Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 503 Shall we give birth to a little hooligan too?

Chapter 503 Shall we give birth to a little hooligan too? (1)
Although this method of killing is not cruel compared to those of perverted murderers, it is cruel enough for a man!

The impostor with Jun Nuan's heart-warming face in the carriage was nowhere to be found. The bodyguard hesitated for a moment, and drove the car back towards City A.

"Has the person been dealt with?" In the darkness, a man's cold and charming voice sounded.

"Young Master, it's already been dealt with." The tender female voice replied.

The man twirled the goblet in his hand, looking at the scarlet liquid inside, the corner of his mouth raised a meaningful arc.

Feng Yunxiao died tragically, and the Feng family naturally placed the blame on the Jun family.Feng Yunxiao's death, if the Feng family swallows this bitter fruit in silence, it means that the Feng family will not even have the strength to compete with the Jun family, so even though the Feng family clearly knows that someone is behind the scenes and wants to make them If you fight with the Jun family, you will lose both sides, but compared to the black hand behind you, the Jun family's power is much weaker. Therefore, the Feng family has recently started to move around again, making frequent moves and doing a lot of things against the Jun family.

The so-called persimmons are picked and squeezed softly, which probably means this.

Ling Rui closed the information he had just received, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the cautious smile on Ling Rui's face, Zhou Hu knew that someone was going to be in trouble again.

Since the explosion of the Jiujiang teahouse, Ling Rui asked Wu Mingen to use this excuse to wipe out almost all the invisible industries of the Feng family faction in city B, cut off part of the Feng family's funds, and even sent several members of the standing committee of the municipal party committee in city B The Feng faction in the family was killed, which caused a lot of complaints in the Feng family faction.

However, the Feng family faction always adheres to the old concept that a thin camel is bigger than a horse, and believes that the power of the Jun family is far inferior to that of the Feng family, and they continue to provoke them recklessly.

"Let City A start to act." Ling Rui ordered lightly.

"Yes! Lord!" Zhou Hu saluted excitedly.

"What's changed over there?" Ling Rui picked up another document, glanced at it twice, and asked.

"No! The other end is sitting on the mountain watching tigers fight, and is complacent!" Zhou Hu rolled his eyes and mourned for those ignorant people for three seconds.

Ling Rui looked at Zhou Hu who had recently started to take the ruffian route, and with a frown, Zhou Hu immediately became serious.

Ling Rui raised his hand to look at his watch, and asked Leng Maolin beside him, "What's her plan for today?"

This she, of course, refers to Tang Shishi.

Leng Maolin mechanically replied: "Today is the end of the one-month period. There will be three hours of shooting training in the morning, and there will be an assessment at two o'clock in the afternoon."

Ling Rui looked at his watch again, it was almost 01:30, and he should have time to rush over now.

The one month stipulated by Yunmo passed by in a flash, and today is the day when Yunmo will assess Tang poetry.Although Tang Shishi had a lot of things to do during this period, the training that should be done was not missed. Even so, at the moment of the exam, Tang Shishi was still a little uneasy.

In the huge shooting range, Tang Shishi, Yunmo, Jun Mubei and Chris were standing at the moment.

"Shishi, don't be nervous, just keep your usual mentality during practice." Chris comforted Tang Shishi's fingers as they tightened, loosened, tightened, and then loosened on the handle of the gun.

Tang Shishi smiled at Chris, and then took a deep breath secretly.

"Thief girl, look at your virtues, hitting it wrong is nothing more than wasting a few bullets!" Jun Mubei looked at Tang Shishi and laughed.

Tang Shishi gave Jun Mubei a blank look, and then glanced at Yunmo, who had brows and brows without saying a word.

The second aunt Yunmo is her shooting teacher. Through getting along with her during these days, Tang Shishi discovered another Yunmo who is completely different from usual——rigorous, calm, wise, and steady. This kind of Yunmo completely overturned Zaijun That Yunmo in the family compound made Tang Shishi feel admiration from the bottom of her heart, even awe.

"Chris, come and accompany Shishi to shoot around fixed targets first." Yunmo saw Tang Shishi's nervousness and said.

"My honor!" Chris said, walked to Tang Shishi, picked up a pistol, weighed it, then smiled at Tang Shishi, and said, "Shishi, actually shooting is a lot of fun. , you just take the target on the opposite side as the thing you are most interested in, just like me, now I think that target is a plate of delicious spaghetti!"

After Chris finished speaking, he raised his hand and shot, and the word "10" was displayed on the target reporter.The smile on Chris' face remained unchanged, then he picked up a gun again, turned it in his hand, and said: "Dang's Roast Duck!" After the gunshot sounded, there was another ten rings.

"Braised pork!"

“Crispy Chicken Wings!”

“Spicy fish!”

Tang Shishi watched Chris walking all the way, ten guns, and reported the names of ten dishes, all cooked by Tang Shishi at this stage. Chris loves the dishes very much. After each dish name, there is a ten ring report it.

After Chris finished playing, he swallowed hard, feeling that the lunch he had just had was consumed with these ten shots.

Tang Shishi looked at Chris, dumbfounded, is this okay? !
"Shishi, it's your turn!" Yunmo glanced at Chris amusedly, and then said to Tang Shishi.

"Oh!" Tang Shishi nodded and agreed. Although she was not as nervous as before, she was still a little worried. The hand holding the pistol was sweating a little.

Raise your gun, aim, and shoot!The first shot was fired, and a six rings jumped out of the target reporting device. Tang Shishi breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that the first shot would miss the target!
Liu Huan's grades are neither bad nor bad, which reflects her true level.

With the beginning, the following nine shots were not so tense. Tang Shishi shot four six rings, two seven rings, two fifth rings, one eighth ring, and one fourth ring. The average score was six rings.

"Oh! It's really horrible!" Jun Mubei joked as he looked at the numbers on the target reporting device.

Tang Shishi wished she could hang her head to the ground.It took Chris 2 shots 10 minutes to hit the red heart, and she took [-] shots for [-] minutes to achieve such a result!
"The result is unsatisfactory, it's a normal performance. Boy Bei, for the moving target below, you can practice with Shishi!" Yunmo commented on Tang Shishi's shooting results, and then asked Tang Shishi to test the moving target.

"Thief woman! Watch out! I'll let you know how powerful I am, second brother!" Jun Mubei said carelessly when he heard Yunmo's words.

Tang Shishi glared at Jun Mubei, but she was looking forward to Jun Mubei's performance in her heart. The fact that Ling Rui intercepted Chen Li's bullet and killed a bodyguard of Feng Yunxiao that day was still fresh in her memory. Later, she pestered Ling Rui and asked him a lot about his shooting practice. She knew that Ling Rui and Jun Mubei's shooting were taught and personally guided by their second aunt Yunmo since childhood, so when she saw Jun Mubei was about to draw his gun, She really wanted to know if Jun Mubei's shooting skills were also so superb.

(End of this chapter)

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