. Tang Shishi wiped her hungry stomach, feeling for the first time, It seems that being an actor is full of glory, but in fact, only they know the hard work behind it.

Tang Shishi's sudden appearance in front of everyone without warning stunned the few people who were eating lunch.

Tang Yuan and Wang Shaopeng looked at Tang Shishi in a daze, not even knowing when the chopsticks in their hands rolled on the ground, and Tang Yuan couldn't hold the boxed lunch in their hands securely. In free fall, Sa Huan'er kissed the ground. Wang Shaopeng's box lunch was more discerning, and he fell in love with his straight trousers, leaving evidence of his visit here.

When Jun Haodong saw Tang Shishi's appearance, a flash of amazement flashed in front of his eyes, and then his expression returned to normal. When he saw Tang Yuan and Wang Shaopeng's gaffe, he couldn't help showing a happy smile, Finally, he set his sights on Ling Rui.

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi who was standing pretty in front of him, and felt that she was like a beautiful woman walking out of a painting, taking away all his senses in an instant.He has always known that Tang Shishi is beautiful, and he is not stingy with showing off her beauty. The clothes and dresses he chooses for her can always accurately outline her beauty, but when he sees Tang Shishi in ancient costume Only then did Ling Rui feel that his discovery of the beauty of Tang poetry was far from enough. He didn't even know that his little wild cat could be so "shockingly beautiful"!
At this moment, Ling Rui was both thankful and annoyed in his heart. He was glad that such a beautiful Tang poetry belonged to him alone. What was annoyed was that the beauty of Tang poetry was seen by these irrelevant people around him.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Is it weird that I'm dressed like this?" Tang Shishi looked at the people with different expressions at the round table a little unconfidently, and asked cautiously.

"No, you look very good now!" Jun Haodong said calmly, his tone was calm and convincing.

"Beautiful! It's so beautiful!" Wang Shaopeng murmured as if he lost his soul.I heard that Tang Shishi came back here today to shoot a promotional video. He has been working overtime since yesterday, dealt with all the urgent matters at hand, and then rushed here to eat and drink. Now seeing Tang Shishi like this, He was glad that he didn't miss it, otherwise he would definitely regret it for the rest of his life.

"I didn't expect you to look like a dog when you dress up!" Tang Yuan said viciously, hiding his gaffe in a panic.

"I can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth!" Tang Shishi shook her fist at Tang Yuan, threatening: "Be careful, I will break your dog's leg!"

"Stop shooting! Let's go home!" Ling Rui said angrily, dropping his chopsticks with a snap.

"What's the matter? Isn't it good that I look like this?" Tang Shishi looked at Jun Haodong as if asking for proof, and after seeing him nodding affirmatively, she looked at Ling Rui in puzzlement and said.

"I don't like it!" Seeing Tang Shishi dressed like this being seen by so many people, Ling Rui felt as if she had overturned the vinegar vat.

"But I like it! Did you forget that we are going to take a group of wedding photos like this?" Tang Shishi pouted, shaking Ling Rui's arm, and said coquettishly.

She has been tossed by those people for more than two hours, and now she says no to shoot, isn't her busy work in vain?What a loss!
As soon as Ling Rui heard that Tang Shishi was still thinking about the wedding photos, when he thought that the wedding photos would be seen by more people, he immediately turned cold and shook his head firmly: "No more photos!"

"You can't do it!" Tang Shishi glared at Ling Rui angrily. Why is this old rascal so abnormal recently?It's going to be windy and rainy for a while, it's really maddening!Is it menopause?
Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui suspiciously while thinking.

Ling Rui was burned by Tang Shishi's gaze, only to realize that he had overreacted just now. Looking at Tang Shishi's unusually vivid little face and the hope in her big eyes, he couldn't bear it. The filming of the promotional video has been expected for a long time, and it can be seen from her performance this morning. If she says no to filming at this time, she will definitely be extremely disappointed.

Thinking of Tang Shishi's eclipsed little face, Ling Rui felt tangled for the first time.

"How can you say that if you don't shoot, you won't shoot? Do you know how much energy Tang Yuan spent on this shoot? In order to find someone to do the embroidery on these clothes, Tang Yuan flew to Suzhou!" Wang Shaopeng When I heard Ling Rui's words, I was impatient!
Ling Rui's cold eyes fell on Wang Shaopeng like hailstones, which made Wang Shaopeng feel as cold as falling into an ice cellar.

Ling Rui glanced at Wang Shaopeng, then turned to look at Tang Yuan, Tang Yuan looked back at Ling Rui, and after a while, said: "If you don't shoot, then don't shoot!"

There was a slight sigh and a sense of relief in his tone.

"No!" Wang Shaopeng and Tang Shishi said in unison!
Wang Shaopeng looked at Tang Shishi with a blushing face, then looked at Tang Yuan anxiously and said, "The press conference is imminent, where can I find such a good prototype now? Besides, the heroine in "Allure" is originally based on Shishi. It was built by a prototype, who can embody it so perfectly?"

"I change it if I say it!" Tang Yuan said in a blunt tone.

"Tang Yuan, how can you be arrogant? You don't know how important this press conference is!" Wang Shaopeng became angry.

"I shoot as I say!" Tang Shishi listened to Wang Shaopeng's words, and even more disagreed with the temporary substitution.

"It's okay to take pictures, but I have conditions." Ling Rui couldn't bear to see Tang Shishi disappointed in the end, and compromised: "Only take photos of this outfit, and then for wedding photos, you can take more photos, make them into a booklet, and keep them privately , can’t be leaked, can’t be shown to others.”

"No problem!" Tang Shishi smiled happily, went up to wrap Ling Rui's arm affectionately, and said flatteringly, "Honey, I knew you were the most reasonable."

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's smiling face, took a short breath, and reprimanded in a cold voice: "Be serious, don't be so cheeky!"

Being reprimanded by Ling Rui, Tang Shishi was a little bit embarrassed, and angrily gouged out Ling Rui's eyes. The menopausal old hooligan is moody!
Jun Haodong didn't expect that Ling Rui would give in so quickly after being coaxed by Tang Shishi's soft words, he couldn't help but look at Ling Rui in amazement, wondering what he had missed all these years?This stubborn guy has changed his sex!

Tang Yuan and Wang Shaopeng didn't expect Ling Rui to agree so easily. Although they only made a concession of a set of clothes, it was enough to surprise them.

(End of this chapter)

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