Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 506 Shall we give birth to a little hooligan too?

Chapter 506 Shall we give birth to a little hooligan too? (4)
Tang Shishi was questioned by Liang Yue, she turned her big eyes, and said to Liang Yue: "We can't fall into this guy Nuan Xin's scheme to sow discord, we should force her to confess!"

Liang Yue didn't get entangled with Tang Shishi, and immediately aimed at Jun Nuanxin again, and said, "Be honest! Please don't itch!"

"You two bad guys!" Jun Nuanxin kept giggling while dodging, but she bit her mouth tightly and refused to confess.

Jiang Fei looked helplessly at the three women frolicking on the sofa, his eyes lingering on Liang Yuehong's fluttering little face for a while, and then he planned to go to the kitchen to wash the dishes he bought, especially Liang Yue Some of my favorite dishes recently.

Today the bar is closed to the public, just a few of them, and they have to do everything by themselves.

Just as Jiang Fei was about to leave, he heard someone calling him sadly behind him.

"Brother Jiang!" Xu Manlin often came to Jiang Fei these days, but most of the time Jiang Fei avoided seeing him. It was rare to see Jiang Fei as soon as she came in like today.

The appearance of Xu Manlin made the three women who were frolicking on the sofa stop. When Liang Yue saw Xu Manlin, her face darkened, and she sat on the sofa and looked at Xu Manlin coldly without speaking.

The moment Tang Shishi saw Xu Manlin, she felt a familiar feeling in her heart. She thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that at the funeral of Mrs. Bai, this woman stood with Bai Mo. She didn't know what she said, and her heart slipped. Be alert.

Jun Nuanxin was pinned on the sofa, thinking that Tang Shishi and Liang Yue let her go out of kindness, but when she noticed the strange look on Tang Shishi and Liang Yue's faces, she couldn't help asking curiously: "Why? Already?" When she sat up and saw Xu Manlin in the bar, she couldn't help yelling, "Who told you to come in? Get out!"

Xu Manlin feels like an annoying fly to Jun Nuanxin. Jun Nuanxin hates the fact that she would come to the bar every now and then to find Jiang Fei and make Liang Yue unhappy, so of course she would not give it to her. Good face!
"I came to look for Brother Jiang, not you! Why do you treat me like this!" Xu Manlin said unconvinced when she heard Jun Nuanxin's words.

In the past, she was very afraid of Jun Nuanxin, but it's different now. With the support of her sister Bai Mo, her waist will naturally straighten up, especially since she is wearing a set of brand-name clothes that her sister gave her today. It made her more confident.

Jun Nuanxin looked at Xu Manlin, with disgust in his eyes.

"Jiang Fei, do you want to go with her or stay? Let me clarify once and for all today!" Jun Nuanxin finally looked at Jiang Fei with a very displeased tone.

"Jun Nuanxin! Don't always hold on to your identity and just yell at Big Brother Jiang like this!" Xu Manlin said angrily when Jun Nuanxin called Jiang Fei's name directly, with a look of indignation on her face.

"Miss Xu, I have already told you very clearly, please don't disturb my life anymore!" Jiang Fei didn't care about Jun Nuanxin's attitude. When he was working as Ling Yue's driver, Jun Nuanxin He kept calling him Jiang Fei, and everyone in the Jun family also called him that way. He didn't feel that there was anything wrong, nor did he think it was disrespect from the other party.

"Brother Jiang, do you see my clothes today, are they beautiful?" Xu Manlin asked jumpily as if she hadn't heard Jiang Fei's words at all. exposed under the eyes of everyone.

Jiang Fei looked at Xu Manlin puzzled, not understanding what she meant by saying this.Liang Yue lowered her eyes slightly at this moment, not looking at anyone at all, no one knew what she was thinking at the moment.

On the contrary, Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin looked at each other and smiled unkindly.

Xu Manlin's skin is yellowish, so it's not suitable for wearing orange-red clothes, which will make people's complexion darker, but the clothes Xu Manlin is wearing today are orange-red.

"Xu Manlin, you're wearing an outdated dress, what's there to show off? It's an old style from Chanel a few years ago, but it matches you quite well. It's just as old-fashioned!" Jun Nuan said bluntly. Hitting Xu Manlin.

When Xu Manlin heard Jun Nuanxin's words, she was obviously stunned. When Bai Mo gave her this dress, she clearly saw that the brand on the dress hadn't been removed. How could it be an old style from a few years ago?

"You're lying!" Xu Manlin didn't believe Jun Nuanxin's words at all, and looked at Jun Nuanxin very fiercely.

"Are you lying? You can find out with the brand name on the clothes. Could it be that your clothes are meant for others not to throw into the trash?" Tang Shishi thought of Bai Mo and Xu Manlin at Mrs. Bai's funeral Talking things, deliberately said so.

Who knew that Tang Shishi's original unintentional sentence stepped on Xu Manlin's sore feet. She glanced at Tang Shishi angrily, and then turned her attention to Liang Yue who had been silent and didn't even look at her. Looking at Jiang Fei at last, his face turned red and then pale, but he stomped away without saying anything.

She had to go back and look at the clothes tag that was cut off before, to find out if it was what the two women said!
Seeing Xu Manlin leave, Jiang Fei sighed helplessly, then looked at Liang Yue who had never spoken, walked to Liang Yue and sat down.

Both Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin saw that Jiang Fei had something to say to Liang Yue, so they consciously hid in the kitchen, leaving space for the two of them.

"Sister-in-law three, what's going on with Yueshan?" Jun Nuanxin still regrets Wang Yueshan's absence today.

Tang Shishi didn't expect Jun Nuanxin to suddenly ask about Wang Yueshan, and leaned over to whisper a few words in Jun Nuanxin's ear.

"Sister-in-law three! Are you serious?! Yueshan, she really—" Jun Nuanxin raised her voice excitedly, and felt that she was too excited, so she covered her mouth with her hand, just There was a eager brilliance in those beautiful eyes, and she was extremely excited.

"En." Tang Shishi nodded.

"Great! I didn't expect this guy to run ahead of us!" Jun Nuanxin said happily.

"Yes! So hurry up and have a baby with Quan Shaobai!" Tang Shishi looked at Jun Nuanxin and said with a smile, this guy has been active a lot recently, and he likes to make a fuss about everything.

"We're not married yet!" Jun Nuanxin couldn't help blushing when Tang Shishi mentioned Quan Shaobai, and said to Tang Shishi stiffly, "You and my third brother have been married for so long, why are you still married?" Don't hurry up?"

After hearing Jun Nuanxin's words, Tang Shishi couldn't help but want to tickle her again!This girl is getting sharper and sharper!

But when she thought of her child, Tang Shishi remembered that painful child who misunderstood her as a third party. These days, she would receive his harassing text messages from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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