Chapter 498 True or False; (1)
"What do you mean?" Chen Li had a bad feeling in her heart.

"It means, from the very beginning, I knew about your tricks, and I came here today just to use your tricks!" Tang Shishi said lightly, looking at Chen Li with pity in her eyes.

"You—" Chen Li took out her pistol again with a swipe, facing Tang Shishi, her face distorted with hatred.

"Haha! He is indeed a smart and lovely person!" Feng Yunxiao, who was beside Chen Li, looked at Tang Shishi with great interest, and said.

Tang Shishi looked at Feng Yunxiao, her eyes were very indifferent, she didn't take the actions of Chen Li and Feng Yunxiao at all, and said to Jiang Dongli, "Let's go!"

Jiang Dongli nodded and followed Tang Shishi's footsteps.

"Second Young Master!" Chen Li couldn't frighten Tang Shishi when she saw the pistol. Seeing that Tang Shishi had already walked to the door, she couldn't help looking at Feng Yunxiao impatiently.

Although Chen Li had a gun in her hand, she did not dare to shoot casually without Feng Yunxiao's consent, even though at this moment, Chen Li was so angry that she wanted to beat Tang Shishi into a hornet's nest!

"Mrs. Ling, are you going to leave like this?" Feng Yunxiao's soft voice sounded.

Tang Shishi vaguely felt that things were not that simple, so she stopped again, and couldn't help but turn around and ask, "What else can Second Young Master teach you?"

"I don't dare to teach you, I just want the two of you to sit down and have a cup of tea, and then wait for an acquaintance!" Feng Yunxiao said calmly and calmly.

"Acquaintance?" Jiang Dongli spoke first, for some reason, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"The relationship with the two of you is extraordinary!" Feng Yunxiao's face became more feminine, which made people feel very cold and disgusting.

"Who?!" Tang Shishi asked eagerly with a feeling of uneasiness in her heart.

"Here she is!" Feng Yunxiao casually raised his hand and pointed at the door.As soon as his words fell, the door of the tea house was pushed open, and four muscular men came in, two of them were pulling a woman, and Tang Shishi and Jiang Dongli recognized the woman who was struggling All the women were shocked!
It's you who warms your heart!

"Heart-warming!" Tang Shishi screamed, seeing Jun Nuanxin being pushed and dragged in, Tang Shishi couldn't believe her eyes, her heart sank to the bottom!How did Nuan Xin get arrested? !

"Xinxin!" Jiang Dongli looked at Jun Nuanxin who had been kidnapped, and felt his mind go blank for a moment!
How could this be? !How did Xinxin fall into the hands of these beasts? !

Tang Shishi and Jiang Dongli looked at each other in horror, and the same question flashed in their eyes!Feng Yunxiao's move caught them off guard!

"Hmm..." Jun Nuanxin, whose mouth was gagged by the handkerchief, was taken aback when she saw Tang Shishi, and then glanced at the people around her in puzzlement. Obviously, she hadn't figured out the situation yet. When she saw Jiang Dongli , the confusion in his eyes deepened, as if he was asking——Dong Li, why are you here?

"Xinxin!" Jiang Dongli looked at Jun Nuanxin's small face, his eyes were complicated and hard to distinguish, but his heart was filled with pain.

He is the one who killed everyone!He is really too selfish. For his own family affairs, he involved so many people!
"Hmm... Mmm..." Jun Nuanxin glanced at Jiang Dongli, struggled vigorously, and asked Jiang Dongli for help.

The two big men holding Jun Nuanxin didn't seem to have heard it at all. With Feng Yunxiao's wink, they grabbed Jun Nuanxin's arm and walked towards Feng Yunxiao.

"Let go of her!" Tang Shishi couldn't help but yelled when she saw Jun Nuanxin frowned in pain, her big eyes were filled with steam, obviously hurt by being scratched.

It's just that those two big men seemed to have never heard of it, and continued to twist Jun Nuanxin's arm expressionlessly and walked forward.

"Let go of her!" Tang Shishi said angrily and made a quick move, grabbing the hand of one of the bodyguards who grabbed Jun Nuanxin's arm, and twisted it hard.

Who knew that the other party quickly twisted and flipped his wrist in disdain, and easily got rid of Tang Shishi's little hand. Obviously, the other party was also a practicing family.

Tang Shishi didn't dare to underestimate the enemy any longer, so she used both hands and feet, and quickly attacked the bodyguard's lower body and neck, and attacked him.

Originally, Tang Shishi wanted to attack the bodyguard's eyes, but because of her height disadvantage, she had to attack the bodyguard's relatively fragile neck.

The bodyguard was still firmly clamping Jun Nuanxin's arm with one hand, while the other arm blocked Tang Shishi's hand, and his body drifted nimbly, narrowly avoiding the attack on Tang Shishi's leg.

The black-clothed bodyguard didn't take Tang Shishi's attack seriously at first, but Tang Shishi's two moves in quick succession just now made him take a serious look at Tang Shishi and put away the frivolous look on his face.

As the saying goes, as soon as a connoisseur makes a move, he will know whether there is one. This is true for Tang Shishi, and it is also true for black-clothed bodyguards.

Seeing Tang Shishi make a move, Jiang Dongli was not far behind, and started fighting with another black-clothed bodyguard who was twisting Jun Nuanxin's arm.

Seeing this scene, Chen Li and Feng Yunxiao felt relieved. The two sat at the table. Chen Li diligently made a pot of tea and poured it for Feng Yunxiao. Feng Yunxiao picked up the teacup and sniffed it in satisfaction. Smell the tea, watch the live version of the martial arts drama, squint your eyes, and enjoy the leisurely tasting.

The other two bodyguards in black stood quietly with their hands down, acting as props, and did not intervene in the fight between Tang Shishi, Jiang Dongli and their other two companions.In their eyes, Tang Shishi, a woman, even if she has some kung fu foundation, is simply a petty brawler with no chance of winning against the dead men they have cultivated since childhood.

"Unexpectedly, this young lady Ling is not only pleasing to the eye, but also has some real kung fu, she is a little pepper!" Feng Yunxiao watched Tang Shishi kick aggressively on the leg of the black-clothed bodyguard, and the black-clothed bodyguard The bodyguard's body trembled involuntarily, and the muscles on his expressionless face twitched, revealing pain, and a gleam of approval and inevitable interest flashed across his eyes.

"It's just some fancy fists and embroidered legs. No matter how hard the fist is, it can't match the bullet!" Chen Li snorted coldly, looked at Tang Shishi with hatred on her face, and said indifferently.

"What do you know? Such a woman is delicious! Taming such a woman is like taming a fierce horse. The process is more interesting than the result." Feng Yunxiao took another sip of tea, watching Tang Shishi take the black man The bodyguard in clothes was kicked to the ground, with a frightening look in his eyes.

Chen Li listened to Feng Yunxiao's words, although she was very dissatisfied in her heart, she closed her mouth wisely, and just looked at Tang Shishi with even more vicious eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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