Chapter 496
She knew that Jiang Dongli's matter was nothing to Ling Rui at all, and helping him was just a matter of lifting a finger. I really don't know why this guy is so indifferent all of a sudden!

Facing Tang Shishi's accusation, Ling Rui narrowed his deep eyes dangerously, and a cold light shot out from them.

Tang Shishi was swept away by Ling Rui's sharp eyes, she was so frightened that she quickly withdrew her little hand pointing at Ling Rui, sat on the bed and sulked with anger!
For the first time, she felt that Ling Rui was a little cold-blooded. When thinking of poor Jiang Dongli, Tang Shishi felt extremely entangled and uncomfortable.

Let her watch Jiang Dongli being plotted by others, she really can't do it.

"It's not impossible to help him." Ling Rui saw that Tang Shishi's two slender eyebrows were about to fight with worry, and felt that the heat was almost ready, so he opened his mouth slowly and threw out his bait.

"Honey, you will help him, right?" Tang Shishi was overjoyed after hearing Ling Rui's words.

"You want me to help him?" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi inscrutablely and asked.

"Of course! Jiang Dongli is a heart-warming buddy, and I'm also a friend. I can't do nothing!" Tang Shishi replied affirmatively.

"Then it depends on your performance tonight!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi and said ruffiantly.

What?Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui unresponsively, and asked with her eyes.

Ling Rui was delighted by Tang Shishi's silly expression at this moment, and tugged Tang Shishi's nose vigorously. The evil fire in his eyes seemed to swallow Tang Shishi. At this moment, he really wanted to swallow Tang Shishi. The poems are rushed, and I can't wait until the evening!
After Tang Shishi's face showed a sudden enlightenment expression, Ling Rui, who finally restrained himself, added calmly: "Well, I remember there is a black pajamas in the closet, you can wear it tonight." Wear that one!"

After Ling Rui finished speaking, he saw that Tang Shishi's expression became confused again for a moment. This time, before she could figure it out, he got up and walked towards the door.

Sure enough, as soon as Ling Rui walked out of the bedroom and closed the door, Tang Shishi screamed in shame and indignation: "Ling Rui! You bastard!"

Immediately afterwards, an unknown object kissed the door panel. Ling Rui guessed that this misfortune was picked by Tang Shishi, and it was his own pillow that he used to vent his emotions!
After Ling Rui listened to the movement inside the door, a smile full of evil spirit and anticipation appeared on his face, and he walked towards the stairs with a rippling face.

"Shouting! It's rare! Did you get kicked out by the big worm?" The good-for-nothing Jun Mubei heard the movement in Ling Rui's room, so naturally he would not let go of this best opportunity to taunt Ling Rui.

hum!Someone is going to sleep in the study tonight!

"Boy Rui, what's the matter with you? Did you make Shishi angry?" Mrs. Ling couldn't help but look worriedly at the door of Ling Rui and Tang Shishi's bedroom upstairs. It's rare for Shishi to get so angry. What happened to the two children?What are you fussing about?

Ling Rui glanced at Jun Mubei sideways, ignored Jun Mubei, turned to look at Old Master Ling and said, "No, we're doing well!"

"Cheat ghosts!" Jun Mubei retorted in disbelief.If it was true what Ling Rui said, how could that thief woman Tang Shishi go crazy like this?Shrieking and cursing and throwing things!
"Second brother, you don't understand, this is the love of husband and wife!" Ling Rui looked at Jun Mubei, putting on a rippling appearance that you don't understand my happiness, very frightened!
"Don't be brave! Watch out for the strong wind and flash your tongue!" Jun Mubei decided that Ling Rui was holding on, and he was not in a hurry to argue with him, and was just waiting for a good show tonight!
Ling Rui didn't explain too much. Under the suspicious and scrutinizing eyes of everyone, he sat down leisurely at the dining table, looked at the delicious food on the table, and thought about the hot scene of Tang Shishi wearing sexy pajamas tonight, I'm in a good mood.

After Ling Rui went out, Tang Shishi slapped Ling Rui's pillow on the door in shame and anger, and then buried her head in the quilt.

The old rascal!Blackmail her again!

Tang Shishi drooped her pillow for a while in embarrassment, got out of bed with a blushing face, and found Wang Yueshan's wedding gift from the depths of the closet—those pieces of black rags!

She always thought that she hid this scandalous thing well enough, but Ling Rui still found out!Thinking of what Ling Rui just said, Tang Shishi couldn't help but her face became warm and her heart beat.

Grandpa Jun's loud voice came from downstairs, calling Tang Shishi to go down to eat. After shouting several times, Tang Shishi got out of her wild thoughts and hurriedly stuffed the "scourge" into the bottom of the closet.

"Girl Shishi, come out for dinner!" Mr. Jun called several times, and found that Tang Shishi didn't answer, worried that Tang Shishi was really bullied by Ling Rui, so he sulked in the room, and went upstairs worriedly, thinking Advise Tang Shishi to go down for dinner.

People are iron, food is steel, how can you get by without food!
Hearing Mr. Jun knocking on the door, Tang Shishi patted her blushing cheeks, took a deep breath, and hurried to open the door.

"Grandpa." Tang Shishi glanced at Mr. Jun, then lowered her head guiltily.

"Girl Shishi, did Ling Rui make you angry again? Tell grandpa, grandpa will help you fix him!" Grandpa Jun saw Tang Shishi's face turned red, and he lowered his head. Shi's eyes were red from crying, and she immediately wanted to help Tang Shishi vent her anger.

"No, grandpa!" Tang Shishi waved her hands quickly.

Just as Mr. Jun was about to ask what was going on, he was interrupted by Ling Rui.

"Honey, come down for dinner!" Ling Rui yelled in the restaurant, and Tang Shishi's scalp tingled with a greasy voice.

"Well, here we come!" Tang Shishi responded, and hurried downstairs.

She was really afraid of being questioned further by Grandpa Jun.

Mr. Jun looked at Tang Shishi's back, frowned in confusion, and thought to himself: I really don't know what these two children are tossing about?Why can't he understand it!
As soon as Tang Shishi appeared on the dining table, it attracted everyone's attention. Tang Shishi was really at a loss now. She didn't dare to look into everyone's searching eyes, so she kept lowering her head to pick up the rice. After a while, she finished a bowl of rice. He put down his chopsticks and was about to leave, but Ling Rui grabbed him.

"Honey, how can I just eat rice and not vegetables?" Ling Rui filled another half bowl of rice for Tang Shishi, and then put a lot of Tang Shishi's favorite dishes into Tang Shishi's bowl, signaling that she had finished eating .

"I'm full, I don't have an appetite." Tang Shishi said with a frown as she looked at the mountain of vegetables in her bowl.

How could she eat so much!

"If you're not full, how can you have the energy to tonight?" Ling Rui whispered in Tang Shishi's ear, his voice was low and ambiguous.

(End of this chapter)

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