Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 505 Shall we give birth to a little hooligan too?

Chapter 505 Shall we give birth to a little hooligan too? (3)
"Do you blame him?" Tang Shishi asked.Tang Shishi asked Jun Nuanxin this question when she told Jun Nuanxin that Jiang Dongli didn't take advantage of Jun Nuanxin's drunkenness, but Jun Nuanxin didn't answer her at that time, so Tang Shi Shi couldn't help but asked again.

"Actually, I have never really blamed him. On the contrary, I am very grateful to him. Especially after knowing that he has done so many things for me, I feel that I have no right to blame him at all!" Jun Nuanxin said in a low voice. Say.

Although she and Jiang Dongli are still a little awkward now, and don't know how to get along with each other for a while, but in her heart, Jiang Dongli will be her good buddy all her life!

"With your words, Dong Li should feel at ease." Tang Shishi patted Jun Nuanxin on the shoulder and said, "Live a good life with Shaobai!"

"Yeah!" Jun Nuanxin agreed with a smile.

"Shishi, I haven't seen you for a long time!" As soon as Tang Shishi entered the bar, Liang Yue gave Tang Shishi a big hug.

Tang Shishi looked at Liang Yue in surprise. It had been a long time since she had seen her. Liang Yue's complexion was rosy, and the smile on her face was much larger.

"Sister Liang, women who are nourished by love are different!" Tang Shishi said with a smile, then looked at Jiang Fei behind Liang Yue, and jokingly said: "If you keep hugging like this, the person behind you will probably die Throw me out!"

"He dare not!" Liang Yue let go of Tang Shishi while speaking.

Jiang Fei smiled helplessly at Tang Shishi, looked at Liang Yue and said honestly, "I dare not!"

Liang Yuefei glanced at Jiang Fei, and some warm red flooded her face.

Tang Shishi chuckled.She heard Jun Nuanxin ramble about Liang Yue and Jiang Fei.

Liang Yue's temperament belongs to the strong type, while Jiang Fei is the dull gourd type, not good at expressing words. These two people are obviously interested in each other, but they have been misunderstood a lot, especially Jiang Fei has always had a woman watching over him. , So after what happened to Liang Yue, the awkward relationship between the two of them was frozen in an instant, and under Liang Yue's insistence, they came to the step of divorce.Later, because of some chances, the misunderstanding between the two was finally solved, and the old one was rebuilt. Jiang Fei now lives in the Moonlight Bar every day and competes with Liang Yue for a bed. It is said that Jiang Fei has proposed to Liang Yue several times, but Liang Yue He kept on not nodding.

"Sister Liang, why don't you and Brother Jiang remarry tomorrow, and be with Nuan Xin as companions," Tang Shishi suggested.

"Okay, okay!" Jun Nuanxin listened to Tang Shishi's proposal, and immediately responded enthusiastically, pulling Liang Yue's arm and said: "Sister Yue, anyway, there is a difference between the two of you now. It's too late, why don't we go and handle this matter tomorrow! Anyway, give Brother Jiang a legitimate identity!"

"He's my ex-husband and boyfriend now, isn't that justifiable?" Liang Yue rolled her eyes at Jun Nuanxin.Today is to celebrate Jun Nuanxin saying goodbye to being single tomorrow, why are these two women turning the topic around to themselves.

Liang Yue looked at Jiang Fei's direction inadvertently, and found that he was eagerly waiting for his answer, and his face was burning.

"Of course! Is there anyone who is divorced and still lives with her ex-husband? Even if it's a boyfriend, without that book, living together like this, isn't it justifiable or not?" Jun Nuanxin received Jiang Fei's help-seeking gaze, and immediately Lobbying Liang Yuelai hard.

"We call this a trial marriage!" Liang Yue retorted with a blushing face.

"Sister Liang, you and Brother Jiang have been trying to marry for several years, what are you trying to do? You don't plan to sleep with Brother Jiang, are you irresponsible?" Tang Shishi joked with Liang Yue.

"Tang Shishi! You woman is becoming more and more unreliable! How can your Major General Ling stand up to your scumbag?" Liang Yue felt a little furious after hearing Tang Shishi's words.

"My Major General Ling loves my tune!" Tang Shishi retorted without thinking, thinking that her little skill was nothing compared to that old rascal Ling Rui.

Liang Yue was speechless, and finally pushed Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin away helplessly, and said, "Today's protagonist is Nuan Xin, you two don't digress!"

"I'm in a good mood today. In order to celebrate that Nuanxin will finally be claimed home tomorrow, I decided to cook myself!" Tang Shishi knew that Liang Yue was thin-skinned and couldn't continue to make trouble. Hearing Liang Yue's words, he changed the subject.

"Isn't it you who cook or who? Jiang Fei and I went shopping early this morning. There are a lot of ingredients in the kitchen, just waiting for you!" Liang Yue said bluntly.

When Jun Nuanxin heard what Tang Shishi said about claiming or not, she frowned, pouted her mouth pretending to be angry, and said resentfully, "Sister-in-law San, I'm not a stray cat or dog!"

"Shout! You're not happy anymore. Since you're not happy, I'll call Quan Shaobai immediately and explain that the trip to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow will be cancelled!" Tang Shishi said deliberately as a joke, and took out her phone in cooperation.

"Sister-in-law three! You know how to bully me!" Jun Nuanxin snatched Tang Shishi's cell phone in her hand and said angrily.

"Oh! Look at your impatient mockup! How embarrassing!" Tang Shishi said with a smile, not missing the opportunity to tease Jun Nuanxin.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Jun Nuanxin blushed like an apple when Tang Shishi made fun of her.She feels that everything is so unreal these days, as if in a dream, tomorrow she and Quan Shaobai will get the certificate, and after getting the marriage certificate, they will be a legal couple. After tomorrow, she will move to the Bai family mansion Going to live here, she and Quan Shaobai can go out as a couple, and even - sleep together.

Thinking of this, Jun Nuanxin was nervous and looking forward to it.

Tang Shishi and Liang Yue saw that Jun Nuanxin was blushing and silent, and there was a dreamy smile on his face. They probably guessed what Jun Nuanxin was thinking in their hearts. He held her hostage on the sofa, scratched her itch, and forced a confession: "Be honest, did you think of something inappropriate for children!"

"You two bad guys! I didn't!" Jun Nuan's heart was exposed, and his face was on fire.

"Not honest! Look at me!" Liang Yue threateningly stretched out her claws to Jun Nuan after hearing what Jun Nuan said.

"Sister Yue, you bully people! You are not suitable for children! You and Jiang Fei are so noisy at night, I am embarrassed to sleep in the bar these days!" Jun Nuanxin couldn't stand Liang Yue's attack, and fought back While breaking the news.

"Wow! Sister Liang, I didn't expect this to happen!" Tang Shishi listened to Jun Nuanxin's words, and there was an expression full of interest and treachery on her face.

Liang Yue couldn't help but blush too, but after all, she has been in the shopping mall for several years, and she has already cultivated a pair of copper skin and iron bones. What? I don’t believe that Major General Ling of your family can stop torturing you! Tell me honestly, how many times do you and Major General Ling of your mother’s family do it every night?”

(End of this chapter)

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