Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 507 It's a trick!Framed!

Chapter 507 It's a trick!Framed! (1)
By the time Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin had cooked some dishes and left the kitchen, Liang Yue and Jiang Fei had already "reconciled". Waist, looking at Liang Yue, with tender affection in his eyes.

The three women played wildly all day, drank some red wine, and made a fuss until very late. If Ling Rui and Quan Shaobai hadn't driven to arrest them, Tang Shishi would have planned to stay with Jun Nuanxin tonight In the bar, not going back.

On Quan Shaobai's side, tonight, Ling Rui, Jun Mubei, and Du Haoyang also drank and celebrated in Jinfen's exclusive private room. When Ling Rui received a call from Tang Shishi, saying that he planned to sleep in the Moonlight Bar, Seeing Ling Rui's dark complexion, Quan Shaobai heard Jun Nuanxin quarreling over there, and kept yelling that he would not go home, fearing that Jun Nuanxin would be taught a lesson by Ling Rui, so he came along worriedly.

Of course, the most important thing is that Quan Shaobai misses Jun Nuanxin, and when he thinks of Jun Nuanxin drunk, with a small face that is smoky red, and his eyes are misty, Quan Shaobai feels that the blood in his whole body is about to boil up.

Each carried the person into the car, Ling Rui looked at the naked lust in Quan Shaobai's eyes, and said coldly: "Send me home safely!"

After hearing Ling Rui's words, Quan Shaobai felt as if someone had poured cold water on his head. Looking at Ling Rui's serious face, he gritted his teeth angrily, but he still drove obediently behind Ling Rui's car, anyway. This is the last night. Tomorrow, this woman will be his legitimate wife!
Thinking of this, Quan Shaobai looked at Jun Nuanxin, who was sleeping soundly in the co-pilot, with a contented and happy smile on his face.

Tang Shishi didn't know how she got home, let alone how she got on the bed, but she knew that someone was taking off her clothes at this moment.

"Smelly rascal! Tired of work! How dare you take off my sister's clothes!" Tang Shishi said while throwing a punch at someone who was slapping her.

Ling Rui didn't expect Tang Shishi to make a sudden attack. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, gathered Tang Shishi's claws in his palm, and patiently peeled off Tang Shishi's clothes when Tang Shishi was jealous and did not cooperate.

Tang Shishi drank a lot of wine, her mind was a little blurred, her eyes were a little foggy, she saw that the man in front of her looked like Ling Rui, but he didn't look like Ling Rui, when Ling Rui was provoked by her, she attached herself to suppress him When she was there, she finally understood her current situation.

"Old rascal, Yueshan and Sister Liang are going to be mothers, shall we have a little rascal too?" Tang Shishi no longer resisted, but stretched out her arms and hooked Ling Rui's neck, breathing out alcohol, Ask Ling Rui for his opinion seriously.

When we were eating today, there was actually a small episode. Liang Yue saw her favorite sea bass vomit, which frightened them all. Later, they were sent to the hospital for an examination, and found out that she was almost two weeks pregnant. It's been a month, and this made several of them very happy, especially Jiang Fei, whose eye circles were red with excitement, and Tang Shishi even saw him turn his face away to secretly wipe away tears.

They are four good friends, Wang Yueshan is going to be a mother, Liang Yue is going to be a mother, but she, who has been married for several months, has not moved at all. She also wants a child, and she wants one who looks like Ling Rui The child, just like Ling Rui on the music box, is a little bun!
Ling Rui didn't expect Tang Shishi to say such words, so he stopped. He thought of the child who died young, and looked at Tang Shishi with inexplicable bitterness in his eyes.

He wanted to tell Tang Shishi about the child, but he couldn't say it.

Another day, it's really not a good time for the little wild cat to be so drunk today.

"Old rascal, talk!" Tang Shishi couldn't wait for Ling Rui's answer for a long time, and angrily gnawed on Ling Rui's chin, urging her, and before Ling Rui could speak, she let go of Ling Rui's neck with both hands, Along Ling Rui's waist all the way down...

She is going to give birth to a little rascal, don't bring a little raincoat!

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi with a headache, not knowing how to react.

"Old rascal! Why don't you answer me? Is it because you don't like me giving birth to you at all!" Tang Shishi opened her eyes wide in anger, looked at Ling Rui, the alcohol began to hit her head, she shook Shaking his head, he looked at Ling Rui stubbornly, but his eyes began to gather grievances.

"Don't think about it!" Ling Rui tugged at Tang Shishi's nose and said with a sigh.

"I'm not thinking wildly! You really are!" Tang Shishi began to let out her drunkenness: "Maybe, you have already let other women give birth to a hooligan outside, so you don't care about me!" Tang Shishi said Then he began to cry, his tone full of self-pity.

She thought of the hostile child who sent her a message. He and his mother must have been kept outside, so they couldn't see the light, right?
"Nonsense!" Although Ling Rui knew that Tang Shishi's drunken words could not be taken seriously at the moment, he was still a little angry, and he couldn't help but squeeze in, and started tossing around violently. Since the little wild cat can't make sense now, he should do it differently. Way!

Tang Shishi quickly sank into Ling Rui's enthusiasm, and didn't even notice what Ling Rui was doing again at the last moment, and finally fell asleep peacefully in Ling Rui's broad arms.

At about two o'clock in the morning, Tang Shishi's cell phone rang violently. Ling Rui opened his eyes vigilantly, picked up Tang Shishi's cell phone from the bedside table, and saw Liang Yue's name constantly beating on it. There was a trace of doubt, but in order not to wake Tang Shishi up, she connected the phone immediately.

As soon as the phone was connected, Jiang Fei called for help urgently and panicked: "Shishi, Liang Yue was taken away!"

Jiang Fei's eager, bewildered and terrified voice was especially clear in the silent night.

"What?! Who did it?!" Tang Shishi has been sleeping lightly recently. Although she drank some wine last night, her head is still dizzy and uncomfortable, but Jiang Fei's words are like a blockbuster. The uncomfortable feeling disappeared in an instant.

"Shishi! Save her!" Hearing Tang Shishi's voice, Jiang Fei shouted as if he had found a savior.

"Don't worry, tell me clearly, who did it?!" Tang Shishi yelled at the hands-free mobile phone, and put on her clothes quickly.

"I don't know, they are all covering their faces!" Jiang Fei's voice was helpless, and it sounded extremely bleak in the quiet night.

Because of Liang Yue's pregnancy, Jiang Fei and Liang Yue were so excited that they couldn't sleep. After Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin left, the two of them packed up and went back to the room on the second floor of the bar. After washing, they lay on the bed Chatting in the bar, I didn't feel sleepy until very late, but at this time, the bar was broken into by people, and those people smashed things when they saw them, and when they saw Jiang Fei and Liang Yue, they would not say anything. He held Liang Yue hostage and took her away.

(End of this chapter)

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