Chapter 495
After hearing Tang Shishi's words, Jiang Dongli's eyes flashed brightly, and then he shook his head decisively, denying Tang Shishi's plan: "No! This is too risky!"

He can't let Tang Shishi put himself in danger.If there is an emergency, according to Lingrui's temper, the entire Jiang family will not be enough for Tang Shishi to be buried with him!
"Although this method is risky, it is the best method at present." Tang Shishi said decisively.

"But, what if..." Jiang Dongli was still hesitating.

"Dong Li, can I trust you?" Tang Shishi suddenly looked at Jiang Dongli seriously and asked seriously.

In Tang Shishi's view, as long as Jiang Dongli doesn't betray her, then her plan will be foolproof.

"Sister-in-law three, do you doubt me?" Jiang Dongli looked at Tang Shishi with some injuries.The reason why he chose to confess to Tang Shishi was that he didn't want Tang Shishi to be hurt, and he didn't expect to be questioned by the other party.

Tang Shishi looked at Jiang Dongli noncommittally and said, "Actually, I don't have much contact with you. I shouldn't trust you so easily, should I?" What's more, when it comes to Jun Nuanxin, her heart has always been Favoring Quan Shaobai, believing this, Jiang Dongli could feel it.

Jiang Dongli's gaze dimmed. The big boy who was originally full of sunshine seemed to be shrouded in a cloud of gray haze at the moment, like a withered sunflower, losing its vitality.

"However, I believe in your feelings for Nuan Xin for the past 20 years!" Tang Shishi looked at Jiang Dongli, who looked a little desperate, and said, unable to bear to test it any further.

Now she finally knows why Jiang Dongli let go of Jun Nuanxin's hand so easily, it must have a lot to do with what happened around him recently!Perhaps the reason why the Feng family chose the Jiang family was because they felt that the marriage between Jiang Dongli and Jun Nuanxin could be used to their advantage.

"Sister-in-law three, I am sincere to Nuanxin!" Jiang Dongli said a little emotionally when Tang Shishi mentioned Jun Nuanxin.

"I know!" Tang Shishi nodded: "So, I believe you won't harm me!"

Tang Shishi's words stabilized Jiang Dongli's emotions, but he still couldn't make a decision, because he still didn't know who the person contacted him was or what he looked like. He only knew that she was a woman and belonged to the Feng family faction. Some of his father's handles are in the hands of the other party, so he has to be controlled by others.

"Sister-in-law three, this is too dangerous." Although Jiang Dongli wanted to solve his father's predicament through Tang Shishi, he would not selfishly expose Tang Shishi to danger.

"This is the best way!" Tang Shishi made a decision arbitrarily, and then looked at Jiang Dongli's arm that was still dripping blood and said, "I'll send you to the hospital first, and we'll discuss specific matters later."

Jiang Dongli nodded weakly.

Since the incident of Jiang Dongli being shot, the relationship between Tang Shishi and Jiang Dongli has warmed up and they have frequent contacts.

The members of the Jun family were already guilty of the blown-up of Jiang Dongli's marriage with Jun Nuanxin, and Jiang Dongli was thwarted by Tang Shishi again. They treated Jiang Dongli better and treated Jiang Dongli as if they were treating themselves. family.

Three days later, the injury on Jiang Dongli's arm was fine. When Tang Shishi was helping Jiang Dongli to be discharged from the hospital, Jiang Dongli's cell phone rang.

When Jiang Dongli saw the words "Private Number" displayed on the phone, his heart sank, and he said to Tang Shishi, "Sister-in-law San, I'll answer the phone!" He walked to an empty corner with his mobile phone and answered the call.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Dongli's attitude was very bad, his voice was very low, and when he was speaking, he kept looking at Tang Shishi's direction, as if he was afraid of Tang Shishi's suspicion.

"It seems that you are recovering well!" A giggle came from the other side of the phone, the voice was sweet and provocative.

"Speak quickly! It's inconvenient for me to speak now!" Jiang Dongli said, and glanced in the direction of Tang Shishi worriedly, and looked around in a panic.

"Don't look, you can't see mine!" The woman on the other side of the phone smiled coquettishly again, obviously Jiang Dongli's guilty look just now greatly pleased her.

"If you want to see me, make an appointment tonight and come to my room. We..." The woman across from me threw out another series of temptations. In the unfinished words, anyone can imagine the ambiguity things come.

"Now Tang Shishi is not far from me. If you want to give up all your previous efforts, just continue talking nonsense!" Jiang Dongli said to the person on the phone angrily, with some frustration in his voice.

The woman on the opposite side looked at Jiang Dongli's shy and handsome face, snorted angrily, put away her provocative thoughts, and ordered in a cold voice: "The people above said that you will have an appointment with Tang Shishi at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon." Go to Jiujiang Tea House!"

"You really won't hurt her?" Jiang Dongli reconfirmed worriedly when he heard that the woman opposite asked him to ask Tang Shishi to go to Jiujiang teahouse.

"We just want to ask her to go over and have a chat with Major General Ling." The woman on the opposite side added: "I'm not interested in women, but you—"

Sure enough, Jiang Dongli couldn't bear the teasing of the person opposite, interrupted her angrily, and said: "I will ask the person out tomorrow, remember to bring what I want there!"

"Understood! I will give you people and things together!" There was another burst of charming smiles over there!
Jiang Dongli hung up the phone angrily, and took a deep breath.

"Dong Li, who's calling?" Tang Shishi asked as she walked over after completing the discharge procedures.

"A friend!" Jiang Dongli replied with evasive eyes, then changed the subject and asked, "Have you completed the discharge procedures?".

"Well, let me take you back to the compound." Tang Shishi shook the key in her hand and said.

Jiang Dongli said with some guilt: "Actually, you don't have to make a special trip here, I'm fine."

"It's outrageous to say this, you were injured to save me!" Tang Shishi looked at Jiang Dongli in disapproval and said.

Jiang Dongli was silent for a moment, lowered his head slightly, not daring to look into Tang Shishi's eyes.

"Let's go!" Tang Shishi, as if she didn't notice Jiang Dongli's strangeness, greeted Jiang Dongli out of the Military Medical General Hospital and got into the car.

The two people who were monitoring Jiang Dongli and Tang Shishi at the other end of the video saw Jiang Dongli leaving with Tang Shishi, getting into the car, and disappearing into the traffic outside the hospital, with thoughts on their faces.

"Are you sure this Jiang Dongli is reliable?" The man was wearing pajamas, lying relaxed on the large sofa chair, looking at the frozen picture on the computer with doubts on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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