Chapter 501 True or False; (4)
Jun Nuanxin nodded desperately, for fear that Jiang Dongli would not believe it, she looked at Jiang Dongli eagerly with a pair of eyes, and stared at him affectionately.

Jiang Dongli was overjoyed, he turned his head to look at Tang Shishi, and said in surprise: "Sister-in-law San, you heard, Nuan Xin said that she likes me! She likes me!"

Tang Shishi nodded, watching the complex emotions flashing in Jiang Dongli's eyes, and sighed silently in her heart.

"Jiang Dongli, don't say these things are useless! Quickly tell Shao Feng your answer! Do you want to watch your lover submit to Feng Shao?" Chen Li threatened with a pistol as she spoke. Touching Jun Nuanxin's head, the meaning in the tone is very clear.

Jiang Dongli didn't want to see Jun Nuanxin warm Feng Shao's bed, so he quickly caught Tang Shishi!
After listening to Chen Li's words, Jun Nuanxin looked at Jiang Dongli with more and more helpless eyes, and became affectionate.

Jiang Dongli looked at Jun Nuanxin's small face, the muscles on his face twitched, he suddenly changed his affection, and said indifferently: "She will soon be Quan Shaobai's woman, what does it have to do with me?"

Chen Li and Jun Nuanxin were taken aback by Jiang Dongli's sudden change of face. They both opened their eyes wide and looked at Jiang Dongli in disbelief.

Feng Yunxiao looked at Jiang Dongli with some incredulity in his eyes, but then he understood, and tentatively tore Jun Nuanxin's clothes apart.

"Woooo..." Jun Nuanxin struggled and cried unbearably, looking at Jiang Dongli with despair and hatred in his eyes.

Jiang Dong Lihu turned his face away and didn't look at Jun Nuanxin, no matter what, seeing that face being treated like that, he had the urge to go berserk and kill someone!

Chen Li looked at Jiang Dongli, then at Tang Shishi who was standing there with calm eyes, stretched out her hand and mercilessly tore off Jun Nuanxin's red corset, leaving Jun Nuanxin's upper body completely exposed in the air .

Tang Shishi watched Jun Nuanxin show her resentful gaze towards herself, as if she was about to overwhelm herself, there was a hint of mockery in her eyes, and she said sarcastically: "Young Master Feng, your drama should come to an end! Don't dirty our eyes here."

After hearing Tang Shishi's words, Feng Yunxiao put away the wretched expression on his face just now, and retracted his hand without nostalgia. Looking at Tang Shishi, there was a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Only Chen Li didn't understand, so she looked at Feng Yunxiao and then at Tang Shishi, not knowing what kind of riddle the two of them were playing, which made her mind clouded.

"Mrs. Ling, should I praise you for your good eyesight, or for your ruthlessness?" Feng Yunxiao looked at Tang Shishi and asked in a frivolous tone.

"No, it's absolutely shameful to be praised by someone like you!" Tang Shishi said indifferently.She looked at Jun Nuanxin, who was still standing here topless, and felt scared for a while. She and Jiang Dongli almost fell into each other's trap. Unexpectedly, Feng Yunxiao even had such a sinister idea in order to deal with her. I can think of it all.

Just as Tang Shishi and Jiang Dongli expected, this Jun Nuanxin is not the real Jun Nuanxin, but a counterfeit who disguised himself as Jun Nuanxin!It's just that this counterfeit is really too similar!

Tang Shishi couldn't help but took a closer look at Jun Nuanxin. Except for a slight difference in the eyebrows and eyes, there was no flaw at all, and the other party knew Jun Nuanxin's preferences, even her favorite They knew the colors and brands of the clothes very well, and Jiang Dongli and Tang Shishi were nervous and anxious when they first saw Jun Nuanxin being kidnapped, so they wouldn't have observed it so carefully.Now Tang Shishi finally understands why Jun Nuanxin has been gagged all the time, because she is afraid of showing flaws in her "voice".

"I like your hard-talking appearance, it will be more challenging to tame like this!" Feng Yunxiao was not irritated by Tang Shishi's words, but looked at Tang Shishi with a smile, as if Tang Shishi was already in her pocket.

"You are entertaining yourself, and your ability to indulge yourself is really like a fairy farting!" Tang Shishi snorted coldly.

What does it mean?Zhou Hu winked at Leng Maolin in confusion.

Leng Maolin proudly raised his chin—the fairy fart means extraordinary!Fool!

Zhou Hu suddenly realized, with an educated look on his face.

Can't my sister-in-law use simple and easy-to-understand words?You have to be so smart and "fart"!
Feng Yunxiao's expression darkened after hearing Tang Shishi's words.

Chen Li finally seized the opportunity, pointed the gun in her hand at Tang Shishi, and shouted angrily: "Tang Shishi, you'd better be good to me, this bullet doesn't have eyes!"

It was only when "Jun Nuanxin" pushed away her muzzle and tidied her clothes slowly that she finally understood what the charades between Feng Yunxiao and Tang Shishi meant. Watching the counterfeit Jun Nuanxin tidy herself up After taking off her clothes, she gave her a vicious look. Chen Li couldn't get angry, so she had to transfer all her anger on Tang Shishi.

She didn't know that Feng Yunxiao had arranged this trick, and even she kept it from her!

"Chen Li, you are not suitable for having eyes!" Tang Shishi looked at Chen Li holding the black muzzle of a gun to herself, and said in a cold tone that her patience with this woman had reached its limit.

"You—" Chen Li stared at Tang Shishi, then asked Feng Yunxiao for instructions.She wanted to kill Tang Shishi, even in her dreams!
Tang Shishi looked at Chen Li's unwillingness to follow suit, twitched the corners of her lips contemptuously, and said to Jiang Dongli, "Let's go!" Then turned and left without any scruples!

"Tang Shishi, go to hell!" Seeing the contempt in Tang Shishi's eyes, Chen Li couldn't bear it any longer, no longer waited for Feng Yunxiao's instructions, and pulled the trigger on Tang Shishi's back.

"Sister-in-law be careful!" Although Jiang Dongli followed Tang Shishi and turned to leave, he was always on guard in his heart. The moment he heard the gunshot, he immediately blocked Tang Shishi with his body, ready to block the gun for her.

There was a bang!With a bang, a person's body fell to the ground!

Jiang Dongli's body shook involuntarily, and he closed his eyes tightly. After a while, he opened them again in confusion. There was no expected pain coming from his body. Jiang Dongli immediately looked at him with worry. Tang Shishi looked at him with a smile, and Jiang Dongli became more and more confused, but after confirming that Tang Shishi was safe and sound, Jiang Dongli finally felt relieved.

Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin, who were hiding in the dark, exchanged glances quickly when they heard the gunshot.

My master's marksmanship is getting more and more accurate, that position can knock out the bullets fired by Chen Li, what a genius!
Feng Yunxiao saw that the bullet Chen Li shot at Tang Shishi actually hit his bodyguard, his eyes wandered between Chen Li and Tang Shishi, his complexion immediately changed, and a ferocious look appeared on his feminine face. Looking at the people around him, he said, "Cover me and retreat!"

(End of this chapter)

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