Chapter 497
Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a fierce look!
Although Jun Mubei, who has been paying close attention to Ling Rui and Tang Shishi, didn't hear what Ling Rui and Tang Shishi whispered clearly, he saw Tang Shishi's fierce look very clearly, and he was very happy, looking forward to the night Good show.

"Don't you want to go back to your room now? I don't care!" Ling Rui's evil voice blew in Tang Shishi's ears, making Tang Shishi's ears red.

Tang Shishi gritted her teeth, picked up her chopsticks resignedly, and began to raze the hill in front of her to the ground.

Ling Rui raised the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, and ate the delicious meal with a rippling face. He felt that every dish tonight gave him endless aftertaste, even the white rice tasted like ecstasy.

When Jun Mubei saw that Tang Shishi was handled so easily by Ling Rui, he sneered in his heart. It must be Ling Rui, a brat who had just signed some unequal treaty that humiliated the country and made a compromise with Tang Shishi by paying compensation.

After dinner, Ling Rui dragged Tang Shishi directly into the room. Jun Mubei waited for Ling Rui in the study with the mentality of watching a good show, full of desire to ridicule this guy, who knew but listened The pair of thieves and mother-in-law next door shook the bed all night, and Jun Mubei was so angry that he was fooled, and finally realized that the innocent and kind-hearted self was deceived by the conspiracy of the pair of thieves and father-in-law again!

The next day, Ling Rui woke up refreshed, and ran into Jun Mubei with a greasy face in the corridor, and couldn't help but ask maliciously: "Second brother, you can't fall asleep after thinking about it again? "

Jun Mubei suddenly raised his head, met Ling Rui's eyes, and gritted his teeth viciously!

"Second brother, this is nothing shameful, you and Yoyo are really a good match!" Ling Rui continued to abuse Jun Mubei.

"You black-hearted brat! You even plot against your hard-working second brother!" Jun Mubei went crazy!This guy Ling Rui deliberately put the document submitted by his subordinates that Jiang Dongli and Tang Shishi will act at [-] o'clock tomorrow afternoon to the bottom, causing him to read the document all night until it was almost dawn. It was only when I saw that copy that I realized the abnormality of the thieves' parents-in-law. Who knew, it was too late!
"Second brother, you are too irritable!" After Ling Rui finished speaking, he slowly descended the stairs and walked out of the yard.

He had a blast last night!Thinking of Tang Shishi, Ling Rui felt the evil fire rushing up in his body again.

Looking at Ling Rui's extremely coquettish back, Jun Mubei gritted his silver teeth, and secretly swore in his heart that he would get back this debt with interest in the future!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Shishi arrived at the Jiujiang teahouse on time for an appointment. When she walked into this quaint and ancient teahouse, Tang Shishi's first feeling was that this teahouse was about to close down, right?Why is it so quiet, no one can be seen in such a big place!

Tang Shishi glanced at the entire teahouse pretending to be calm and harmless, but did not find Jiang Dongli's figure, and a trace of doubt appeared on her face.

Jiang Dongli should have arrived before him, why can't he see anyone now?
But with doubts and doubts, Tang Shishi didn't intend to run away, so she walked to the table she had agreed with Jiang Dongli and sat down, waiting boredly.My heart is full of anticipation for the upcoming things!

Tang Shishi waited for a while, but Jiang Dongli never showed up. She was worried about Jiang Dongli's safety, and when she was about to call Jiang Dong, a strange man suddenly sat down opposite him, showing an interesting smile to Tang Shishi .

Tang Shishi raised her eyebrows in displeasure, looked at the feminine-looking man in front of her, and said politely and distantly: "There is someone here!"

Feng Yunxiao didn't expect Tang Shishi to be so much more beautiful in real life than in the photos. Looking at Tang Shishi's guarded little face, he felt excited.

If he takes care of Ling Rui's wife...

Just thinking about it like this made Feng Yunxiao feel extremely excited.

"Mrs. Ling, I invited you here." Feng Yunxiao deliberately put on the appearance of a girl who is fascinated by thousands of people, and said to Tang Shishifang.

"I don't know you!" Tang Shishi said coldly, "Where's Jiang Dongli?"

"Why did we meet before!" Feng Yunxiao salivated as he looked at Tang Shishi's smooth and jade-like face.

"Inexplicable!" Tang Shishi heard Feng Yunxiao's words, got up angrily and was about to leave, but was interrupted by a voice.

"Tang Shishi, do you still recognize me?" Chen Li appeared in front of Tang Shishi with a smirk when she heard Tang Shishi's words, and she was holding a pistol in her hand, pointing it at Jiang Dongli's temple!
"Chen Li, what are you doing? Let him go!" Tang Shishi yelled angrily after being shocked when she saw Jiang Dongli being held back with a gun.

"Let go of him? Yes! You can replace him!" Chen Li looked at Tang Shishi with hatred and said.

Tang Shishi glanced at Jiang Dongli in embarrassment, and Jiang Dongli said angrily: "I am a big man, how can I not compare to a woman!"

Jiang Dongli roared loudly as if to vent.

Tang Shishi frowned.

Tang Shishi knew that Jiang Dongli was hinting at herself, but when she saw Chen Li smashing Jiang Dongli's head with the handle of a gun because of what Jiang Dongli said just now, Tang Shishi became impatient!
"Don't do it! I'll change it!" Tang Hong couldn't bear to watch Jiang Dongli suffer, and said angrily.The goal of these people is themselves, why drag Jiang Dongli to suffer?
"Forget it, Mrs. Ling came here as a guest, so how can she make a big move? Put away your weapons!" Feng Yunxiao pretended to be angry and said hypocritically.

Chen Li obediently put away the gun in her hand.

As soon as Jiang Dongli was free, he immediately stood beside Tang Shishi.

Chen Li looked at Jiang Dongli's movements, and said with a sneer, "Jiang Dongli, it's already this time, and you're still acting hypocritically here, is it because you're addicted to acting?" This document dangled in front of Tang Shishi's eyes, dropped it on the table with a snap, and said triumphantly: "Your task is completed, here is what you want!"

Jiang Dongli glanced at Tang Shishi, picked up the materials on the table in embarrassment, read them carefully, and winked at Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi knew that what Jiang Dongli wanted had already been obtained, so she was relieved.

Chen Li noticed that there was something wrong between Tang Shishi and Jiang Dongli. She looked at Tang Shishi and said, "Tang Shishi, you didn't expect that? Jiang Dongli would betray you for a document! How does it feel to be betrayed by a friend? "

"Whoever betrays whoever is the one to talk about it!" Tang Shishi looked at Chen Lihu's fake tiger's face with disdain, and said.She remembered that Chen Li used to be someone close to Shen He. After the fall of the Chen family, she never expected that Chen Li would join the camp of the Feng family, which was opposed to the Shen family.
(End of this chapter)

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