Chapter 502 True or False; (5)
Of the four bodyguards brought by Feng Yunxiao, one died, and the one who couldn't move was still standing outside. The remaining two, after receiving the order, immediately covered Feng Yunxiao and ran into the tea room.

And that counterfeit Jun Nuanxin quickly followed, and before leaving, he took a bitter look at Tang Shishi.

Chen Li was still in the fear of being shot flying and hadn't recovered. After she was awakened by Feng Yunxiao's order to retreat, it was too late to leave.

Because Ling Rui, who was full of evil spirits, appeared in front of Chen Li stepping on the footsteps of the god of death, so frightened that the blood in Chen Li's body stopped flowing, and the pistol that was still held in her hand fell to the ground with a bang, and she felt guilty. Looking into Ling Rui's eyes in fear, panic and despair, when he saw the cold sword-like light in Ling Rui's eyes, he finally screamed unbearably!
"Ah—" Chen Li's scream was shrill and sharp, which made people's eardrums hurt.

Seeing Tang Shishi frowning uncomfortably, Zhou Hu stepped forward quickly with sharp eyes and raised his hand to chop Chen Li's neck.

The sound stopped abruptly, followed by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Tang Shishi smiled gratefully at Zhou Hu, and Zhou Hu immediately looked like he had made great military achievements, and gave Leng Maolin a step-slow look.

Leng Maolin cast an angrily glance at Zhou Hu.

"Master, a bomb has been planted in this teahouse, and it will detonate in 30 seconds!" Leng Maolin has more important things to express to Ling Rui.

"Call work!" Ling Rui spat out two words, then copied Tang poetry, and strode out the door.

"I can run by myself!" Tang Shishi complained dissatisfied!She's fast, okay?

"You're not as fast as I am!" Ling Rui said disapprovingly.

"I'm not as fast as you, but I'm faster than you holding me!" Tang Shishi was speechless, I really don't know what is going on in this man's mind!
"I hold you faster than you!" Ling Rui glanced at Tang Shishi sideways.

Tang Shishi just wanted to argue again, but there was a violent explosion behind her, and her stubborn little head was pressed into Ling Rui's arms. Tang Shishi was not pretentious, and took a peek at the tumbling fire, Wrapping her arms around Ling Rui's waist, she buried her head deeper in Ling Rui's generous chest.

The surrounding heat wave makes people feel very uncomfortable, but it is still more comfortable in the arms of the old hooligan.

No wonder that Feng Yunxiao was willing to withdraw so simply when Ling Rui appeared, it turned out that he had left behind!Want to blow them up!This despicable and shameless fellow!

"Stay here and deal with the aftermath!" Ling Rui gave Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin instructions, and left with Tang Shishi in his arms.

"Yes! Master!" Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin looked at Ling Rui's back and said in unison.

Jiang Dongli looked at Ling Rui's back, moved his lower lip, and finally said nothing. The words of gratitude are too thin. This kind of kindness can only be repaid when there is a chance in the future.

Jiang Dongli took out the document that Chen Li gave him, tore it into pieces, and threw it into the sea of ​​fire. Seeing those things turned into ashes, Jiang Dongli turned around and left with a complicated expression.

Ling Rui directly carried Tang Shishi to the passenger seat of the car, and after Ling Rui got in the car, he fastened Tang Shishi's seat belt before driving the car out.

"How did you find out that Nuanxin is a counterfeit?" Ling Rui couldn't help asking curiously, looking at Tang Shishi who was lazily leaning on the car seat with her eyes closed.

With the appearance of the counterfeit Mr. Nuanxin, even he was almost deceived, and he couldn't make a phone call to verify the situation at that time, which made him embarrassed for a while.

"Cut! What's so difficult about this!" Tang Shishi opened her big moist eyes when she heard Ling Rui's question, and raised her chin arrogantly.

In fact, under such circumstances, the counterfeit Jun Nuanxin did perform very successfully, but Feng Yunxiao's biggest failure was not understanding her and Jiang Dongli's feelings for Jun Nuanxin.

Why would the real Jun Nuanxin send a signal to Jiang Dongli for help first?
How could the real Jun Nuanxin push her out under such circumstances, and repeatedly instigate Jiang Dongli to make unfavorable choices for her, to attack her?
How could the real Jun Nuanxin voluntarily admit to having a one-night stand with Jiang Dongli in order to escape?And remember the details so clearly?

It's fine if others don't know, can Jiang Dongli and her not know?Jiang Dongli experienced it personally, and she heard Jun Nuanxin say that she was drunk that night and fell unconscious. When she woke up, she found that she was lying on the same bed with Jiang Dongli, naked, and Jun Nuanxin She doesn't have that kind of affection for Jiang Dongli at all. She and Jiang Dongli both know how much Jun Nuanxin blames herself for this matter and how much she wants to forget.

Therefore, from the time when the counterfeit Jun Nuanxin looked at Jiang Dongli with that hopeful and bewitching gaze, both Tang Shishi and Jiang Dongli became suspicious. What Jiang Dongli said later was just to prove them guesswork.

"Let's hear it!" Ling Rui looked like he was being educated humbly.

"Nothing happened that night between Nuan Xin and Jiang Dongli." Tang Shishi said lightly.This is what Jiang Dongli said to Tang Shishi himself when he was about to get off the car when he sent him back to the military compound on the day he was discharged from the hospital. However, Tang Shishi hadn't found a chance to tell Jun Nuanxin yet.

"So that's how it is!" Ling Rui chuckled knowingly, it seemed that he didn't help the wrong person this time!

A huge explosion occurred in Jiujiang Teahouse, which caused great repercussions in City B. Fortunately, the teahouse was closed that day, and there was no one else inside except for two men and a woman. After investigation and analysis by Wu Minzhou, the newly appointed chief of the police station, it was a love homicide. case, and found evidence to prove it, so the Jiujiang teahouse bombing case was quickly suppressed, and no one could refute it in front of strong evidence. Therefore, the Jiujiang teahouse case was soon perfected. case closed.

Besides, after Feng Yunxiao quickly evacuated from the secret passage of Jiujiang Tea House under the cover of bodyguards, he immediately made the decision to return to City A.

His whereabouts here have been completely exposed, and if he stays any longer, he will only die.

The black Mercedes had just driven out of City B. When passing by a gas station, the bodyguard on the car went down to relieve himself, and the other bodyguard got off to supervise the refueling. When they got on the car again, they didn't notice anything wrong. When driving the car for more than 50 kilometers, I realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the car. I hurriedly stopped the car and raised the baffle inside the car. The two bodyguards were stunned immediately!
Feng Yunxiao had been dead for about half an hour, his eyes seemed to protrude, and the expression on his face was very distorted. It could be seen that he suffered a lot when he died, and one of his hands was crushed. Cut off, and the other hand firmly held a soft object, which was the thing that the man passed on from generation to generation. The two bodyguards looked carefully, and the thing was no longer in its proper place. Countless cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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